At Auto TraderTM it is in our best interest to help serve our customers. We provide thousands of vehicle listings every week and we are proud to say that most of our users have had very satisfying experiences.
We are constantly monitoring our advertisements and eliminating fraudulent postings and scams on a regular basis. However, some of them are not completely evident and thus may result in fraudulent ads posted on our site.
Buyers and sellers should be vigilant in conducting their own research whenever they choose to purchase or sell a vehicle.
How to Prevent Yourself from Fraud
It is important to remember that when buying or selling a vehicle, one should be wary of:
At Auto TraderTM it is in our best interest to help serve our customers. We provide thousands of vehicle listings every week and we are proud to say that most of our users have had very satisfying experiences.
We are constantly monitoring our advertisements and eliminating fraudulent postings and scams on a regular basis. However, some of them are not completely evident and thus may result in fraudulent ads posted on our site.
Buyers and sellers should be vigilant in conducting their own research whenever they choose to purchase or sell a vehicle.
How to Prevent Yourself from Fraud
It is important to remember that when buying or selling a vehicle, one should be wary of:
- Auto Trader name and logo usage as a form of reassurance
- Buyer/Seller refuses to talk via telephone
- Low prices make the deal seem too good to be true
- High-value cashier's cheque in exchange for the vehicle
- Out of country sellers
- Elaborate and dramatized stories about the seller or buyer
- Personal information being asked
- Shipping orders and other arrangement propositions (financial, etc.)