H happysappy 知名会员 注册 2005-05-16 消息 685 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 128 2016-07-06 #16 gina_z 说: 撒骨肥能行吗 点击展开... Try Moth ball, it worked in my backyard, put the Moth ball in the holes.
E EastWest Bridge 初级会员 注册 2013-05-19 消息 72 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 68 2016-07-09 #17 我家从Sillycat 家挖回来的鱼腥草,去年种地里,好不容易活了,结果让这帮花栗鼠打洞挖死一半,今年天旱,差不多全没了。 ccc 说: 去年种在花盆的兰州百合,春天移到后院。 Chipmunks从春天到现在,每天挖百合吃,一半被他们干掉。 无奈,周末又挪回花盆,高高放在deck的桌子上。 点击展开...
我家从Sillycat 家挖回来的鱼腥草,去年种地里,好不容易活了,结果让这帮花栗鼠打洞挖死一半,今年天旱,差不多全没了。 ccc 说: 去年种在花盆的兰州百合,春天移到后院。 Chipmunks从春天到现在,每天挖百合吃,一半被他们干掉。 无奈,周末又挪回花盆,高高放在deck的桌子上。 点击展开...
W worm99 新手上路 注册 2015-09-01 消息 136 荣誉分数 35 声望点数 38 2016-07-10 #18 happysappy 说: Try Moth ball, it worked in my backyard, put the Moth ball in the holes. 点击展开... where i can buy Moth ball? Thanks
happysappy 说: Try Moth ball, it worked in my backyard, put the Moth ball in the holes. 点击展开... where i can buy Moth ball? Thanks
某 某某 不知名会员 VIP 注册 2004-12-01 消息 13,159 荣誉分数 3,201 声望点数 373 2016-07-12 #19 happysappy 说: Try Moth ball, it worked in my backyard, put the Moth ball in the holes. 点击展开... 樟脑丸有毒。如果只是观赏花卉就无所谓。村长种的食用百合,还是不要给自己下毒为好。
happysappy 说: Try Moth ball, it worked in my backyard, put the Moth ball in the holes. 点击展开... 樟脑丸有毒。如果只是观赏花卉就无所谓。村长种的食用百合,还是不要给自己下毒为好。
某 某某 不知名会员 VIP 注册 2004-12-01 消息 13,159 荣誉分数 3,201 声望点数 373 2016-07-12 #20 我家往年花栗鼠也挺多的,但是好像没有来挖百合吃。 今年邻街一只大黑猫,天天到我家后院巡视两回,逮花栗鼠,目测鼠口急剧下降。
金陵 资深人士 注册 2015-08-26 消息 7,043 荣誉分数 2,342 声望点数 223 2016-07-13 #21 happysappy 说: Try Moth ball, it worked in my backyard, put the Moth ball in the holes. 点击展开... 谢谢建议!打算今天就去homedepot。被这群chipmunk折腾得够呛!
happysappy 说: Try Moth ball, it worked in my backyard, put the Moth ball in the holes. 点击展开... 谢谢建议!打算今天就去homedepot。被这群chipmunk折腾得够呛!