Kcash - CFC 123 (iPhone & Android)

在Kcash钱包里转帐费用有点讲究。这个转帐费不是固定的,随时变动(虽然也可能几小时不变),取决于整个 Ethereum 网络上矿工算力状态。一般是每次转帐几美分到几美毛(US$ 0.0x ~ 0.x).

我发现晚上时间Economy 比Normal 少很多,比如昨天前天两个晚上 ~8pm:
Normal 0.00021 ETH (~0.2 US$)
Economy 0.000063 ETH (~0.063 US$)

Normal & Economy 0.00042 ETH (~0.42 US$)
Is there any conflict with the wallet existing in Wechat (in Chinese YUAN) after installing this wallet with Kcash? Are they totally two separated wallets or using the same address? for acknowledge if it is worth it to read the instructions and install it in my phone. Thx
lol sell more information to riven so he can sell it to other people.

great job.
不用chrome就得用brave browser,考验你是不是brave的时刻到了

那就Google Chrome吧。我是尽量避免装过多的软件。

你装Google Chrome了吗? 装了的话,用那个玩儿一下,然后给我具体instructions。:D