栀子花刚开都是白色的,时间久了变黄,这时应该剪掉。浏览附件524130 浏览附件524132 浏览附件524140
剛下班回家又查看了那棵大栀子花 ( 黄色 ),像你説的那樣枝幹有開叉 ( 在左下角 ),可看着不像我的小栀子花 (白色 ) 的花蕾那樣的。栀子花真的花我時間最多。。。呵呵~
栀子花刚开都是白色的,时间久了变黄,这时应该剪掉。浏览附件524130 浏览附件524132 浏览附件524140
剛下班回家又查看了那棵大栀子花 ( 黄色 ),像你説的那樣枝幹有開叉 ( 在左下角 ),可看着不像我的小栀子花 (白色 ) 的花蕾那樣的。栀子花真的花我時間最多。。。呵呵~
Keep anything away from lilies (dragon, asiatic, etc. but day lily is fine --- like weed anyway, good for soil protection right under the wall or cornering but not suitable for flower beds) as far as possible --- lilies are sweet and attract bugs, need to be treated with vinegar and soapy water from budding to end of bloom weekly (even more effective with addition of cigarette ends to the mix).喔噢。。。我本來還想着今年入秋後挖出大麗花,然後把我的牡丹移植過去和百合一起種呢。。。那更不適合了,是嗎?
Buy all the three colours if available, plant them in one clump about 15-20cm apart: here it goes --- 1) a beautiful live bouquet; 2) no more mosquitos. Collect the seeds in the fall to plant next spring in the same spot; buy and plant them again next spring if seeds don't germinate. Enjoy!这个在inners的costco还有卖,$9.99,看上去还很大只。如果你想买,可以去看看。
嗯。Keep anything away from lilies (dragon, asiatic, etc. but day lily is fine --- like weed anyway, good for soil protection right under the wall or cornering but not suitable for flower beds) as far as possible --- lilies are sweet and attract bugs, need to be treated with vinegar and soapy water from budding to end of bloom weekly (even more effective with addition of cigarette ends to the mix).
costco 那个花苞长出来,但看不出啥颜色。他们一大盆这样卖。你说我是要拿出来一个一个种下去,还是整盆下去?不能再犯铃兰的错误了,一定要问清楚再种。谢谢Buy all the three colours if available, plant them in one clump about 15-20cm apart: here it goes --- 1) a beautiful live bouquet; 2) no more mosquitos. Collect the seeds in the fall to plant next spring in the same spot; buy and plant them again next spring if seeds don't germinate. Enjoy!
How big are the flower buds? In total, there are three different main colours but each flower has stripes and a heart. Fox glove is bi-annual. Roots don't spread as fast as bleeding heart. You can plant the planter to the ground but make sure the planter has holes sufficiently big for good drainage. Collect mature seeds in the fall and plant them early next May in the same spot. I love fox glove for its vibrant colours, long booming time, and mosquito eating! Don't let kids/pets eat the flowers --- it may cause stomach upset.costco 那个花苞长出来,但看不出啥颜色。他们一大盆这样卖。你说我是要拿出来一个一个种下去,还是整盆下去?不能再犯铃兰的错误了,一定要问清楚再种。谢谢