无论house修在什么地方,如果有湿度的问题,都最好进行抽湿,尤其是地下室,水泥地板会吸收大量的土壤水分然后排放到地下室,有一个数据Concrete Vapor emission rate 或者 Concrete moisture emission rete 就是用来测量水泥释放的湿气的数量的。请参考以下链接,
Moisture in concrete substrates is a leading cause of flooring failure, costing billions of dollars annually in damage, downtime, repair and replacement. You might think this problem occurs primarily in humid climates, or in geographies with a high water table. But moisture problems are much more widespread--and the problem is growing. This important issue affects your building's serviceability and your facilities budget from initial construction and occupancy through the duration of the building's lifetime. You can minimize your risk of moisture-related floor failure when you understand why this problem occurs and how to prevent it.
Moisture in concrete substrates is a leading cause of flooring failure, costing billions of dollars annually in damage, downtime, repair and replacement. You might think this problem occurs primarily in humid climates, or in geographies with a high water table. But moisture problems are much more widespread--and the problem is growing. This important issue affects your building's serviceability and your facilities budget from initial construction and occupancy through the duration of the building's lifetime. You can minimize your risk of moisture-related floor failure when you understand why this problem occurs and how to prevent it.