GreenGable 本站元老 VIP 注册 2002-03-14 消息 6,314 荣誉分数 1,381 声望点数 323 2003-10-17 #16 最初由 Rabbit 发布 这个是有线的 点击展开... xjj does all the complicated cabling by herself, i wouldn't do that! WiFi is the right way to go! I am waiting for the best time to buy, so i am not有线的!!! :lookaroun D-link WiFi router is $65 ba? but still waiting.... And need a USB WiFi floating card....haha
最初由 Rabbit 发布 这个是有线的 点击展开... xjj does all the complicated cabling by herself, i wouldn't do that! WiFi is the right way to go! I am waiting for the best time to buy, so i am not有线的!!! :lookaroun D-link WiFi router is $65 ba? but still waiting.... And need a USB WiFi floating card....haha
Rabbit 饿人谷支部书记 注册 2002-02-01 消息 35,035 荣誉分数 37 声望点数 0 2003-10-17 #17 最初由 GreenGable 发布 xjj does all the complicated cabling by herself, i wouldn't do that! WiFi is the right way to go! I am waiting for the best time to buy, so i am not有线的!!! :lookaroun D-link WiFi router is $65 ba? but still waiting.... And need a USB WiFi floating card....haha 点击展开... rite for you
最初由 GreenGable 发布 xjj does all the complicated cabling by herself, i wouldn't do that! WiFi is the right way to go! I am waiting for the best time to buy, so i am not有线的!!! :lookaroun D-link WiFi router is $65 ba? but still waiting.... And need a USB WiFi floating card....haha 点击展开... rite for you
GreenGable 本站元老 VIP 注册 2002-03-14 消息 6,314 荣誉分数 1,381 声望点数 323 2003-10-17 #18 最初由 Rabbit 发布 rite for you 点击展开... Thanks! It seems there was a D-Link with the same price after rebate...don't know which one is better?
最初由 Rabbit 发布 rite for you 点击展开... Thanks! It seems there was a D-Link with the same price after rebate...don't know which one is better?
GreenGable 本站元老 VIP 注册 2002-03-14 消息 6,314 荣誉分数 1,381 声望点数 323 2003-10-17 #19 And you know what, just bought the .99cent one, WiFi? Later ba Go, go quickly, there is a pile still sitting there!!!
And you know what, just bought the .99cent one, WiFi? Later ba Go, go quickly, there is a pile still sitting there!!!
G GoodWork 新手上路 注册 2003-06-17 消息 67 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-10-17 #20 哪个店里有? 本来想在网上买,看的时候还有4个,等submit时就 sold out 了. 最初由 Rabbit 发布 点击展开...
哪个店里有? 本来想在网上买,看的时候还有4个,等submit时就 sold out 了. 最初由 Rabbit 发布 点击展开...
maid 丫丫 注册 2003-03-25 消息 1,228 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 148 2003-10-18 #25 好象没说明白。那一片的mall,商店,统称sliver city, 其中,famous player旁边有家future shop,里面摆了一堆99C 的router
shusheng CFC 分析员 VIP 注册 2003-07-10 消息 9,868 荣誉分数 440 声望点数 193 2003-10-18 #27 今天早上去了kanata的future shop,有不少 .99的router. BTW,俺是冲11g的AP去的,瞧了一下,只有 Microsoft 的 最便宜。好象记得 MS 的 router 不怎么样,有没有那位大哥 有比较过的经验?
今天早上去了kanata的future shop,有不少 .99的router. BTW,俺是冲11g的AP去的,瞧了一下,只有 Microsoft 的 最便宜。好象记得 MS 的 router 不怎么样,有没有那位大哥 有比较过的经验?
F FF4ever 新手上路 注册 2002-09-08 消息 27 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-10-19 #28 我用MS的router,没觉得有任何问题。 就是防火墙从来不报警,日志里没东西。换了一D-LINK的,防火墙一直在受攻击,不知跟ROUTER有没有关系。