2010 Toyota Venza V6 AWD 68398km $old

You are a Panda. You shouldn't be here. The best place is Toronto Animal Zoo for you. You are a still uncivilized panda, speaking dirty words.
Dirty words for dirty people. haha
I saw your post on many ads. Your bid were all irrational. No one will give a deal at your price. The owner will see it as an insult. You call yourself a business man, as far as I can see you are one of those cheap bumpkins. If I give you $30,000 can you buy me a new Venza? You go and get some knowledge learnt. Oh, first of all, learn how to respect. Only you respect others, others can respect you.
I am sorry that I never do business with some one who speak dirty words.
Dirty words for dirty people. haha
You are a stupid panda. Only do you know "Go fuck yourself." I never do business with a stupid animal.
刚看到这里有争论,这辆车已于四月20号左右卖给TONY GRAHAM TOYOTA,他们很快以$19950 卖掉。
I saw your post on many ads. Your bid were all irrational. No one will give a deal at your price. The owner will see it as an insult. You call yourself a business man, as far as I can see you are one of those cheap bumpkins. If I give you $30,000 can you buy me a new Venza? You go and get some knowledge learnt. Oh, first of all, learn how to respect. Only you respect others, others can respect you.

支持 Panda! 就是卖不出去也不会卖给这种人

同意,阿差常年坚持恶心报价,要末是精神有问题,要末就是五十几岁还不懂得resonable offer,白活大半背字。更恶心的是,英语不怎么样,还常年坚持瞎JB拽!嘿嘿,不过有时候也能被他气乐了!:)