Setter's Responsibilities and Expectations


by Unknown
  1. Know who to set in various situations; result of conference with coach, game plan, and experience.
  2. Determine what will be the most efficient set, playset, combination or offensive strategy in various rotations and situations.
  3. A setter must be a good psychologist by knowing:
    • The most effective way to motivate teammates.
    • How to show confidence in players and make them feel good.
    • How to radiate confidence
    • How to handle hitters: when to "baby" them, ignore them, make demands of them.
    • How to keep all players involved in a game.
    • How to keep all players involved in the offense.
  4. Any confusion in the offense or the patterns is the setter's fault. The setter MUST clearly communicate the plays before serve reception and freeball situation. NOTE: especially to substitutes entering a game or drill station and to hitters who need things communicated stronger or more clearly than others.
  5. A setter must know all overlaps, where you are supposed to be, and where the hitters and passers are supposed to be.
  6. A setter must be able to visually or verbally communicate with the coach during a match (opponent's weaknesses, hitter to set, etc.)
  7. The setter's attitude should be an extension of the coach's attitude (as long as it is positive and upbeat).
  8. The setter must be in control of her emotions AT ALL TIMES.
  9. A setter should seeks feedback from hitters. Put the hitters in a position to succeed.
  10. A setter must have the attitude that "I can take any five players and WE will find a way to win."
  11. A setter must be prepared to set EVERY second ball. If hitters set balls or get in your way, it is the setter's responsibility to make it clear that you will set unless you call for help.
  12. A setter should yell "help" on every ball you cannot get or you have made first contact on defense.
  13. There is no such thing as a bad pass. If a pass is not perfect, it is the setter's responsibility to improve the team's chances of scoring or siding out by making the best possible set.
  14. It is the setter's responsibility to give the hitter a set which gives her the best opportunity for a kill.
  15. No one person can ever lose a match, but a setter having a poor day can.
Good point.

Welcome everyone post the article or any comment here.

It is so quite...
please another post that contains some videos for the setter.
please another post that contains some videos for the setter.

的确是! 胡同最近进步很快. 去年在我们队时, 他总是第一个发球,但总是失误的多. :D
今年再看, 以不可同日而语. 这学MBA的人就是不一样啊!
读了胡同的帖,顿生 quit 掉二传的念头。二传太难了!
又一想,二传的好处还不少呢。按正常情况打三次球,二传一人打一次,其他五人和打两次。运动量可大多了。:D 笑话了。

Anyway, lots of good points.

- "The setter must be in control of her emotions AT ALL TIMES." Hard to do. Take good practice to achieve.
- "A setter must be prepared to set EVERY second ball." That's when you get lots of running around.
- "There is no such thing as a bad pass. If a pass is not perfect, it is the setter's responsibility..." 好二传要把不好的一传调整过来。
- “No one person can ever lose a match, but a setter having a poor day can.“ 这就是为什么你听说 "打好了是她的, 打不好是你的". 又开玩笑了:D.

My son likes to play volleball, I've just see this post today, not sure if it's too late to join in the team, could you let me know where do we practice and which day? thanks