大家一定要小心这个牙医:Dr. Ben Fong


RCDSO (安省牙医公会)已经证实 Dr. Ben Fong 不不不是整形牙医(Orthodontist).



同时Dr. Ben Fong 自称整形牙医(所有中文报纸上的广告都是这样讲的),OCDSO 已确认这点不是事实,我们认为确实应提醒大家注意。对于一个不尊重事实,不惜用谎言欺骗广大中文读者的牙医是需要提防小心的。
我近来在中文报纸上看到 Dr. Ben Fong 的广告,自称是加拿大排名前五名的整形牙医。

我的好朋友在他那里矫正过牙齿。矫正后有许多缝隙,造成牙龈肿痛。他让我朋友回家观察一段时间,然后再帮她用补牙材料修补缝隙。朋友的另一个牙医认为矫正完的牙齿应该没有任何缝隙,让她回去找到 Dr. Fong.

过了一段时间,她再次去找到Dr. Fong 要求处理缝隙时,他却说: 这些缝隙是他矫正完以后自己产生的,和他完全没有关系。态度不是一般的恶劣。

Dr. Fong 拥有两个评估网页,所以他可以删除任何对他不好的评价。如果你查他的评估,会发现他的分数很高。


It is unfortunate that one individual out of the thousands of patients I have treated, has decided to take vengeance on me by stating only partial facts, and saying everything possible to make me look bad to the readers of this website.

Unfortunately, due to the privacy act I cannot say anything more than this.
I am addressing this blog because there seems to be no end to what this individual is willing to do to hurt my reputation (i.e. posting negative reviews from my websites that are as unsubstantiated as are her comments of myself).
As a reader, you should make your own decision based not only on one person, but on the facts that exist.
For your own research, you can do a google search for “CBC News Dr. Ben Fong” and you will see some of the pro bono (charity) work I have done. Here you will see what I did for this man in need, a treatment which cost approximately $15,000, at no charge to him. As well, you can visit some of the invisalign results of my patients I have on this website: www.invisalignresults.ca where you can see the many before and after photos as well as video testimonials from my patients.

I have worked very hard to get where I am now, which is why I am currently considered an elite invisalign dentist (which there are less than 5 general dentists in Canada that have this status).

Finally I invite this person to file a formal complaint to settle this issue, rather than posting only negative things about me to try to ruin my reputation. This formal complaint will reveal all the facts and I can prove why all these allegations are false.

Dr. Ben Fong



misleading,而標榜自己是"精英" (elite) 或間接影射自己技術高人一籌,則稱為disgraceful,dishonourable (不名譽或行為不端).
It is unfortunate that one individual out of the thousands of patients I have treated, has decided to take vengeance on me by stating only partial facts, and saying everything possible to make me look bad to the readers of this website.

Unfortunately, due to the privacy act I cannot say anything more than this.
I am addressing this blog because there seems to be no end to what this individual is willing to do to hurt my reputation (i.e. posting negative reviews from my websites that are as unsubstantiated as are her comments of myself).
As a reader, you should make your own decision based not only on one person, but on the facts that exist.
For your own research, you can do a google search for “CBC News Dr. Ben Fong” and you will see some of the pro bono (charity) work I have done. Here you will see what I did for this man in need, a treatment which cost approximately $15,000, at no charge to him. As well, you can visit some of the invisalign results of my patients I have on this website: www.invisalignresults.ca where you can see the many before and after photos as well as video testimonials from my patients.

I have worked very hard to get where I am now, which is why I am currently considered an elite invisalign dentist (which there are less than 5 general dentists in Canada that have this status).

Finally I invite this person to file a formal complaint to settle this issue, rather than posting only negative things about me to try to ruin my reputation. This formal complaint will reveal all the facts and I can prove why all these allegations are false.

Dr. Ben Fong

Dear Dr. Fong,
Your patient complained about your skill, why you brought up your charity work, that's nothing to do with your skill. I can't help but shake my head. lol. firefly.
Dear Dr. Fong,
Your patient complained about your skill, why you brought up your charity work, that's nothing to do with your skill. I can't help but shake my head. lol. firefly.


