权衡一下吧,为了子孙孩子的未来,你可以舍点什么呢?能做点什么就做什么。比如,舍点时间,舍点银子,甚至自由党党员的身份,保守党党员的身份。 如过孩子生病跑医院,你不是都舍得么? 孩子被迷惑被灌输各种变性知识,建议青春发育期有困惑不是首先咨询父母,而是看媒体看同性恋俱乐部,那后果真是比生病还难受的。
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I was not a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
1. How important is parent’s involvement in determining how sex education should be taught in public school systems in Ontario?
Not too important
2. At what grade level, sexual orientation should first be taught?
Elementary School (K-5)
3. At what grade level, the concept of masturbation should first be introduced?
Elementary School (K-5)
4. At what grade level, anal & oral sex should first be taught?
Elementary School (K-5)
5. At what grade level, students should be taught on the engagement of their own sexual activities?
Elementary School (K-5)
6. How important do you think for school to teach “love”, “commitment”, “emotional impact” and “responsibility” during sex education?
Not too important
7. How important do you think for school to teach “Section 159 of the Criminal Code”? (“Section 159 of the Criminal Code” criminalizes anal intercourse for the person who is less than 18 years old and non husband-wife relationship)
Not too important
8. Based on 2013-14 data from Ministry of Education website, the number of students from Grade 1- Grade 8 was above one million. 4000 parents were selected to take an online survey in November 2014 on the revised sex education curriculum. This online survey had no question mentioned about the details of the revised curriculum.
What is your opinion on the following statement: The survey mentioned above is appropriate and sufficient.
Neither agree nor disagree
9. The medium of transmission should switch from a teacher-led, classroom-based approach to presentations in which parents can take an active role.
Strongly disagree
10. Textbooks, rationales, related components, and teaching materials must be provided to parents before implementing the sex education curriculum.
Strongly disagree
11. Parent’s consent including topics to be taught or discussed must be provided before each session of sex education course.
Strongly disagree