Accessory Buildings
Sheds, pool houses, hot tubs, etcetera.
There are a set of guidelines within the bylaws which apply specifically to accessory buildings. These apply even to buildings for which you are not required to obtain a building permit for.
Only two accessory buildings are permitted on any lot.
The total permitted coverage of any yard is a maximum of 50% of the total yard area. This is calculated based on the outline of the building's walls, rather than the outline of the roof.
The maximum height of any accessory building is 4.5m.
For most residential zones accessory buildings are permitted to be as close as 60cm (2') to the back or side property line. If you are on a corner lot the distance from the property line nearest the street to any building is to be 1.2m (4') or more. Unlike houses, where the setback is measured from the foundation, for accessory buildings the measurement is taken from whichever portion of the building in closest to the property line. In most cases this will be the eaves of the roof.
Play structures, above ground pools, hot tubs, and pools and hot tubs within enclosures are to be set back from the property line by the height of the structure. For play structures this height is to be measured from the highest point that is designed to be a surface to stand on.
All accessory structures, with the exception of hot tubs are required to be 1.2m (4') from any other building, including your house.