经验分享:furnace 停止工作,热水炉工作 (已解决)

you may need to clear up the flame sensor

按我的理解,如果排风扇不工作,就没有压力差产生, 就不会触发下一个程序,--点火。如果排风扇工作,而没有点火,可能就应该查 flamesensor了。

所以是ventor motor first, 然后是pressure switch,然后是flame sensor
You may turn fan on (not auto) to see if the Fan works or not
You may turn fan on (not auto) to see if the Fan works or not

the fan you mentioned here is the fan for both aircondition and heat,it on seperat switch and it work.

the one not work is the ventor motor , you can see the picture above.
You may check if there is water in the pipe come from the vent motor
感谢各位的关心, 已经请了energy 的technician。179刀的protection plan加上每月22.99的合同。

红灯闪三下,是pressure switch 的问题。估计是排风扇,还是村长有眼光!!!
Try http://electricmotorwarehouse.com/
They will ship Canada.

You need to check the exact model of the inducer, it may be made by Fasco.

How do you know the inducer is not working?
I had it failed once but just mechanically the fan cage falling apart into pieces, the motor still runs good.

感谢各位的关心, 已经请了energy 的technician。179刀的protection plan加上每月22.99的合同。
我们家当初就是外面管子被飞雪堵了, 也成了pressure switch 的问题。清了一下就好了。
没有钱也得签合约啊, 零下20几度啊, 不让过年啊?!