Must see: women's beach volleyball final between Americans and Chinese

Water Bottle - 水瓶

America's Walsh/May-Treanor just beat Brazil in semi final and will play against the winner of two Chinese teams on Thursday for gold. China's Tian Jia (田佳)/Wang Jie(王洁) are right now playing with Xue Chen(薛晨)/Zhang Xi(张希)on another semi-final.

Note that this is the 107th consecutive win of Walsh/May-Treanor (Kerri Walsh and Misty May) who won gold 4 years ago. It will be the first in Olympic history to win two gold in a row in beach volleyball, if they do win.

[media][/media]Don't know too much about these two Chinese pairs. Really hope they 大爆冷门 this time.

It's going to be exciting!!!:flaming::flaming::flaming:
I watched those games too last night. Actually I liked Xue Chen(薛晨)/Zhang Xi(张希) more. But I really admired the spirit of Tian Jia (田佳)/Wang Jie(王洁) that they could get back in such difficult situation. I am looking forward to see them beating American team.
I watched those games too last night. Actually I liked Xue Chen(薛晨)/Zhang Xi(张希) more. But I really admired the spirit of Tian Jia (田佳)/Wang Jie(王洁) that they could get back in such difficult situation. I am looking forward to see them beating American team.

Agree. Xue/Zhang are more experienced but Tian/Wang are better skilled with lots of potential...I read.

To be honest, it will be a miracle if Xue/Zhang can beat Welsh/May. BUT, miracle can happen.
昨天的八人园桌会议开得特别好。Pizza, KFC and water, drink...伺候, 边看沙排决赛。
还是觉得薛晨/张希打得好一点。当然主要对手是巴西而不是美国。真希望能看一场她们对MAY/WALSH的比赛! 哪怕只是赢一局。也灭灭她们不输一局的神话。

今天一大早又爬起来看了女排的比赛,开始还激情高涨,看到第三局真的挺失望的。 快球一向是我们的强项啊,怎么让人家发挥得淋漓尽致的. 看来还是得把郎平请回来。
Thanks for the tips from some of you, I finally got my QQQTV working. And also got up earlier to watch the same game. Sort of depressing. Especially the third set. "BRA" 队把她们的优势发挥得淋漓精致。