前所未有的速度 自由党已经支付Omar1000万加币赔偿金

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尼玛,这人是谁?Omar Alghabra是也。Omar Alghabra 何许人也?小土豆决策核心圈关键人物, 外交顾问政府外交国务部长同时也是中东资金来源的掮客,沙特出生长大的穆斯林, 哈马斯和真主党支持者。
前年大选的时候就知道这个人了 可是支持自由党的人就是视而不见,非要把哈勃整下台。
前年大选的时候就知道这个人了 可是支持自由党的人就是视而不见,非要把哈勃整下台。

前年大选的时候就知道这个人了 可是支持自由党的人就是视而不见,非要把哈勃整下台。

我一直觉得自己是左派的。我没有宗教信仰,支持同性恋平权,pro choice, 并且长期支持了以前的联邦自由党。
现在真怀疑土豆是木木们安插在加拿大政府里的克洛伊木马。看他先是大招难民,又费尽心机降低入籍的年限(能让那批难民尽快入籍有选举权)。现在又重金赔偿/奖励 有名的恐怖主义者。下(或下下次)次联邦选举,这就是他的票仓。以保证他的连任。
我一直觉得自己是左派的。我没有宗教信仰,支持同性恋平权,pro choice, 并且长期支持了以前的联邦自由党。

This is one comment from Facebook, hope this person is right and funny Trdeau was called "Trudumb":D:
"Hear me out before commenting on the negative. I am in full support of him getting this money. The reason why is that the widdow of the American soldier and the other soldier injured by his grenade throw won their court case in which they sued Katar in the U.S. they haven't sued for payment here in Canada yet because Katar had no money in which to recover from. Now he does and they are now going to sue him up here for payment. Their lawsuit in the states that they won for was for several million more than what he was just given by Trudumb. By international law agreements they should be able to get every single penny Katar was given plus more. I hope they get every single penny."
This is one comment from Facebook, hope this person is right and funny Trdeau was called "Trudumb":D:
"Hear me out before commenting on the negative. I am in full support of him getting this money. The reason why is that the widdow of the American soldier and the other soldier injured by his grenade throw won their court case in which they sued Katar in the U.S. they haven't sued for payment here in Canada yet because Katar had no money in which to recover from. Now he does and they are now going to sue him up here for payment. Their lawsuit in the states that they won for was for several million more than what he was just given by Trudumb. By international law agreements they should be able to get every single penny Katar was given plus more. I hope they get every single penny."
这,就是土豆的高明之处。保证Omar 以及他背后的人拿到这份大礼,而不是让美国人拿到。

the $10.5 million, tax free be it noted, had already been handed over. Process complete. A government famously so sluggish in so many areas — veterans’ treatment comes first to mind — went full Road Runner getting the cash to Khadr.