
无论house修在什么地方,如果有湿度的问题,都最好进行抽湿,尤其是地下室,水泥地板会吸收大量的土壤水分然后排放到地下室,有一个数据Concrete Vapor emission rate 或者 Concrete moisture emission rete 就是用来测量水泥释放的湿气的数量的。请参考以下链接,
Moisture in concrete substrates is a leading cause of flooring failure, costing billions of dollars annually in damage, downtime, repair and replacement. You might think this problem occurs primarily in humid climates, or in geographies with a high water table. But moisture problems are much more widespread--and the problem is growing. This important issue affects your building's serviceability and your facilities budget from initial construction and occupancy through the duration of the building's lifetime. You can minimize your risk of moisture-related floor failure when you understand why this problem occurs and how to prevent it.


Dimensional Change Coefficients by Specie

The numbers in the chart reflect the dimensional change coefficient for the various species, measured as tangential shrinkage or swelling within normal moisture content limits of 6-14 percent. Tangential change values will normally reflect changes in plainsawn wood. Quartersawn wood will usually be more dimensionally stable than plainsawn.

The dimensional change coefficient can be used to calculate expected shrinkage or swelling. Simply multiply the change in moisture content by the change coefficient, then multiply by the width of the board.

Example: A mesquite (change coefficient = .00129) board 5 inches wide experiences a moisture content change from 6 to 9 percent — a change of 3 percentage points.

Calculation: 3 x .00129 = .00387 x 5 = .019 inches.

In actual practice, however, change would be diminished in a complete floor, as the boards’ proximity to each other tends to restrain movement. The chart is best used for comparison. For example, if the Floor has 20 row floor,
0.19 X 20 = 3.8 inches
Normally, the gap left at the end is 3/4 inch, two side will be 1 1/2 inch, which is not enough space for expansion, so the floor will be Cupping.

* Although some tropical woods such as Australian cypress, Brazilian cherry, merbau and wenge appear in this chart to have excellent moisture stability compared to domestic oak, actual installations of many of these woods have demonstrated significant movement in use. To avoid problems later, extra care should be taken to inform potential users of these tendencies prior to purchase.



Mositure Content 体现了随着温度和湿度的变化木材的含水率的变化,图中大家可以发现当温度是 60度到80度,空气湿度为30 到50之间,地板的含水从6.2到9.4,而图中的黄色高亮区域也显示了各种木材的舒适稳定区。根据这个值的变化,乘以wood dimensional change coefficient,你就可以找到湿度变化会导致木地板膨胀收缩多少。


上图为Wood Dimensional Change Coefficient, 显示的数值单位为inch, 这个数值体现了每英寸的木材在每一个Mositure Content 变化下体积增减的值。详细计算方法可见下文。

Dimensional Change Coefficients by Specie

The numbers in the chart reflect the dimensional change coefficient for the various species, measured as tangential shrinkage or swelling within normal moisture content limits of 6-14 percent. Tangential change values will normally reflect changes in plainsawn wood. Quartersawn wood will usually be more dimensionally stable than plainsawn.

The dimensional change coefficient can be used to calculate expected shrinkage or swelling. Simply multiply the change in moisture content by the change coefficient, then multiply by the width of the board.

Example: A mesquite (change coefficient = .00129) board 5 inches wide experiences a moisture content change from 6 to 9 percent — a change of 3 percentage points.

Calculation: 3 x .00129 = .00387 x 5 = .019 inches.

In actual practice, however, change would be diminished in a complete floor, as the boards’ proximity to each other tends to restrain movement. The chart is best used for comparison. For example, if the Floor has 20 row floor,
0.19 X 20 = 3.8 inches
Normally, the gap left at the end is 3/4 inch, two side will be 1 1/2 inch, which is not enough space for expansion, so the floor will be Cupping.

* Although some tropical woods such as Australian cypress, Brazilian cherry, merbau and wenge appear in this chart to have excellent moisture stability compared to domestic oak, actual installations of many of these woods have demonstrated significant movement in use. To avoid problems later, extra care should be taken to inform potential users of these tendencies prior to purchase.