Ottawa-Nepean West PC 议员候选人 Jeremy Roberts,年青有为,阅历丰富

你不想知道谁在用你的税钱,怎样用你的税钱,那就算了。不算有病。 即使是,也无解
NDP candidates 联合union 发动了攻势,保守派的支持者们,请支援, 或做义工电话,或发单张,或在社交媒体上(推特脸谱)介绍候选人,宣传保守党的政策
NDP candidates 联合union 发动了攻势,保守派的支持者们,请支援, 或做义工电话,或发单张,或在社交媒体上(推特脸谱)介绍候选人,宣传保守党的政策

NDP candidates 联合union?

Candice Malcolm‏Verified account @CandiceMalcolm
Look at the extent the Left is willing to go to smear conservatives in Ontario. The NDP accused this PC candidate of sending this vile email. But look who the email address belongs to... the same person who received the email. (Sent to me from a source). Try harder NDP.


NDP 支持者自己给自己发电邮,然后诬陷说是候选人发的,结果被人看出来了。:jiayou:
  • Chandra is a researcher with the Canadian Union of Public Employees, defending workers and advocating for public services.
  • As a former policy advisor to the Leader of the Federal NDP, Chandra has worked with parliamentarians to deliver change on affordable housing and child care issues.
  • Chandra is a long-time anti-poverty advocate and will work passionately to ensure that we look after our most vulnerable.
  • Raising her family in the Qualicum neighbourhood, Chandra and her husband are the proud parents of three children.
难怪此人 NDP 在nepean west 的候选人 Chandra Psma 会那么会忽悠,原来她是工会的
16591 - 16415 = 176,惊险地干掉了党花,还要感谢前市长
16591 - 16415 = 176,惊险地干掉了党花,还要感谢前市长