悲哀的无神论 (Atheism of sorrow) (ZT)

Book recommendation on atheism.

Atheism: A Philosophical Justification
In this book Michael Martin provides logical reasons for being an atheist. Carefully examining the current debate in Anglo-American analytic philosophy regarding God's existence, Martin presents a comprehensive critique of the arguments for the existence of God and a defense of arguments against the existence of God, showing in detail their relevance to atheism. Claiming that atheism is a rational position while theistic beliefs are not, he relies both on logic and evidence and confines his efforts to showing the irrationality of belief in a personal supreme being who is omniscient, omnipotent, perfect, and the creator of heaven and earth.The author's approach is two-fold. By presenting and criticizing arguments that have been advanced in favor of belief, he makes a case for 'negative atheism'. By offering arguments against atheism and defending it from these attacks, he presents a case for 'positive atheism'. Along the way, he confronts the views of numerous philosophers among them Anselm, Aquinas, Plantinga, Hick, and Swinburne and refutes both classical and contemporary arguments that have been advanced through the history of this debate.In his conclusion, Martin considers what would and would not follow if his main arguments were widely accepted, and he defines and distinguishes atheism from other 'isms' and movements. Building on the work of religious skeptics and atheists of the past and present, he justifies his reconstruction of this philosophical dispute by citing some of the most interesting and important arguments for atheism and criticisms of arguments for the existence of God that have appeared in recent journal articles and have yet to be systematically addressed. Author note: Michael Martin is Professor of Philosophy at Boston University and author of several books, including "The Legal Philosophy of H.L.A. Hart: A Critical Appraisal" and "The Case Against Christianity" (both from Temple).


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The word of“迷信”is very interesting, I think. Do you know why? Because we can understand it in different ways.:blowzy:

I mean buddhists are superstitious, because they create something from nothing.(That is my understanding of 迷信,as a Christian.)

On the 26th floor, you said“我想所有宗教都有迷信的人”。Are you attacking people, not only buddhists?:blowzy:

You didn't quote my full sentence. I said 迷信=太过沉迷而失去了理智.

As joanna777 said, 迷信means different things for different people.

By the book,迷信 means belief in supernatural being/phenomenon. By that definition almost all religions are迷信, so I do not want to say that.
I defined it as the lost of rationality becase of religion, the lost of ability for reason and logic when reality stacks against them.
Rationality is what distingushes animal and human. Withouth that, human are pretty much like animal. (I have scientific evidence for that).

I truely believe most religous people are still rational that's why not every muslim is suicide bomber.

Is it not a fact at least small percentage of people lost their rationality because of their religion? Can you deny this statement? If not, it's not attacking.

If I say, all religous people are irrational, then it's without merits or common sense. It's considered personal attack.
You didn't quote my full sentence. I said 迷信=太过沉迷而失去了理智.

As joanna777 said, 迷信means different things for different people.

By the book,迷信 means belief in supernatural being/phenomenon. By that definition almost all religions are迷信, so I do not want to say that.
I defined it as the lost of rationality becase of religion, the lost of ability for reason and logic when reality stacks against them.
Rationality is what distingushes animal and human. Withouth that, human are pretty much like animal. (I have scientific evidence for that).

I truely believe most religous people are still rational that's why not every muslim is suicide bomber.

Is it not a fact at least small percentage of people lost their rationality because of their religion? Can you deny this statement? If not, it's not attacking.

If I say, all religous people are irrational, then it's without merits or common sense. It's considered personal attack.


When you would like to know if 斑竹 means some or all, on the 26th floor, the first question and the last sentence are a little rude.
As joanna777 said, 迷信means different things for different people.

I didn't say that. I said, for different people, 迷信's contents are different....I said, 迷信just means to believe in something without any evidence or proof。具体来讲,很多人都迷信没有神,因为他们没有办法来证明神的存在。但是神是否存在呢?有的人说存在,是因为经过验证了的;有的人也说存在,是盲从;更多人说没有神,也是盲从。这三种人,后面两种都是迷信。还有一类人,认为自己没有办法证明上帝是否存在,所以认为不知道上帝是否存在。这种人是诚实的,不是迷信。


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分析从楼上的广告语,作者对God这个概念有三种理解,第一个理解,God有很多(复数most gods);第二个理解,作者不能肯定God是否存在(用语气词probably); 第三个理解,最后一句话,这是重点,对God的存在产生负面心理(worrying)。从作者和God的关系来看,God的存在会让作者感到Worrying,我们要提问,worry什么?文章中没有提,但是常识告诉我们,如果作者所思所想全部都是帮助关怀和照顾他人,就不需要worry;worry的是干了坏事怕受到管制。类比正常人类不会担心世界上有警察,只有想做某些事情的人worry警察的存在。
再看Worry的具体内容(enjoy your life)就是说,作者认为上帝的存在使他不能够enjoy your life,那么,什么样的life使我们不能enjoy的呢,上帝的存在对什么的life造成影响?作者假设上帝的存在会妨碍到他享受生活。
分析从楼上的广告语,作者对God这个概念有三种理解,第一个理解,God有很多(复数most gods);第二个理解,作者不能肯定God是否存在(用语气词probably); 第三个理解,最后一句话,这是重点,对God的存在产生负面心理(worrying)。从作者和God的关系来看,God的存在会让作者感到Worrying,我们要提问,worry什么?文章中没有提,但是常识告诉我们,如果作者所思所想全部都是帮助关怀和照顾他人,就不需要worry;worry的是干了坏事怕受到管制。类比正常人类不会担心世界上有警察,只有想做某些事情的人worry警察的存在。
再看Worry的具体内容(enjoy your life)就是说,作者认为上帝的存在使他不能够enjoy your life,那么,什么样的life使我们不能enjoy的呢,上帝的存在对什么的life造成影响?作者假设上帝的存在会妨碍到他享受生活。

作者以为有most gods?:D
