@cgi You mention that HP220 is a bit more powerful than needed so you use a timer to turn the fan on and off. I'm thinking to install a speed controller to adjust the speed of the fan thus adjust its suction power. Have you ever considered this option? What do you think?
Looks like Fantech has fan speed controller but I'm not sure it can be used for radon gas exhaust fan. I've send an email to http://www.radondetect.ca/Fantech-HP220.html asking if they have such controller. I'll report once I have reply from them.
This link from US is selling Fantech controller.
Here is a short reply I got from www.radondetect.ca
"You can install a fan speed controller but not a light dimmer. The proper one would be the same as used on a ceiling fan."
So basically a ceiling fan speed controller will work with Fantech radon fan.