
You don't have to pay him.

(1) He might be parking illegally, especially if the car is within a few feet (can't remember how many) of your driveway. Also, he is not parking at his private property.

(2) He has to ask for consensus from you before he could give you the bill as you didn't agree to it before hand.

If he wants to play hard ball, ask him to call his lawyer.
Be nice to your neighbor and use your garden hose to wash off the dirts, which indeed was caused by your mowing.

In addition, leave a note to the neighbor, saying that city of Ottawa allows parking on street for a maximum of 3 hours, and you may call the city service to issue a ticket or tow the car, if next time you see it parking there for more than 3 hours.
Be nice to your neighbor and use your garden hose to wash off the dirts, which indeed was caused by your mowing.

In addition, leave a note to the neighbor, saying that city of Ottawa allows parking on street for a maximum of 3 hours, and you may call the city service to issue a ticket or tow the car, if next time you see it parking there for more than 3 hours.

Even since he asked you to pay, the 关系 is already made 僵 by him, so it doesn't matter what you do, he will come back for more. So don't give in.

Good neighbor starts on both sides, it is obvious he was not respecting you.

This is just me.
要是我的话, 先问问他用水管给他冲冲行不。 如果不行,就说你的车停在这里我没法割草,而且市里规定早7点到晚7点,你的车不能停在街上超过3小时。要让他知道, 这里的规定你也是明白的。
好多人的意见都不错。附件供参考。如果用,先再向CITY OF OTTAWA核实一下。


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call city, tow right away if you see the car was parking there more than 3 hours.

这不是欺负人是什么, 不拖白不拖, 毛病是惯出来的~ 下次他还不定让你干啥呢
你车门前的drive way 凭啥让他停车啦?你还说他挡道呢!或者排气管声音太响,经常被吵闹,只是没给他抱怨而已。be strong !
