2013.10.5 第三次小瑞士赏枫游(包括感想及照片)

Thank Shaowei for organizing this wonderful trip. He is a very considerate and is always willing to help others...

Thanks for all the compliment. It’s my pleasure to help. I am only a public servant serving you people, so please don’t call me chairman or president Shao etc. Believe one day when you have time and passion, you will render help to others as well, will you not?

Yet regret an old couple didn’t behave so gracefully. I don’t mind still doing things silently in the back stage helping you with the English contract and even payment with the bus company, etc, like what I did for the previous trips. I don’t seek any personal gain. Had the two buses on Sunday not been full, I wouldn’t have added one bus after another to help those in need last Saturday. In this case, I was a reluctant warrior. :) What is the point of your vicious attack in the public? Jealousy or fear? Is a loony bin suddenly on vacation these days? Are we in the 21st century, or still in the notorious “cultural revolution” era when you could jump up and down to stir up conflicts? LOL.

Hope we Chinese can all get united as a whole, not to separate and fight each other internally.
FD校友会 2013-10-09 星期三
Thanks for all the compliment. It’s my pleasure to help. I am only a public servant serving you people, so please don’t call me chairman or president Shao etc. Believe one day when you have time and passion, you will render help to others as well, will you not?
Yet regret an old couple didn’t behave so gracefully. I don’t mind still doing things silently in the back stage helping you with the English contract and even payment with the bus company, etc, like what I did for the previous trips. I don’t seek any personal gain. Had the two buses on Sunday not been full, I wouldn’t have added one bus after another to help those in need last Saturday. In this case, I was a reluctant warrior. :) What is the point of your vicious attack in the public? Jealousy or fear? Is a loony bin suddenly on vacation these days? Are we in the 21st century, or still in the notorious “cultural revolution” era when you could jump up and down to stir up conflicts? LOL.
Hope we Chinese can all get united as a whole, not to separate and fight each other internally.

Chairman shao,
上面是你的英文帖子,你用英文在中文网站上如此贬低an old couple,你也不年轻吧,称你old 什么呢?
你英文帖子竟然提出”21世纪文革”的概念,说你遭到嫉妒,遭到一个从疯人院突然跳出来的疯子的恐怖性攻击. 你这是在公开的中文媒体上,用a loony这么恶毒的英文词句骂一位不懂英文的老年妇女,你是岐视妇女,岐视老年人,公开对老年妇女进行人格侮辱.进行人身攻击,社会影响恶劣,对我伤害很大.

Don't fake any excuse. The real reason is that I used to help you silently and let you shine and pocket all the gains so you could go to the casino more often; but this time I felt the moral responsibility to help those left out, so I had to come forward to organize a wonderful trip. That made you feel jealous and lost.

I have all your emails etc as evidence. Do you know there is 时态&语态 in English? Read my posting carefully; don't distort my meaning! You crazily wrote to every one here and spreaded rumours to threaten me. That is libel, illegal, you should know.

You still live in yesterday, while we move forward. :-)

在此,我要再明确一下,我这次请你帮忙联系租车,仅此而已.发展到现在这种状况,来龙去脉一清二楚.请你清醒一点,先与你点明以下3点. 1,矛盾的当事人是你邵会长和我杨会长及丈夫.2,矛盾的社团是川渝同乡会和FD校友会.3,矛盾的事件是有关10月6日和5日去Tremblant旅游活动.不牵涉其他任何人,其它社团,其它任何事.
我要控告你的内容是你在10月9日以FD校友会网名发表的英文帖子,1,用a loony(一个疯子)这么恶毒的词句谩骂我,这是对我的人格侮辱,这是歧视老年人,歧视妇女的违法行为,社会影响恶劣.对我身心伤害很大.2,你说帮我们(川渝)签订英文合同,甚至付款给Bus公司,你是在造谣诬陷.
杨会长和丈夫 2013/10/21