H hqma 知名会员 注册 2004-01-25 消息 60 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 118 2010-05-14 #1 Plan to build a PVC fence, most contractors have price range from 52 to 56 per foot. But one company called yard guard only has 41 per foot. Any idea why so big difference?
Plan to build a PVC fence, most contractors have price range from 52 to 56 per foot. But one company called yard guard only has 41 per foot. Any idea why so big difference?
H hming 新手上路 注册 2009-06-04 消息 264 荣誉分数 11 声望点数 28 2010-05-14 #2 40来块的PVC质量有问题。朋友前年装的,今年被风吹倒了,只能自己想办法加固一下。听说还有被雪压倒的。我们去年做的,用的是tought fence,50一尺,门另算。觉得质量还可以。
小地主 Climb The Mountain VIP 注册 2003-01-07 消息 9,605 荣誉分数 3,463 声望点数 373 2010-05-14 #3 四十一尺的估计是整个panel(6尺高x8尺宽?)的。
C CKM 新手上路 注册 2009-09-11 消息 26 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 13 2015-07-30 #4 Did you finally use Yard Guard Fencing for your PVC fences? Was it ok after all? Thanks!!