左派迫害百姓反弹: 英国近代第一位政治犯被判入狱,民众征集百万签名要求释放 Tommy Robinson

Have you read the spin in the papers today, the judge stated that Tommy reading the names of the defendants was contempt of court and risked the trial collapsing.

Tommy read the list in the livestream from a BBC article which was already out in the public domain.
The list of defendants is publicly available on the court bloody website! If you search google for that particular case you will find pictures and details of the suspects already printed by nearly every national UK newspaper. So what did Tommy do exactly that nearly every other reporter has not already done?

You have to ask yourself the question - why would one reporter outside a court case reading a charge sheet already publicly available across a number of sources suddenly risk collapsing the case?

Every single other case across England is public and reported on. You will never hear a judge stating that by the newspapers reporting on it they are in some way prejudicing the case.

Look at the pictures below of Max Clifford and Rolf Harris fighting their way through hundreds of reporters going into court on their sex charges. None of those reporters were arrested and there were no judges commenting to the press that the case will collapse. This just highlights Tommy’s sham conviction.

The BBC even worked alongside the police to get a helicopter above Cliff Richards house when they went to arrest him, he had not even been charged at the time! No outcry from judges then though?

Do not be fooled by the corrupt ruling elite and instead ask yourself why are these type of cases shrouded in secrecy when no other cases across the UK are? The answer is simple, the establishment do not want the public to know the full extent and horror going on across this country facilitated by that very same establishment for decades due to a fear of being called racist.

Tommy is exposing areas that the state would rather were swept under the carpet and for that they are trying to have him silenced or preferably murdered in prison by Islamic gangs.

Have you ever heard of another case where someone was arrested, tried, sentenced and transferred to prison all within the space of 3 hours? No, because it has never happened before.

To top it all off they then tried to cover it up and impose state censorship report restrictions so that no one would know what they had done. This just made the story global with thousands protesting over the weekend. They were left with no other option but to lift the restriction as it had caused outrage.

People who swallow this crap that the ruling elites and media trot out need to wake up and smell the coffee. It is time to make a stand. Whitehall, London June 9th 3pm. #FreeTommy

is a far-right activist
Robinson became a correspondent for The Rebel Media, a Canadian right-wing politics and social commentary
现在极左的逻辑是,主要给对手戴上 far right 的帽子,就可以逮捕入狱?
far right 是政治标签,不是入狱理由吧? 你要坚信英国还是一个法律国家好伐?

这边说错一句,就停播。过了。道歉过后一般是接着播。这事政治化了。不信看看night talkshow那帮人每人都说错过话。逗乐吗。结果还不都照样开玩笑。同样是逗乐。

