
  1. H

    [分享] 歌词,哄孩子的时候胡乱唱的

    星期天, 早晨,天气很好。一边逗宝宝玩儿,一边就瞎哼乱唱一阵, 宝宝还真喜欢…… ------------------------ 把窗户打开, 让阳光照进来, 凉爽的风也吹进来, 天上几朵白云彩。 叶儿摇, 鸟儿叫, 玫瑰带着露水开。 宝宝笑了, 宝宝笑了, 今天多愉快!
  2. H


    This is sooooooooooooooooooooooo romantic. Good luck. Two kinds of men on this planet One makes you sad The other is sad for your sadness Really, I hope I can be the later Though I always make you unhappy I will love you with my life Warm you up with my body Give all my...
  3. H


    The statistic result is considered good by the following standard: (1) Margin of error: 3%(+3% to -3%) (2) 19 times out of 20: there is a probability of 95% that any particular measurement will be in this range If you break down the result to regional level (maybe from country...
  4. H

    *** *** A Little Bit Everyday *** ***

    You are totally right. This example is from daily life, as you can see it's just oral English and very informal .
  5. H

    *** *** A Little Bit Everyday *** ***

    Thank you for the nice words. You have a big heart.
  6. H

    *** *** A Little Bit Everyday *** ***

    - words, phrases, sentences, anything I come across in daily life - sounds native and new to me - something I understand, most likly I will have a chance to use them Then I just make up a sentence using those words. Usually I don't explain in order to save time, besides I think it's not...
  7. H

    [请求] spray facility for insect control

    Where to rent a spray facility that's powerful enough to spray a tree of 20-meter's high? Or anybody knows a service provider? Thank you in advance for your information.
  8. H

    *** *** A Little Bit Everyday *** ***

    No new stuff for several weeks. Very sorry about that. So busy preparing for an important interview next Tuesday. I will come back after that with a lot of goodies to share.
  9. H

    *** *** A Little Bit Everyday *** ***

    I hate to say this, but I am just crazy about learning English. It's such a good feeling to speak another language and people can understand you! Isn't it just amazing? Besides, English is really a beautiful language, soft, smooth... Oh yeah, I learn English anywhere anytime, TV shows, radio...
  10. H

    *** *** A Little Bit Everyday *** ***

    Re: Re: Here is MY plan Great minds think alike. And many thanks for all the good words. Anyway, I am not going to do the "search-and-publish" thing. There are a lot on Internet if you want, but I just don't think you can remember them all. I only write down those I come cross in my daily...
  11. H

    *** *** A Little Bit Everyday *** ***

    Here is MY plan I will update the above post and drop a few lines everyday that I learn from daily life. Hopefully I will end up with lots of goodies and a great improvement of my English.
  12. H

    *** *** A Little Bit Everyday *** ***

    1. downhill fast Don't expect to improve your English ~. A little bit everyday. 2. 3 bus-stops away I live ~ from the school. 3. halfway The shopping mall is ~ between the school and where I live. 4. as to - about I will talk with her ~ this. 5. as for - concerning ~ the others, they...