复旦校友会 知名会员 注册 2013-05-03 消息 321 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 198 2015-06-23 #16 街头球狂 说: 现在才开始组织晚了点吧 点击展开... Not that late yet. Anyway, "better late than nothing". We can only try our best.
街头球狂 说: 现在才开始组织晚了点吧 点击展开... Not that late yet. Anyway, "better late than nothing". We can only try our best.
MasterZ Studio 新手上路 注册 2012-11-25 消息 73 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 18 2015-06-23 #17 我们全家四口出动,支持中国队。 有没有要画脸的,像我家的小球迷(如图),给我发悄悄话,26号星期五,3点到5点到我家来画脸。
Z zhonghuastrong 新手上路 注册 2015-05-23 消息 14 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 11 2015-06-23 #18 We have four, enter from Bank
R richard wang 资深人士 注册 2008-07-02 消息 912 荣誉分数 176 声望点数 203 2015-06-23 #20 多带点加拿大的国旗发给别人, 距离远分不太清。让红旗飘扬
E ecomore 初级会员 注册 2014-03-17 消息 789 荣誉分数 148 声望点数 53 2015-06-23 #21 We have 4 people. Let us know where to meet.
复旦校友会 知名会员 注册 2013-05-03 消息 321 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 198 2015-06-23 #22 From the replies to my post only 2 hours ago, we have already got over 100 people saying they will come. Surprising, The numbers are growing. United, we can get it done.
From the replies to my post only 2 hours ago, we have already got over 100 people saying they will come. Surprising, The numbers are growing. United, we can get it done.
复旦校友会 知名会员 注册 2013-05-03 消息 321 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 198 2015-06-23 #24 Welcome. You have got the tickets already, I believe.
复旦校友会 知名会员 注册 2013-05-03 消息 321 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 198 2015-06-23 #25 Good, we are suddenly flooded with people now. Welcome.
M max 知名会员 注册 2002-01-16 消息 353 荣誉分数 94 声望点数 138 2015-06-23 #29 复旦校友会 说: Good, we are suddenly flooded with people now. Welcome. 点击展开... 家里唯—的—张票,老外老公让给我了。原先他买票时问我有木兴趣,我一口回绝。俺要在家里看孩子。俺原本还不高兴他去看球,现在。。。呵呵
复旦校友会 说: Good, we are suddenly flooded with people now. Welcome. 点击展开... 家里唯—的—张票,老外老公让给我了。原先他买票时问我有木兴趣,我一口回绝。俺要在家里看孩子。俺原本还不高兴他去看球,现在。。。呵呵