一对夫妇需要一间APARTMENT,靠近UO, Funiture

优质one bedroom Apartment, Minto 的房子,在Bayshore 带所有家具(包括厨房做饭的所有炊具,床,沙发,桌椅板凳,电脑桌,全新),并包水电,电话,电视及Cable,High Speed(Sympatico),DVD。转租约四个月(从三月中旬到七月中旬),月租低于700元/月(包以上各项费用)可面议,如有兴趣可致电(613)7260909(晚上7:00以后),预约看房。或者Email联系:

交通方便,门前便有97,85路Bus, 2分钟可到Bayshore Shopping Center,Bus可直达Downtown等几乎所有Ottawa 地区.

房子环境优美,阳台正对Ottawa River.

房屋出租, 宽敞大房与现在OU读书夫妇共用。
租金: $400
设备: 提供床,桌, 水, 电, 暖气, 洗衣房, 客厅, 厨房, 洗手间
地点: 离OU 8min by car, 20 min by bus
联系: zhang6388@rogers.com

I have an onebed-room apartment at Smyth for sublet beginning from May.
It needs 10 mins to get to OU by bus. I can provide bed, tables, chairs,
microwave, shelf, almost every thing. in lease it is $800 per month, now
I am asking for $750/mon.

if interested, i can be reached by phone 526-5853 or this email.
sublet onebedroom at April 1st for 1 month, after that, u need sigh the new lease with Apt. management. sunny,very clean.near carleton U.& Ottawa U. 600/month. at 201 Bell St. N. 613-5651750