Inline skating on Colonel By Drive

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星期天上午到Colonel By Drive滑轮滑去了。车停在Hog's back. 路是从哪儿开始封的。 刚开始天有些阴沉,空中布满了云,见不到太阳,西北风吹过来,身上还觉得有些凉丝丝地,不过这种天,滑轮滑还是挺爽的。在滑了一个来回后,云开了,周围的风景也显得靓丽起来,本来想结束地,此时又觉得不太过瘾, 就回头滑了半程多才折返。

期间跟了一会儿自行车,累了个够呛,感觉一般人骑行的中速还能跟跟, 再快了,就得上那种大轮子的速滑了。


下一次想试试Ottawa River Parkway(from Vimy Place (Canadian War Museum) to Carling Avenue.想从Carling Avenue开始,但还不知道什么地方停车方便?

这个网站不错, 看看这篇:An Introduction to Inline Fitness Skating

An Introduction to Inline Fitness Skating

Inline fitness skating combines serious skating for medical, mental or physical benefits with fun skating for pure pleasure. Fitness skating is a great low-impact replacement for running, because you can burn lots of calories without wear-and-tear on your joints. Regardless of your fitness program, fitness skating can be of great benefits as an addition to your existing exercise routine.

* Improve balance and coordination
* Weight loss and maintenance
* Stress reduction
* Aerobic cardiovascular fitness and endurance
* Anaerobic muscle development

Inline skating is a great way to participate in a fitness activity that benefits both your body and your mind and can be done at any location that recreational skating can. It is one of the easiest to get to, low-impact, high aerobic sports you’ll find. Since it’s fun and provides opportunities for socialization and networking, most fitness and recreational inline skaters roll for longer periods of time than participants in other similar activities. This extra skating time will increase the effectiveness of all of the fitness and mental health benefits listed below.
park at lincoln fields SC, that is what I normally do
park at lincoln fields SC, that is what I normally do
不会, or you can park at Richmond/Woodroff
:)我就停哪儿了。:D 说不定还能碰到你。

I normally park at carleotn and go on canal by :D hohohoho
thanks, i will be at city hall volunteering for the marathon, so it is off my concern
星期天到Ottawa River Parkway滑了, 车就停在商场的停车场。路面总体上比Colonel By要好一些,但有约1/3的路面不是很好,滑轮滑震动地厉害。可能是天气比较好的原因, 路上人很多,有拖家带口,一堵一条路的; 有呼朋唤友,旁若无人的;有成双成对,谈情说爱的;有骑赛车,呼啸而过的;还有走路,几乎是拖带步的;还有赤膊牛人,左冲右突的; 更有大雁穿行,昂首阔步的。总之,很热闹。


want to go next week? I might have time :D hohohoho

anyway, try colonel by, it might be easier? give me your msn if you wnt.
want to go next week? I might have time :D hohohoho

anyway, try colonel by, it might be easier? give me your msn if you wnt.

Colonel by 相对平坦一些, 但是对轮滑讲,路面质量平均起来不如Ottawa river parkway好,问题是Ottawa river 那边路上人太多,大人小孩,散步推车的,横穿马路的,都挤在一起,速度一快, 危险性急剧加大。所以,现在是那条路人少,那条路就容易。如果随着夏天的到来, Colonel by也挤成那样的话,那就只好跟着人群慢悠悠晃了。想滑的快点儿的时候, 就得另寻地方了。

check your 悄悄话.
We started at 9:10 and there's only a few people.
Here's our route Gmaps Pedometer
I guess you need to get up early to enjoy it.
Have fun!
BTW, we were biking. :)
:p9点我刚开始吃早饭。当大家在马路上开始扎堆的时候, 我也凑热闹去了:D 看来要想人少,下回得早点儿了。

我也就是今年才开始到路上滑轮滑的, 以前也是骑自行车, 一路都是在自行车道上骑,路线一般是从Greenbank的南头往北骑, 再斜插到 LincoIn Fields, 然后沿Ottawa river 骑到Parliament hill, 再沿运河到Dow's Lake 边的花园,然后从农场的自行车路由green belt里的自行车道骑回Greenbank, 再由Greenbank南下。

另一条路是到LincoIn Fields后, 沿Ottawa river往西,骑到Kanata, 到Morgans Grant 然后到Kanata Lake,由绿化带骑到Hunt Club,再一直到Greenbank。
