联邦大选 Ashling 08/27 627
Brief Summary:
In a recent ruling, the Federal Court has upheld the decision made by former Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Jason Kenney, in 2009, about withdrawing federal funding for groups who express hateful views or defend terrorism, such as the Canadian Arab Federation. However, it appears that the Liberal and New Democratic parties were in disagreement with Mr. Kenney at the time of the decision. As the federal election is coming, we ask you to question the leaders of the Liberal and New Democratic parties: do they still support those groups? Moreover, would they restore millions of dollars in taxpayer funding to those groups?
在最近的判决中,联邦法院表达了对前移民部长Jason Kenney在2009年时做出的决定:撤销对那些表达恨意和维护恐怖组织的组织,例如加拿大阿拉伯联合会的联邦资金补助的决定。然而,自由党和新民主党在当时反对了Kenney先生的决定。当联邦大选即将到来之际,我们希望你们能够问一问自由党和新民主党的领导们:他们是否还继续支持那些组织?更重要的是,他们是否会恢复给那些组织数以百万计的税金资助?
As Minister for Multiculturalism, I have always taken a zero tolerance attitude toward Antisemitism.
Years ago I was criticized for saying that groups who express hateful views or defend terrorists should not receive taxpayer funding.
As Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, I ended government funding for groups such as the Canadian Arab Federation, and Palestine House.
作为移民部部长,我结束了政府对于一些组织的资金援助,包含加拿大阿拉伯联合会(the Canadian Arab Federation)和巴勒斯坦家园(Palestine House)。
I did so because the leadership of both of these organizations had long track records of expressing hateful, antisemitic views, and glorifying terrorists. Shockingly, they had been granted multi-million dollar funding by the previous Liberal government to provide integration services to new immigrants.
When I eliminated taxpayer funding of these organizations, the Liberal and New Democratic parties attacked me, insisting that the government restore funding to them. The Canadian Arab Federation also sued me, seeking to have a court force the government to restore its million dollar annual grant.
I am pleased to tell you that the Federal Court rejected this effort to force us to fund purveyors of hate. And recently, a three-judge panel of the Federal Court of Appeal unanimously rejected the Canadian Arab Federation law suit against me. Here is a link to the Court's decision http://decisions.fca-caf.gc.ca/fca-caf/decisions/en/item/111204/index.do, and below is an article by the Canadian Jewish News about the case.
Given the upcoming federal election, I hope that you will ask your Liberal and NDP candidates if they still believe that we should give millions of tax dollars to groups whose leadership promotes antisemitism, and who express support for banned terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.
In particular, I believe that Justin Trudeau should be asked for his position on funding the Canadian Arab Federation, given that a former President of the organization, Omar Algabhra, is a Liberal candidate in this election, and is described as a “close advisor” to Mr. Trudeau.
除此之外,我认为贾斯汀 特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)应被质疑他在支持阿拉伯联合会获得资金补助中的立场,因为前任阿拉伯联合会的主席,同时也是这次大选中自由党的参选人Omar Algabhra被形容为特鲁多先生的“亲密顾问”。
Two years ago, Justin Trudeau remained silent when Elias Hazineh, a past President of Palestine House and of the Liberal Party's Mississauga-Erindale constituency association was investigated by police for leading a rally in Toronto where he said that Israeli Jews should be shot if they don't leave Palestine.
两年前,当Elias Hazineh,前巴勒斯坦家园主席并且也是前自由党密西沙加-艾琳戴尔选民联合会主席,因为在领导多伦多的一次示威活动中表达了以色列犹太人如果不离开巴勒斯坦就应该被枪杀的观念而受到警方的调查时,贾斯汀 特鲁多选择了保持沉默。
It is a troubling pattern. When they were in government, the Liberals appointed Liberal Party member and Canadian Arab Federation President, Khaled Mouammar, to the Immigration and Refugee Board. This is the same Khaled Mouammar who also wanted Hezbollah and Hamas removed from the list of banned terror organizations.
这是一个恶性循环的表现。当自由党执政时,他们指派自由党成员、加拿大阿拉伯联合会主席Khaled Mouammar成为了移民及难民委员。这个人就是那个希望真主党和哈马斯能从被禁的恐怖组织名单中除名的人。
Justin Trudeau needs to come clean: do these people have a place in the party he leads? And would he restore millions of dollars in taxpayer funding to the Canadian Arab Federation and Palestine House?
贾斯汀 特鲁多需要为自己澄清:他领导的党派内是否给这样的人留有一席之地?并且,他是否会恢复对加拿大阿拉伯联合会和巴勒斯坦家园提供数百万的税金资助?
As always, feel free to share this message with friends and family.
Hon. Jason Kenney
Court upholds withdrawal of Arab group’s funding
Sheri Shefa, Staff Reporter, Friday, August 7, 2015
The Canadian Jewish News 加拿大犹太新闻报
The Federal Court of Appeal has dismissed the Canadian Arab Federation’s (CAF) effort to reverse the federal government’s decision to withdraw funding for the group because of the government’s contention the group is anti-Semitic.
Last year, a Federal Court judge upheld a 2009 assessment by then-minister of citizenship and immigration Jason Kenney, who decided to withdraw more than $1 million a year in federal government funding for the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program because the government said the CAF promoted anti-Semitism and supported terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah.
去年,联邦法院的法官支持了一份2009年由时任移民部部长Jason Kenney所给出的评定。Jason Kenney当时因为政府认定CAF宣扬反犹太主义并支持像是哈马斯和真主党等恐怖组织,而取消了联邦政府对该组织下提供新移民语言指导项目(LINC program)的每年超过一百万加币的资金补助。
When the CAF sought to renew its funding in 2009 to be part of the government’s English-language training program for people new to the country, Kenney rejected the group’s request in a letter in which he said that “serious concerns have risen with respect to certain public statements that have been made by yourself, or other officials of the CAF.
“These statements have included the promotion of hatred, anti-Semitism and support for the banned terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah… [this] raises serious questions about the integrity of your organization and has undermined the government’s confidence in the CAF as an appropriate partner for the delivery of settlement services to newcomers.”
“这些申明中包含了宣扬仇恨思想、反犹太主义和支持被禁止的像哈马斯和真主党这样的恐怖组织…… [这]造成了一些严肃的问题如该组织的操守,更破坏了政府对于CAF可以成为一个合格的为新移民提供移民服务的伙伴的信任。”
The 2014 Federal Court decision cited examples Kenney raised in making his decision:
• a flyer circulated by then-CAF president Kaled Mouammar, attacking former interim Liberal leader Bob Rae because of his wife’s involvement in the Jewish community;
一张前CAF主席Kaled Mouammar发放的宣传单内,攻击了前任临时自由党领导人Bob Rae,因为他的夫人活跃于犹太人社区中;
• CAF-organized rallies supporting Hamas and Hezbollah that equated Israelis to Nazis and included a sign threatening to kill a Jewish child;
• the CAF’s participation in a Cairo conference attended by delegates from Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations;
• Internet links to Hamas websites that showed Hamas operatives training;
• honouring Zafar Bangash, who referred to Canadians as infidels; and
敬仰蔑称加拿大人为无神论者(infidels)的Zafar Bangash;并且
• sponsoring an essay contest on the “ethnic cleansing” of Palestine, which the minister took as an allegation that Jewish people were engaged in genocide and therefore made the contest anti-Semitic.
The CAF appealed to the Federal Court to review the minister’s decision to cease funding, arguing it was owed a duty of procedural fairness, that the minister was biased, that the judgment hindered the group’s right to free expression, and that Kenney’s decision was unreasonable.
But in the latest decision, released late last month, the Federal Court of Appeals dismissed the group’s case and agreed with Kenney’s original assessment that he had grounds to withdraw funding.
Richard Marceau, general counsel for the Centre of Israel and Jewish Affairs, praised the decision.
以色列和犹太人事物中心的总顾问,Richard Marceau表达了对决定的赞赏。
“We believe the Federal Court of Appeal made the right decision. CAF is known as spewing hate and it is a toxic organization and the minister was right to discontinue the relationship that they had with the LINC program. We believe that the court made the decision and the fact that it was upheld in a very strongly worded decision shows that CAF’s mask has fallen. We know who they are, and now it has the confirmation by an independent judiciary of what kind of organization it is and what they stand for,” Marceau said.
“我们相信联邦法院上诉委员会做出了一个正确的决定。CAF是以表达恨意而闻名的恶性组织,并且移民部决定结束与其合作的语言指导项目(LINC program)也是正确的。我们相信法院以如此强有力的词句来表达、支持的决定已经使得CAF的虚伪一面露了出来。我们认清了他们的真面目,这是一个怎样的组织和他们的信念都得到了独立司法组织的确认,”Marceau说。
“I know that even people who tended to be self-described pro-Palestinian felt very uncomfortable with the kind of rhetoric coming out from the CAF. They took some distance from them,” Marceau added.
“They are reaping what they sowed. Canada does not stand for hate. Canada does not stand for anti-Semitism and whoever spews that kind of toxicity will pay the price eventually and that’s what we’ve seen happen to CAF.”
B’nai Brith Canada CEO Michael Mostyn said the ruling “sends a clear message to individuals and organizations across Canada that those who promote racism and anti-Semitism, or excuse terrorism and violence, should no longer receive any official recognition or subsidies from government bodies.”
B’nai Brith的加拿大总裁Michael Mostyn说,这样的结果“给全加拿大的个人和组织都发出了一个明确的信息,对于那些推崇种族偏见和反犹太主义、或支持恐怖主义和暴力的,都不应该再通过政府机构收到任何官方的赞誉或补助。”
Attempts to reach a CAF representative for comment were unsuccessful. The group’s website and Facebook page haven’t been updated since last year, and many of the website’s links are broken.
联邦大选 Ashling 08/27 627

Brief Summary:
In a recent ruling, the Federal Court has upheld the decision made by former Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, Jason Kenney, in 2009, about withdrawing federal funding for groups who express hateful views or defend terrorism, such as the Canadian Arab Federation. However, it appears that the Liberal and New Democratic parties were in disagreement with Mr. Kenney at the time of the decision. As the federal election is coming, we ask you to question the leaders of the Liberal and New Democratic parties: do they still support those groups? Moreover, would they restore millions of dollars in taxpayer funding to those groups?
在最近的判决中,联邦法院表达了对前移民部长Jason Kenney在2009年时做出的决定:撤销对那些表达恨意和维护恐怖组织的组织,例如加拿大阿拉伯联合会的联邦资金补助的决定。然而,自由党和新民主党在当时反对了Kenney先生的决定。当联邦大选即将到来之际,我们希望你们能够问一问自由党和新民主党的领导们:他们是否还继续支持那些组织?更重要的是,他们是否会恢复给那些组织数以百万计的税金资助?
As Minister for Multiculturalism, I have always taken a zero tolerance attitude toward Antisemitism.
Years ago I was criticized for saying that groups who express hateful views or defend terrorists should not receive taxpayer funding.
As Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, I ended government funding for groups such as the Canadian Arab Federation, and Palestine House.
作为移民部部长,我结束了政府对于一些组织的资金援助,包含加拿大阿拉伯联合会(the Canadian Arab Federation)和巴勒斯坦家园(Palestine House)。
I did so because the leadership of both of these organizations had long track records of expressing hateful, antisemitic views, and glorifying terrorists. Shockingly, they had been granted multi-million dollar funding by the previous Liberal government to provide integration services to new immigrants.
When I eliminated taxpayer funding of these organizations, the Liberal and New Democratic parties attacked me, insisting that the government restore funding to them. The Canadian Arab Federation also sued me, seeking to have a court force the government to restore its million dollar annual grant.
I am pleased to tell you that the Federal Court rejected this effort to force us to fund purveyors of hate. And recently, a three-judge panel of the Federal Court of Appeal unanimously rejected the Canadian Arab Federation law suit against me. Here is a link to the Court's decision http://decisions.fca-caf.gc.ca/fca-caf/decisions/en/item/111204/index.do, and below is an article by the Canadian Jewish News about the case.
Given the upcoming federal election, I hope that you will ask your Liberal and NDP candidates if they still believe that we should give millions of tax dollars to groups whose leadership promotes antisemitism, and who express support for banned terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.
In particular, I believe that Justin Trudeau should be asked for his position on funding the Canadian Arab Federation, given that a former President of the organization, Omar Algabhra, is a Liberal candidate in this election, and is described as a “close advisor” to Mr. Trudeau.
除此之外,我认为贾斯汀 特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)应被质疑他在支持阿拉伯联合会获得资金补助中的立场,因为前任阿拉伯联合会的主席,同时也是这次大选中自由党的参选人Omar Algabhra被形容为特鲁多先生的“亲密顾问”。
Two years ago, Justin Trudeau remained silent when Elias Hazineh, a past President of Palestine House and of the Liberal Party's Mississauga-Erindale constituency association was investigated by police for leading a rally in Toronto where he said that Israeli Jews should be shot if they don't leave Palestine.
两年前,当Elias Hazineh,前巴勒斯坦家园主席并且也是前自由党密西沙加-艾琳戴尔选民联合会主席,因为在领导多伦多的一次示威活动中表达了以色列犹太人如果不离开巴勒斯坦就应该被枪杀的观念而受到警方的调查时,贾斯汀 特鲁多选择了保持沉默。
It is a troubling pattern. When they were in government, the Liberals appointed Liberal Party member and Canadian Arab Federation President, Khaled Mouammar, to the Immigration and Refugee Board. This is the same Khaled Mouammar who also wanted Hezbollah and Hamas removed from the list of banned terror organizations.
这是一个恶性循环的表现。当自由党执政时,他们指派自由党成员、加拿大阿拉伯联合会主席Khaled Mouammar成为了移民及难民委员。这个人就是那个希望真主党和哈马斯能从被禁的恐怖组织名单中除名的人。
Justin Trudeau needs to come clean: do these people have a place in the party he leads? And would he restore millions of dollars in taxpayer funding to the Canadian Arab Federation and Palestine House?
贾斯汀 特鲁多需要为自己澄清:他领导的党派内是否给这样的人留有一席之地?并且,他是否会恢复对加拿大阿拉伯联合会和巴勒斯坦家园提供数百万的税金资助?
As always, feel free to share this message with friends and family.
Hon. Jason Kenney

Court upholds withdrawal of Arab group’s funding
Sheri Shefa, Staff Reporter, Friday, August 7, 2015
The Canadian Jewish News 加拿大犹太新闻报
The Federal Court of Appeal has dismissed the Canadian Arab Federation’s (CAF) effort to reverse the federal government’s decision to withdraw funding for the group because of the government’s contention the group is anti-Semitic.
Last year, a Federal Court judge upheld a 2009 assessment by then-minister of citizenship and immigration Jason Kenney, who decided to withdraw more than $1 million a year in federal government funding for the Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program because the government said the CAF promoted anti-Semitism and supported terror groups Hamas and Hezbollah.
去年,联邦法院的法官支持了一份2009年由时任移民部部长Jason Kenney所给出的评定。Jason Kenney当时因为政府认定CAF宣扬反犹太主义并支持像是哈马斯和真主党等恐怖组织,而取消了联邦政府对该组织下提供新移民语言指导项目(LINC program)的每年超过一百万加币的资金补助。
When the CAF sought to renew its funding in 2009 to be part of the government’s English-language training program for people new to the country, Kenney rejected the group’s request in a letter in which he said that “serious concerns have risen with respect to certain public statements that have been made by yourself, or other officials of the CAF.
“These statements have included the promotion of hatred, anti-Semitism and support for the banned terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah… [this] raises serious questions about the integrity of your organization and has undermined the government’s confidence in the CAF as an appropriate partner for the delivery of settlement services to newcomers.”
“这些申明中包含了宣扬仇恨思想、反犹太主义和支持被禁止的像哈马斯和真主党这样的恐怖组织…… [这]造成了一些严肃的问题如该组织的操守,更破坏了政府对于CAF可以成为一个合格的为新移民提供移民服务的伙伴的信任。”
The 2014 Federal Court decision cited examples Kenney raised in making his decision:
• a flyer circulated by then-CAF president Kaled Mouammar, attacking former interim Liberal leader Bob Rae because of his wife’s involvement in the Jewish community;
一张前CAF主席Kaled Mouammar发放的宣传单内,攻击了前任临时自由党领导人Bob Rae,因为他的夫人活跃于犹太人社区中;
• CAF-organized rallies supporting Hamas and Hezbollah that equated Israelis to Nazis and included a sign threatening to kill a Jewish child;
• the CAF’s participation in a Cairo conference attended by delegates from Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations;
• Internet links to Hamas websites that showed Hamas operatives training;
• honouring Zafar Bangash, who referred to Canadians as infidels; and
敬仰蔑称加拿大人为无神论者(infidels)的Zafar Bangash;并且
• sponsoring an essay contest on the “ethnic cleansing” of Palestine, which the minister took as an allegation that Jewish people were engaged in genocide and therefore made the contest anti-Semitic.
The CAF appealed to the Federal Court to review the minister’s decision to cease funding, arguing it was owed a duty of procedural fairness, that the minister was biased, that the judgment hindered the group’s right to free expression, and that Kenney’s decision was unreasonable.
But in the latest decision, released late last month, the Federal Court of Appeals dismissed the group’s case and agreed with Kenney’s original assessment that he had grounds to withdraw funding.
Richard Marceau, general counsel for the Centre of Israel and Jewish Affairs, praised the decision.
以色列和犹太人事物中心的总顾问,Richard Marceau表达了对决定的赞赏。
“We believe the Federal Court of Appeal made the right decision. CAF is known as spewing hate and it is a toxic organization and the minister was right to discontinue the relationship that they had with the LINC program. We believe that the court made the decision and the fact that it was upheld in a very strongly worded decision shows that CAF’s mask has fallen. We know who they are, and now it has the confirmation by an independent judiciary of what kind of organization it is and what they stand for,” Marceau said.
“我们相信联邦法院上诉委员会做出了一个正确的决定。CAF是以表达恨意而闻名的恶性组织,并且移民部决定结束与其合作的语言指导项目(LINC program)也是正确的。我们相信法院以如此强有力的词句来表达、支持的决定已经使得CAF的虚伪一面露了出来。我们认清了他们的真面目,这是一个怎样的组织和他们的信念都得到了独立司法组织的确认,”Marceau说。
“I know that even people who tended to be self-described pro-Palestinian felt very uncomfortable with the kind of rhetoric coming out from the CAF. They took some distance from them,” Marceau added.
“They are reaping what they sowed. Canada does not stand for hate. Canada does not stand for anti-Semitism and whoever spews that kind of toxicity will pay the price eventually and that’s what we’ve seen happen to CAF.”
B’nai Brith Canada CEO Michael Mostyn said the ruling “sends a clear message to individuals and organizations across Canada that those who promote racism and anti-Semitism, or excuse terrorism and violence, should no longer receive any official recognition or subsidies from government bodies.”
B’nai Brith的加拿大总裁Michael Mostyn说,这样的结果“给全加拿大的个人和组织都发出了一个明确的信息,对于那些推崇种族偏见和反犹太主义、或支持恐怖主义和暴力的,都不应该再通过政府机构收到任何官方的赞誉或补助。”
Attempts to reach a CAF representative for comment were unsuccessful. The group’s website and Facebook page haven’t been updated since last year, and many of the website’s links are broken.
