枫木cutting board (二)量产

我也就常规的那些电动木工设备:table saw, band saw, miter saw, planer, jointer, router table,shaper etc.
如果家里LD上来看到这个帖子,估计我的woodworking budget要被cut down了:dx:

Your shop must of good size for all these equipment. What about dust collection? Do you know about this one : www.ivacpro.com ?
Your shop must of good size for all these equipment. What about dust collection? Do you know about this one : www.ivacpro.com ?
I use dust collector instead of shop vac in my woodworking workshop. Dust collector should be the first important investment in woodworking workshop.
Sorry no experience about ivac. Ivac looks like a great device.
The remote control is good enough for me to turn on/off the DC.
I use dust collector instead of shop vac in my woodworking workshop. Dust collector should be the first important investment in woodworking workshop.
Sorry no experience about ivac. Ivac looks like a great device.
The remote control is good enough for me to turn on/off the DC.
You are a Pro! That's very true! Some saw dust is toxic!
你的 dust collector 是多大功率的?是在ottawa买的吗?
我知道 Busy bee tools 有一些 dust collector,但不知道一般家里小的workshop用多大功率的合适。
你的 dust collector 是多大功率的?是在ottawa买的吗?
我知道 Busy bee tools 有一些 dust collector,但不知道一般家里小的workshop用多大功率的合适。