再次感谢草头将军的仗义。这个论坛里好人还是挺多的, 感动。
那个被骗的笨蛋就是我。当时真的是没想清楚, 就像人整个当机了似的。我发的帖被秒删过多次,而且问VIP团购的问题, 至今没有答复。不光删我的贴, 还取消我对自己帖子的关注, 这样有人回复我就收不到Email提醒, 而且我现在提醒栏完全是空白,连以前的提醒都不见了 也就是完全屏蔽了。上星期说是去和OLM开会, 并说Ryan上礼拜会联系我, 到现在Group Buy又不回我Email,又不回答那几个关键问题。Ryan Langtry也没有任何回复。而且奇怪的就是OLM有group buy的电话和其他联系方式, 我就只能通过Email找他们。当时把这个事贴出来一个是希望大家都小心些, 另一个也是因为找VIP Group Buy 和OLM简直是Mission Impossible。大家有兴趣可以看原帖, 这是被删了好几次贴以后留下的唯一帖子:
以下是我问VIP Group Buy 的问题, 至今没有收到任何答复:
1. since I did not pay a fee to the VIP Group Buy, do I consider a member of the group buy or do I consider as a customer?
我和VIP Goup Buy 之间没有任何会费关系, 那么我算它这个组织的会员还是顾客?
2. What is the relationship between VIP Group Buy and OLM? Are you partners? Or is OLM hired as sub-contractor by you?
VIP Goup Buy和OLM 之间是什么关系? 是合伙人, 还是说OLM是VIP Group 请的分包商?
3. Do OLM pay a fee to you to get business through you?
OLM 通过 VIP group buy 获得客户, 需要向VIP Group Buy 交纳手续费或其他费用吗?
4. Do you protect my interest in any way? As you know, even for amazon or any website that sell goods or services to on-line customers, customers gets their money back when the goods/services were not delivered. Do you have the same policy?
VIP group buy 会保护我作为消费者的权益吗?就像我们在Amazon上面买东西, 作为消费者, 我们如果交了钱在订单里都标明的预计送达时间没收到货物或者服务, 是可以无条件拿回已交货款的。那么VIP Group Buy 有同样的客户保障条款吗?