(ZT) 同是奥运做假:西方对中国、澳洲的区别对待

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倍可亲(backchina.com)   北京奥运开幕礼安排7岁女童杨沛宜为台前表演的9岁女童林妙可幕后代唱,惹来风波,「造假」抨击声不绝。但澳洲媒体近日揭露,8年前悉尼奥运开幕式上,一场由享誉国际的悉尼交响乐团演奏,原来也「造假」,音乐家只是在台上做动作,台下播放的是另一竞争对手乐团的「代奏录音」。


  相比下「代唱风波」的争议就大得多,在西方尤其招来「造假」批判,甚至扯上意识形态。但《悉尼晨锋报》却报道,原来悉尼奥运会同样为了「追求完美」,安排「幕后代奏」。悉尼奥运会开幕表演团体「悉尼交响乐团」(Sydney Symphony)证实,他们当天的表演并非现场演出,当中有部分更是由其对手、墨尔本交响乐团(Melbourne Symphony Orchestra)演奏。悉尼交响乐团总监克里斯蒂(Libby Christie)承认:「表演全部预先录音,墨尔本交响乐团录了一小部分表演的乐曲。我们基本上只是做样扮演奏。」

  克氏解释,乐团没有即席演奏,皆因悉尼奥组委人员「希望万无一失」,而且因为时间紧迫工作繁多,所以要动用两个乐团合作事先录音。墨尔本交响乐团总监格林(Trevor Green)则称:「(由两个乐团分工预录)纯因工作量的问题。没所谓乐团之间孰优孰劣。那是相当正常的做法。假如奥运会在墨尔本举行,我肯定悉尼交响乐团也会有份。」



  有关报道在北美华人社区传开后,不少华文媒体都甚感不平,质疑西方媒体炒作林妙可风波、给中国冠上「造假之国」恶名,但对悉尼奥运「演奏造假」非但没有批评这个成功隐瞒了8年的真相,甚至连转载报道都没有。以「sydney olympic」在Google搜寻相关新闻,出现的只有《悉尼晨锋报》和《年代报》的报道,以及《纽约时报》一个记者网志有提及。



  ●真惨,我们已堕落到无论是个人、交响乐团和政府,都认为在现场表演中出现瑕疵,比起事后被揭不老实,远远更为尴尬。网民David Paris



  ●为何大家就是不把奥运视作一个精彩大骚去欣赏呢?为何硬要鸡蛋里挑骨头?这似乎有一些针对中国的种族主义味道。网民Mini Vinnilli






  以下文章节译自《悉尼晨锋报》评论"Western media shows its ugly face",作者为John Garnaut。


  2.5万名赴京采访的外国记者中,很多都作出这种评语:中国比西方过去所想像的更专制,而最能用来支持西方这种负面评价的一则报道,就是「中国领导人下令7岁女孩杨沛宜不得在开幕式中亮相,因为她『脸孔太胖牙齿不齐』(chubby face and crooked teeth)」。

  这则故事以不同形式化身,在澳洲以至西方流传。《澳洲人报》便称,是政治局成员下令必须换掉杨沛宜,因她「不够漂亮在亿计电视观众前亮相」。澳洲《每日电讯报》更称,杨因为「被认为太丑样」而被换。评论员以这些报道为基础高谈阔论。澳洲《时代报》称事件是「中国对奥运以至世界有覑两种嘴脸的缩影」,《巴尔的摩太阳报》评论员Kathleen Park更将事件比作1936年纳粹德国奥运:「感性并不容於极权世界。在这种世界,欺骗是年轻人学得最好的一科。」


  但这种论调的一大问题,是根本没证据支持「杨是因为太丑样或烂牙而被换掉」。博客Roland Song在香港「东南西北」网站,仔细审阅了所有开幕礼主要人士的回应原话,发现他们根本没公开说过这种话,「最近似」的是开幕式音乐总监陈其钢向中央电视台说,主办单位找了杨来彩排,但最后临时换人。「(在场观看)的一位政治局领袖给我意见,认为要改……原因是出於国家利益。出镜的孩子,在形象上、在内心感觉上、在表情上等都应该无瑕。」



悉尼演奏作假 (ZT)
Great Olympic musical deceptions of our time

Great Olympic musical deceptions of our time
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SYDNEY has its Opera House - but has it got a real orchestra? Within days of NSW Premier Morris Iemma making unwise cracks about Melbourne being left off the World Monopoly board, The Sunday Age can reveal that the Sydney Symphony Orchestra mimed key parts of its performance at the opening of the Sydney Games in 2000.
And it gets better - it was, in fact, the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra whose brilliant playing was heard by millions around the world at the Sydney Olympic opening ceremony.
The MSO's superior sounds (pre-recorded just for the ceremony) were played as the orchestra went through the motions - the showbiz short cut of using "backing tapes", usually done to carry ageing or incompetent performers. Remember Milli Vanilli?
So, when everyone was tut-tutting about seven-year-old singer Yang Peiyi being replaced by the "prettier" Lin Miaoke for the Beijing Games opening two weeks ago, there must have been much squirming at the SSO's Pitt Street headquarters.
For eight years it has been one of the best-kept secrets in Sin City.
When The Sunday Age contacted SSO conductor George "The Big G" Ellis last week, he was not overjoyed.
"I am unable to comment because I have signed a confidentiality agreement," Ellis said after an uncomfortable pause.
It is believed that all the orchestra's musicians also had to sign confidentiality agreements, but the miming was common knowledge among Melbourne musicians whose work had been recorded to help out their Sydney counterparts.
SOCOG officials had ordered pre-recorded backing tapes for the entire ceremony to ensure nothing could go wrong on Sydney's big night.
This included Nikki Webster's solo, Under Southern Skies and Human Nature and Julie Anthony singing the national anthem.
"You simply can't embarrass yourself on the world stage - you must do whatever you can to make it perfect," the source said.
Nikki Webster's piece was recorded in July, almost three months before the ceremony.
At the same time, south of the border, the MSO, conducted by Paul Grabowsky, was recording much of the program. This included one of the centrepieces of the night, the Tin Symphony, a seven-minute extravaganza described by the American television networks as a celebration of Australia's larrikinism.
The piece was inspired by windmills and water tanks and drew rapturous applause in the packed stadium.
It is not uncommon for major events to have their "live" music beefed up with backing tapes, according to music industry sources.
SOCOG officials' cautious "belt-and-braces" approach was vindicated when the prematch entertainment at the NRL 2002 grand final fell into a heap after a power failure forced rocker Billy Idol to abort his performance.
But for one elite orchestra to mime another? That's a different story. One with added piquancy because the unashamedly Sydney-centric former prime minister Paul Keating ("If you're not in Sydney, you're camping out") dreamed up the idea of trying to make the Sydney Symphony the nation's flagship orchestra in 1995 - much to the chagrin of the MSO.
Interstate rivalry boosted the fortunes of classical music. Jeff Kennett, then premier of Victoria, replied by substantially boosting funding for the MSO, and the race was on. For a while, the serious money backing Sydney led some to believe it would leave the MSO behind. But, by 2000, the
SOCOG brains trust had its doubts.
Only last week, Premier Iemma boasted of Sydney's inclusion on the new World Monopoly board: "Eat your heart out - Melbourne nowhere to be found. How pleasing it is that Sydney scored the red square right next to New York and London." Now, it's more like red faces than red squares.
当周日版《时代报》上周采访悉尼交响乐团指挥、儿童音乐节目“The Big G”中的指挥大师乔治•艾利斯时,他不再是兴高采烈了。“我不能对此评论,因为我已经签署了保密协议,”在一个不自在的停顿后艾利斯说。据称整个乐团的成员都签署了保密协议,但是这场双簧对于墨尔本的音乐家来说是周所周知的事情,他们的录音被用来帮助与他们旗鼓相当的悉尼同僚。
悉尼奥组委的官员曾经指示对整个开幕式事先录好备份带,以确保在悉尼的盛大夜晚万无一失。这其中包括妮基•韦伯斯特的独唱“在南方星空下”,自然主义合唱团和朱莉•安东尼演唱的国歌。消息来源称“在世界舞台上你当然不能让自己难堪——你必须尽一切可能让它完美。”妮基•韦伯斯特的那首歌在7月份,几乎是开幕式前的三个月,就录好了。与此同时,在南部邻省由保罗•格拉博夫斯基指挥的墨尔本交响乐团录制了大部分的曲目。这包括当晚的主要曲目之一,一段7分钟的华丽表演the Tin Symphony,被美国电视描绘成是对澳大利亚后朋克文化的欢庆。那段乐章映衬着风车和水池在座无虚席的体育场引来了狂喜的喝彩。
翻译来源:Mobile01 北京奧運“代唱”VS 悉尼奧運“代奏” ps:西方媒体在这件事上的双面标准又体现无疑,真是对他们婊子还竖贞节牌坊的行为感到羞耻。














Celebration of Olympics Bronzes

ZT from: http://rosetiger.blogbus.com/logs/28159792.html

What happened?

How can we lose gold count to China, a third world country?
Let's have a national holiday of mourning. No one objects I guess!
Let's have a national contest of the best excuses of winning so less gold metals.
It has to be the BEST, so it could worth a gold in this category.

What to do?

Borrow more money from China to buy better facilities, foreign coaches, Speedo
My secret is to import 8 Jamaican runners. Money talks!
Bribe the judges (a little harder as everyone hates us but money talks again).
Change all the rules to our favor: 5 metals for basketball, 2 for table tennis, 0 for diving!
All tiebreakers must go our way as our sponsors own the Olympics.
We will amplify their shortcomings? like copying our advance lip sing
technique (how dare you are), small size advantage, large size advantage, working too hard
The Chinese must have put slippery jell on our batons and/or the gym apparatus.
Develop the best dope that no one can detect a€“ we have the best scientists.
My secret is to develop a dope that can take out all dope traces from our
body so we take it before dope tests.
"One country, all metals"? is our new Olympics slogan.
The more wishfully we think, the closer we succeed.

How to heal now, really?

Write to Dear Abby for starter.
Bronze is the same as gold if not better. If you do not believe me, ask any blind person.
It is harder to get a bronze as we have to LET two others to win.
We'll train our athletes for the bronze from now on.
We will ask NBC to interview bronze winners only as they are the real
Actually we'll be happier to be #3 and build a better relationship with
other nations. Stop laughing. It is a fact!!!
Phelps, we love you more with 8 bronze metals - it is no easy job to let 2
and ONLY 2 pass you 8 times.

If everything does not work, turn ugly.
Ask McDonalds and KFC to give away their "food"? to China FREE, so
their next generation will be so fat that they cannot walk to the subway station.
Send soldiers to grab the metals, esp. gold. Hey, we have the best offense.
Will the world be better if we only fought for gold metals only (bronze
metals in our case)?

What an Olympic spirit to celebrate the winning of the bronze!
From G&M Aug29.08 (In the sports page!)

Associated Press
August 29, 2008 at 9:20 AM EDT

SYDNEY, Australia — China isn't the only country to fake a musical performance during an Olympic opening ceremony. Turns out Australia knows a thing about miming music, too.
Eight years after Sydney hosted the 2000 Summer Olympics, officials with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra acknowledged their stirring performance at the opening ceremony was entirely prerecorded. And perhaps even more cringe-inducing for Sydney residents: some of the music was recorded by the symphony of rival city Melbourne.
The revelation followed an international uproar over China's decision to pass off the voice of a 7-year-old singer as that of another girl at this year's Olympic opening ceremony. The Beijing ceremony's chief music director said the real singer, Yang Peiyi, wasn't good looking enough. So the pigtailed and perky Lin Miaoke mouthed the words to "Ode to the Motherland" instead at the ceremony.
Melbourne Symphony Orchestra managing director Trevor Green confirmed on Friday that the 2000 opening ceremony performance had been prerecorded by both the Sydney and Melbourne orchestras, saying that steps must be taken to ensure mistakes aren't made live during high-profile events.
"If you've got an event the size of the Olympics, and you've got billions and billions of people watching it, you definitely have a backing track and mime to it, because anything could go wrong," Green said. "It's just a 'safety first' thing. ... You cannot take the risk."
The Sydney orchestra's decision to call on Melbourne for help was not surprising, given the workload, Green added.
"It was just too much for one orchestra," he said. "We share artists all the time and conductors all the time."
Sydney Symphony Orchestra managing director Libby Christie did not return a call seeking comment Friday, but earlier this week acknowledged the performance had been mimed.
"It was all prerecorded and the MSO (Melbourne Symphony Orchestra) did record a minority of the music that was performed," Christie told The Sydney Morning Herald for a story published Tuesday. "It's correct that we were basically miming to a pre-recording."
Christie said tight deadlines and a "mountainous workload" required the use of two orchestras for the backing tape.
Yvonne Zammit, a Sydney symphony spokeswoman, said Friday that Christie stood by her earlier comments.
Christie said the Sydney orchestra rarely used recordings in place of live performances, but did so during the 2003 Rugby World Cup in Sydney. Green said his orchestra had also used a backing track at the opening ceremony of the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne.
G&M 的文章都那么回事儿,G&M网站上的跟贴才是精华。。。