N newer 资深人士 注册 2002-08-06 消息 3,631 荣誉分数 385 声望点数 243 2014-11-18 #196 There are far too many of us who place far too much stock in being alive and far too little in living. 最后编辑: 2014-11-19
There are far too many of us who place far too much stock in being alive and far too little in living.
R rosehip Moderator 管理成员 VIP 注册 2012-06-26 消息 19,675 荣誉分数 9,556 声望点数 293 2014-11-18 #197 耶书仑 说: 生活的最佳策略是控制我們所能掌控的事, 不要沈浸在「掌控一切」的幻想中。 或許我們可以用另一種說法來表達: 當我們放棄「完全掌控」的幻想時,就獲得了最大的掌控。 我們是在「無能為力」與「無所不能」這兩個極端之間尋求一條中庸之道。 (轉自網路) 点击展开...
耶书仑 说: 生活的最佳策略是控制我們所能掌控的事, 不要沈浸在「掌控一切」的幻想中。 或許我們可以用另一種說法來表達: 當我們放棄「完全掌控」的幻想時,就獲得了最大的掌控。 我們是在「無能為力」與「無所不能」這兩個極端之間尋求一條中庸之道。 (轉自網路) 点击展开...
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-11-19 #198 rosehip 说: 浏览附件469950 点击展开... Let us enjoy "let it go", ha ha.
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-11-19 #199 作你該做的事情是責任, 作你愛做的事情是快樂, 作你能做的事情是能力, 作你想做的事情是意義。 幸福的生活包括這四樣,而且缺一不可。
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-11-19 #201 愛是恆久忍耐,又有恩慈。愛是不忌妒。愛是不自誇。不張狂。不作害羞的事。不求自己的益處。不輕易發怒。不喜歡不義。只喜歡真理。凡事包容。凡事相信。凡事盼望。凡事忍耐。愛是永不止息。
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-11-19 #202 這句話好有道理 No pain, no gain; no pressure, no pleasure; however, no health, no wealth. 沒有付出,哪有收穫;沒有壓力,哪來幸福;... 然而,沒有健康,哪來財富。
這句話好有道理 No pain, no gain; no pressure, no pleasure; however, no health, no wealth. 沒有付出,哪有收穫;沒有壓力,哪來幸福;... 然而,沒有健康,哪來財富。
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-11-19 #203 If we could take selfies of our souls, would you find it attractive enough to post?
九妹 知名会员 注册 2014-05-01 消息 2,311 荣誉分数 726 声望点数 123 2014-11-19 #204 耶书仑 说: 這句話好有道理 No pain, no gain; no pressure, no pleasure; however, no health, no wealth. 沒有付出,哪有收穫;沒有壓力,哪來幸福;... 然而,沒有健康,哪來財富。 点击展开... but sometime you pain, still no gain. its really painful.
耶书仑 说: 這句話好有道理 No pain, no gain; no pressure, no pleasure; however, no health, no wealth. 沒有付出,哪有收穫;沒有壓力,哪來幸福;... 然而,沒有健康,哪來財富。 点击展开... but sometime you pain, still no gain. its really painful.
uglyducking 从前有座山 VIP 注册 2003-09-30 消息 79,689 荣誉分数 23,512 声望点数 1,373 2014-11-19 #205 九妹 说: but sometime you pain, still no gain. its really painful. 点击展开... You can gain some weight though
九妹 说: but sometime you pain, still no gain. its really painful. 点击展开... You can gain some weight though
九妹 知名会员 注册 2014-05-01 消息 2,311 荣誉分数 726 声望点数 123 2014-11-19 #206 uglyducking 说: You can gain some weight though 点击展开... 鸭子哥哥好。 鸭子哥哥真坏。 no. its a good way to help you to lose your weight.
uglyducking 说: You can gain some weight though 点击展开... 鸭子哥哥好。 鸭子哥哥真坏。 no. its a good way to help you to lose your weight.
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-11-19 #207 九妹 说: but sometime you pain, still no gain. its really painful. 点击展开... The least gain is to know that "there may be no gain". You may actually find additional gain. But it is something, case by case.
九妹 说: but sometime you pain, still no gain. its really painful. 点击展开... The least gain is to know that "there may be no gain". You may actually find additional gain. But it is something, case by case.
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-11-19 #208 uglyducking 说: You can gain some weight though 点击展开... Most likely, you lose weight. But be careful, losing weight fast is a bad thing.
uglyducking 说: You can gain some weight though 点击展开... Most likely, you lose weight. But be careful, losing weight fast is a bad thing.
N newer 资深人士 注册 2002-08-06 消息 3,631 荣誉分数 385 声望点数 243 2014-11-19 #209 A society is defined not only by what it creates,but by what it refuses to destroy.
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-11-20 #210 Impossible only means you haven't found the solution yet. - Anonymous Or it is not the timing yet. - Mr. 耶书仑 Or it is just impossible. - Mr. 耶书仑 最后编辑: 2014-11-20
Impossible only means you haven't found the solution yet. - Anonymous Or it is not the timing yet. - Mr. 耶书仑 Or it is just impossible. - Mr. 耶书仑