[转贴] PMP 认证---移民进入企业管理层的敲门砖!


PMP 认证---移民进入企业管理层的敲门砖!


我们大陆移民远渡重洋来到北美,为的是追求美好的生活。但许多同胞片面认为,由于语言的差距,华人这辈子就是干技术的命了。Team leader或系统分析师就到头了。那么华人在西方企业有没有走向管理层的机会呢? 有!捷径就是PMP认证。

对于大多数来到北美的技术新移民来说,Job is a job。是我们得以生存的手段。但对另一些人来说,工作是我们丰富多彩生活的一部分,是迈向成功理想的career。

Career 似乎是对传统意义的专业人员banker, charter accountant, lawyer 和 doctor的专业描述。但当我们也开始用career path的角度来分析我们的工作时, 我们就会考虑 growth, direction, opportunities 和 paths。而绝大多数人会把走向企业管理层作为一个growth的目标。


PMP - 进入企业管理层的敲门砖!

PMP,英文Project Management Professional的缩写,中文意思就是项目管理专业人员资格认证,是由PMI(美国项目管理协会)发起的、严格评估项目管理人员知识技能是否具有高品质的资格认证考试。其目的是为了给项目管理人员提供统一的行业标准。而且在1999年,PMP考试成功地通过了ISO9001国际质量认证,成为了第一个获得此项荣誉的认证考试。取得PMP认证的人员就具有和掌握了项目管理专业知识及工作经验,从而可以成为项目管理专业人员。


随着各大公司的不断发展,具有某项目管理能力的人才,成为了各大公司追逐的目标,这也说明了项目管理专家认证已经渐渐成为了继MBA、MPA等国际认证后又一个“王牌”认证,而且在应用方面,项目管理专家认证远远要超过MBA、MPA等,项目管理已在国际航天、电子、通讯、计算机、软件开发、建筑、制药、金融等行业甚至政府机关内广泛应用。许多世界上著名的大公司如IBM, HP, Big 5, 摩托罗拉、朗讯、摩根.斯坦利、乃至白宫、美国能源部和世界银行都采用项目管理的模式运作,并要求无论是为了公司业务的壮大还是为了个人职业的发展,有关项目管理人员应当拥有PMP证书。PMP认证目前已被全球许多国家及项目管理界人士所认可。通过认证的专业人员也由20世纪80年代的几十名发展到目前的4万多名,遍布欧洲、北美、大洋州以及亚洲的韩国、日本、新加坡和中国。尤其是在欧美,PMP更是具有超越MBA的趋势。

既然要学习,自然也就有它有用之处,PMP自然也不会例外。项目管理是二战后快速发展起来的一种计划管理方法,它一出现便举世瞩目,大量的成功案例证实这是当今世界上最先进高效的一种管理模式。项目管理以满足客户需求为驱动力,高效的利用人力,财力,物力及其他资源以达到大幅度缩短工期、降低成本和提高质量的业务目标。目前。在全球最发达的企业机构和政府部门中项目管理已成为其运作的主流管理模式。美国项目管理协会主席Paur Grace断言, “在当今社会,一切都是项目,一切也将成为项目”。




作者简介: Vicitor , PMP。
曾任中国IBM 项目经理。

本文章由新概念电脑培训中心供稿。欲了解PMP认证更多详情,或想与蔡老师进行进一步讨论,请参加8月16日(六)2:00pm由新概念电脑培训中心举办的“PMP证书班”的免费公开课,定座电话:416-482-9558。地址: 45 Sheppard Ave East , Suite 510(Yonge/Sheppard东南)

PMP 证书班 (Project Management Professional )










新概念PMP 培训独家特色:




2)师资力量最雄厚:主讲 Victor, 多年北美IT全球性公司项目管理及部门管理经验, 口才、技术一流! 令您上课是一种享受!




3)资料最齐全:提供大量除了PMP内部培训教材以外的独家参考资料,均为蔡老师多年PM实践工作和授课中宝贵心得的总结!更针对认证考试, 精准打击结合地毯轰炸的3000模拟题,帮助培训学员更快通过世界权威性的PMP资格认证,并增加了情景实例,通过实战演练深化对项目管理理论的实际应用理解!


5)新概念拥有多市最大的PMP Group。均为正在从事PM工作、或是正在准备PMP考试、或是已通过PMP认证的同道中人,学员可免费加入,交换相关的考试心得以及PM工作心得,更可获得大量的PM工作信息!



讲座: 在北美公司,怎样快速获得提升

时间: 8月16日(六)1:00pm

主讲1: Miss Tang, KPMG Associate Director (KPMG--北美五大会计事务所之一)
CA (BC 省前10名),CFA

主讲2: Victor Cai,PMP。
曾任中国IBM 项目经理。


1) 如何适应北美企业文化;
2) 如何在”be a good team player”的同时脱颖而出;
3) 如何成为上司的好下属同时成为下属的好”boss”;
4) “What is Glass ceiling”, and the way to penetrate the ceiling

"物竞天择,适者生存",这个简单而深奥的道理,帮助许多积极向上的新移民,及时有效地克服Culture Shock, 在与不同肤色同事的合作中,脱颖而出,进入管理层。


KPMG Associate Director, CA 和CFA 认证拥有者,年轻的大陆移民Ms Tang, 结合实例,介绍如何在白人占主导地位的Bay Street 大公司中,自我完善,发挥特长,抓住机遇,迈向理想。



Email: xingainian@rogers.com
地址: 45 Sheppard Ave East , Suite 510(Yonge/Sheppard东南)

If your English communication skill is very very strong - even better than most native Canadian, it is useful to have PMP for you.

Otherwise, forget it.
i don;t know anything about PMP, i just thought it;s might be useful to soem ppl, that's why i re-posted it.
PMP looks good. But there are many certification programs around: PDMA http://www.pdma.org/, Marketer etc. It is good to have knowledge of the areas. However, hands-on experience is also important.

In my opinion, school degree is better than certification.
PMP is only a nice-to-have on your resume. However you can't build your career just on PMP. The normal route to be a PMP is that you should have years of hands-on experience within one or few fields.

I've got to say that the article you posted looks very much like a commercial advertisement. :)
以前最瞧不起的就是Project manager,各部门,客户那里到处
Let's see if you can still be technically competent at age 50. :smokin:
It depends on what level you are on. As a designer or tester, you have to
learn new programming languages, and a new guy is always better and faster
for that. You cannot count on you present skills for more than 5 years. If
you only see the skills as you learn C yesterday, C++/Java today and .NET
tomorrow, it is endless. But if you take a look at a higher level, the network
architecture level, you can see the old knowledge still useful. Every new
technolodge is based on the old one. Ex, we see from circiut swicthing to
packet switching and then back to circiut switching again. Now the experience
you had 10 years ago on circuit switching becomes useful again.
Unlike the programming language, most of the algorithms we used are developed
10 years ago. That means if you are an expert now, you may probably still an
expert 10 years later. You have a longer life for your career.
As for project manager, I cannot see anything an ordinary guy cannot do. All
you need is some knowledge on project management and a good interpersonal
skills which the natives are always better than you.



总之,机器值钱,人不值钱;自然,跟机器打交道的programmer牛B,跟人打交道的project manager是耍嘴皮的,打杂去吧.

来到加拿大,思想转不过弯来,算culture shock吧.:D
haha..haha..hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. :lol::lol:
Even conceptual design at the architecture level requires extensive technical knowledge. For example, if your knowledge base is stagnant for 10 years, as an architect, how would you know the new technical options that are out there on the IT market?

I think you are extremely naive in 2 ways:
1. that it is easier to be a technical architect than to be a PMP;
2. that YOU can be a technical architect at age 50, and not just any architect, but the kind that sit on their @ss all day using technologies from years back.

Over the years, I find that although managerial skills can be acquired, they are however largely innate, i.e. you are either born with them or not. Where I'm getting is that not just anyone can be a manager, NO WAY.

最初由 gdntfrank 发布
It depends on what level you are on. As a designer or tester, you have to
learn new programming languages, and a new guy is always better and faster
for that. You cannot count on you present skills for more than 5 years. If
you only see the skills as you learn C yesterday, C++/Java today and .NET
tomorrow, it is endless. But if you take a look at a higher level, the network
architecture level, you can see the old knowledge still useful. Every new
technolodge is based on the old one. Ex, we see from circiut swicthing to
packet switching and then back to circiut switching again. Now the experience
you had 10 years ago on circuit switching becomes useful again.
Unlike the programming language, most of the algorithms we used are developed
10 years ago. That means if you are an expert now, you may probably still an
expert 10 years later. You have a longer life for your career.
As for project manager, I cannot see anything an ordinary guy cannot do. All
you need is some knowledge on project management and a good interpersonal
skills which the natives are always better than you.
The problem is anybody can be project manager. China is good at
mass production. There is no hope for such a career if the entry level
is not high. programmer is another example. No matter what you are
going to do, make sure others cannot.Or at least they cannot do it easily.

This is the point! No matter the job is technical or business related.
最初由 渐渐 发布
haha..haha..hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. :lol::lol:
Even conceptual design at the architecture level requires extensive technical knowledge. For example, if your knowledge base is stagnant for 10 years, as an architect, how would you know the new technical options that are out there on the IT market?

I think you are extremely naive in 2 ways:
1. that it is easier to be a technical architect than to be a PMP;
2. that YOU can be a technical architect at age 50, and not just any architect, but the kind that sit on their @ss all day using technologies from years back.

Over the years, I find that although managerial skills can be acquired, they are however largely innate, i.e. you are either born with them or not. Where I'm getting is that not just anyone can be a manager, NO WAY.

It is just an example telling you that the experience is always
useful from a high level of view. Not telling you can stay there
doing nothing for 10 years. The knowledge required to be an
expert in networking cannot be gained within 5 years. But what is
needed to be a project manager? Is there any limit that prevent
an person to be a project manager? What is the entry level of
project manager? Ask yourself what is your strength. Then decide
whether it is competent for you to be a project manager. Especially
when English is not your native language.
Don't be a project manager in China, you will be looked down upon
by the technical guys and only used as a servant by the marketing
guys. (this really happens, at least in all the companies I worked
with). So, What you expect here not to mention the competetion with
local guys.
one thing I think you may not understand, most of the theoretical
parts of today's technology are done 10 years ago. most of the
improvements after that are minor, the milestones are already there.
So the theory/algorithm 10 years ago are not out of date to some extent. At least not like fortran and basic to programming languages

To be a network architecture, you should have a Ph.D. and more
than 10 years industrial experience. i.e. you need 10 years post secondary eduaction and 10 years working experience. But you
mentioned to be an MPM is more difficult, can you explain why?

And if the MPM is so difficult to get, the person with it should
be admired. And generally, people like to listen to them.