Thought of the day

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Try and live your life the way you wish other people would live theirs.
别把成功看得太复杂: 有时候我们应该让心态简单一些,把复杂的事情用简单的方法去做,往往会收到意想不到的后果。
一個人並不孤單,想一個人時才孤單 !
生 ~ 容易! 活 ~ 容易 ! 生活 ~ 不容易 !
「我們正在演一場戲,這齣戲的名稱叫做『家人、友人、達人』,家人就是以真誠、善念、美意相處;友人的互動就是口甜、臉甜、心甜;達人就是敬業、樂業、專業。這就是我在經營企業的態度與行為,這就是我經營的管理理念」。- an unknown author
俺混得长了,知道这有多黑。 你小心点就是了,遇事多长心眼,出门戴墨镜,多看看前后左右没亏吃。- CFC 冷笑9声

善待别人也是善待自己. - CFC 三维人生

即便是在网上, 这也是你我第一次交流吧, 第一次你就诈我, 这世界上还有好人吗? - CFC 这都不是事儿
A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike.
And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless.
We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us.
Do not worry if you're making waves simply by being yourself. The moon does it all the time.
My son's note:

The little girl cried when she lost her marbles in the desert.
She searched the desert for one hundred years.
The little girl cried when she thought she might 've lost them in the sea rather than the desert.
She searched the depths of the sea for one hundred years.
The little girl cried when she thought she might 've lost them in the mountains than the sea.
How long will it take till she begins to doubt whether or not she actually lost them to begin with?
My son's note:

The little girl cried when she lost her marbles in the desert.
She searched the desert for one hundred years.
The little girl cried when she thought she might 've lost them in the sea rather than the desert.
She searched the depths of the sea for one hundred years.
The little girl cried when she thought she might 've lost them in the mountains than the sea.
How long will it take till she begins to doubt whether or not she actually lost them to begin with?
经受住苦难的考验: 苦难是一笔财富,它会锤炼人的意志,使人获得生活的真谛。
If we counted our blessings instead of our money, we would all be rich.
Train like an athlete,
Eat like a nutritionist,
Sleep like a baby,
Win like a champion