If they really just want to buy a boat, I’d recommend they decide what they want to do with a boat, is it for fitness, is it to go camping, are they going to leave it at one place, will they take it with them. They will need roof racks. Kayaks and canoes vary tremendously in quality and weight. I have two kayaks that are under 12 Kg, and I can carry them easily and put them on my car. I take them to different lakes and rivers and I take them on my holidays.
Here’s a list of links for canoe clubs in the city, then info about Trailheads demo nights at Westboro beach. Never buy a boat without trying it out.
Canoe clubs (all provide great day camps in the summer, where kids paddle and swim and learn a lot and find out if they’d like to be competitive or recreational):
Careton place:
Rideau Canoe Club
In particular, Rideau has an excellent recreational paddling program in the summer that the whole family could join.
To buy recreational kayaks, I’d recommend talking to the people at Trailhead
or Bushtukah.
Trailhead has demo nights, every Wedneday all summer long. From the Trailhead site:
Canoe/Kayak Free Demo Nights
Every Wednesday night all summer long Trailhead offers you the chance to come out and test drive some of our finest boats and it's FREE!
Test drives are held at Westboro Beach, (Kitchissippi Lookout) west on Parkway 2km west of Island Park Drive.
Time: 5:30PM - 8:00PM
Please call ahead to register and reserve the boats you'd like to try. Due to popularity, several days advance booking may be necessary . Call us at (613)722-4229 and ask for the rental desk