
1. Place a towel on the floor under the towel bar. The towel will catch most of the debris and make cleanup less difficult.
2. Score around the perimeter of each end bracket where it meets the wall, using a utility knife. This helps provide a spot to insert the putty knife blade as well as weaken the glue slightly.
3. Place the blade of a rigid 2-inch putty knife at the top corner of one end bracket, between the bracket and the wall. Hold the putty knife flat to the wall with the blade pointing toward the center of the bracket.
4. Tap the handle of the putty knife with a hammer. Once the putty knife cuts through an inch behind the bracket, pull the knife out and reinsert on the opposite corner. Tap the putty knife again to cut through an inch behind the bracket.
5. Pull out the putty knife and repeat the process on the two bottom corners. Once you have cut through an inch behind the bracket at all four corners, start the process over again and slowly cut through until the bracket comes off the wall.
6. Repeat the cutting process for the opposite bracket. It is helpful to have a friend hold the towel bar while cutting through the opposite bracket to prevent the towel bar from just ripping out and causing undue damage to the wall.
1. Place a towel on the floor under the towel bar. The towel will catch most of the debris and make cleanup less difficult.
2. Score around the perimeter of each end bracket where it meets the wall, using a utility knife. This helps provide a spot to insert the putty knife blade as well as weaken the glue slightly.
3. Place the blade of a rigid 2-inch putty knife at the top corner of one end bracket, between the bracket and the wall. Hold the putty knife flat to the wall with the blade pointing toward the center of the bracket.
4. Tap the handle of the putty knife with a hammer. Once the putty knife cuts through an inch behind the bracket, pull the knife out and reinsert on the opposite corner. Tap the putty knife again to cut through an inch behind the bracket.
5. Pull out the putty knife and repeat the process on the two bottom corners. Once you have cut through an inch behind the bracket at all four corners, start the process over again and slowly cut through until the bracket comes off the wall.
6. Repeat the cutting process for the opposite bracket. It is helpful to have a friend hold the towel bar while cutting through the opposite bracket to prevent the towel bar from just ripping out and causing undue damage to the wall.
1. Place a towel on the floor under the towel bar. The towel will catch most of the debris and make cleanup less difficult.
2. Score around the perimeter of each end bracket where it meets the wall, using a utility knife. This helps provide a spot to insert the putty knife blade as well as weaken the glue slightly.
3. Place the blade of a rigid 2-inch putty knife at the top corner of one end bracket, between the bracket and the wall. Hold the putty knife flat to the wall with the blade pointing toward the center of the bracket.
4. Tap the handle of the putty knife with a hammer. Once the putty knife cuts through an inch behind the bracket, pull the knife out and reinsert on the opposite corner. Tap the putty knife again to cut through an inch behind the bracket.
5. Pull out the putty knife and repeat the process on the two bottom corners. Once you have cut through an inch behind the bracket at all four corners, start the process over again and slowly cut through until the bracket comes off the wall.
6. Repeat the cutting process for the opposite bracket. It is helpful to have a friend hold the towel bar while cutting through the opposite bracket to prevent the towel bar from just ripping out and causing undue damage to the wall.
我今天用的是美工刀。 美工刀能插进去挺多的。但是感觉里面有东西。。。大家谁知道是什么啊。我戳了戳感觉有东西就没敢继续。。。。话说总不能扯出个洞来吧??