顺风车:多伦多10月31日(周六)下午6:30点,前往 渥太华,渥太华11月1日(周日)下午4:30点回多伦多,单程$25,来回$50
顺风车: 多伦多10月31日星期六,前往渥太华,11月1日星期日回多伦多.
时间10月31日下午6:30点Scarborough Town Centre。出发,到达,Bayshore,southkeys shopmall
11月1日下午4:30点出发,出发地点,Bayshore,southkeys shopmall,到达Scarborough Town Centre
Carpool offer Oct 31/ N 1, Toronto<->Ottowa
Tor->Ott(October 31)
Pick up:
Scarborough Town Centre at 6:30pm
Drop off:Bayshore,South key mall
Ott->Tor(November 1)
Pick up:
Bayshore,South Key malle at 4:30pm
Drop off:Scarborough Town Centr
Other locations are possible but require the
discussions over phone.
cell phone:416-722-5368(speak mandarin if you can). Charge: 25$/50$ (one way/round trip)
Experienced G driver.17 year drive experience
顺风车: 多伦多10月31日星期六,前往渥太华,11月1日星期日回多伦多.
时间10月31日下午6:30点Scarborough Town Centre。出发,到达,Bayshore,southkeys shopmall
11月1日下午4:30点出发,出发地点,Bayshore,southkeys shopmall,到达Scarborough Town Centre
Carpool offer Oct 31/ N 1, Toronto<->Ottowa
Tor->Ott(October 31)
Pick up:
Scarborough Town Centre at 6:30pm
Drop off:Bayshore,South key mall
Ott->Tor(November 1)
Pick up:
Bayshore,South Key malle at 4:30pm
Drop off:Scarborough Town Centr
Other locations are possible but require the
discussions over phone.
cell phone:416-722-5368(speak mandarin if you can). Charge: 25$/50$ (one way/round trip)
Experienced G driver.17 year drive experience