When we start to wonder who we are and why we are here, start to think we are just incidental a cumulation of particles or a random lump of something, we might get confused and might seek for answers from religion. Again I'm talking about we, as adults. It's not right or wrong to choose to have a religion nor not to choose one. Everyone is different. Religion sometimes does force people to lie. Such as you sister. It made me laugh when you said that what the bible says are the FACT. More and more people now do not believe in God or after death.
Wake up a bit big apple![]()
你还把同性恋视作精神病? 国家条例中已经早早去除了。
中东国家就不说了,近的在渥太华就有人因为看不惯同性恋,为了人类的正义,把人家从Alexander Bridge上扔下去摔死了。
他,我,还有一些支持同性恋的,并不是偏执地支持自己的观点。我相信科学,至少不盲目相信宗教。同性恋不是病,也不该受到歧视。 维基百科这么权威的资源都论证了,你还是那么坚持自己错误的观点,你才是偏执。