Opinion: North Burnaby Conservatives posted an awful Trudeau death meme

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Opinion: North Burnaby Conservatives posted an awful Trudeau death meme
Chris Campbell / Burnaby Now
September 16, 2019 09:24 AM


A meme urging Prime Minster Justin Trudeau to walk off a cliff was posted by the Burnaby North-Seymour Conservative Constituency Association – Heather Leung is the candidate. Screenshot/Facebook

When the federal election was announced last week, for a fleeting moment I thought to myself, “Maybe candidates will just stick to the issues and run positive campaigns.”

As that wise old sage Bugs Bunny once said, “What a maroon.”

Yep, how silly and naïve of me. It was just wishful thinking that has already been shattered in Burnaby.

On Sept. 8, the Burnaby North-Seymour Conservative Constituency Association – Heather Leung is the candidate - posted a death meme aimed at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. You can see it pictured above in a screenshot of the constituency association’s Facebook page. There’s Trudeau at the edge of a cliff with the title “Choose forward” and the posting “Trudeau urging Canadians to move forward.”

Yep, with all the things you could criticize Trudeau about – and the list is long – they post a disgusting meme on the Facebook page. Maybe it was one of her team that did it, but she’s the candidate and I feel she should be held responsible.

It’s pathetic and wrong.

Perhaps even worse is a comment by one of Leung’s supporters underneath that says, “We need a strong wind to push him to his death.” (It’s pictured in this blog, just scroll through the photo above.)

This comment was posted five days ago and was still up on the page as of Monday morning.


Heather Leung

This is unacceptable - I don’t care how you feel about Trudeau. We have to get this garbage out of politics.

I would ask Leung how she feels about all of this, but the candidate has refused all interview requests from the NOW since she won the riding’s nomination. I even asked the Conservatives to facilitate an interview recently and they just stopped answering my emails.

Perhaps I'll be able to catch her at one of the all-candidates' meetings.

Opinion: North Burnaby Conservatives posted an awful Trudeau death meme
Chris Campbell / Burnaby Now
September 16, 2019 09:24 AM


A meme urging Prime Minster Justin Trudeau to walk off a cliff was posted by the Burnaby North-Seymour Conservative Constituency Association – Heather Leung is the candidate. Screenshot/Facebook

When the federal election was announced last week, for a fleeting moment I thought to myself, “Maybe candidates will just stick to the issues and run positive campaigns.”

As that wise old sage Bugs Bunny once said, “What a maroon.”

Yep, how silly and naïve of me. It was just wishful thinking that has already been shattered in Burnaby.

On Sept. 8, the Burnaby North-Seymour Conservative Constituency Association – Heather Leung is the candidate - posted a death meme aimed at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. You can see it pictured above in a screenshot of the constituency association’s Facebook page. There’s Trudeau at the edge of a cliff with the title “Choose forward” and the posting “Trudeau urging Canadians to move forward.”

Yep, with all the things you could criticize Trudeau about – and the list is long – they post a disgusting meme on the Facebook page. Maybe it was one of her team that did it, but she’s the candidate and I feel she should be held responsible.

It’s pathetic and wrong.

Perhaps even worse is a comment by one of Leung’s supporters underneath that says, “We need a strong wind to push him to his death.” (It’s pictured in this blog, just scroll through the photo above.)

This comment was posted five days ago and was still up on the page as of Monday morning.


Heather Leung

This is unacceptable - I don’t care how you feel about Trudeau. We have to get this garbage out of politics.

I would ask Leung how she feels about all of this, but the candidate has refused all interview requests from the NOW since she won the riding’s nomination. I even asked the Conservatives to facilitate an interview recently and they just stopped answering my emails.

Perhaps I'll be able to catch her at one of the all-candidates' meetings.


A doctored quote from TV personality Rick Mercer was turned into a fake endorsement for the Conservative Party and was posted on the Facebook page of the Burnaby North-Seymour Conservative Association. Facebook

Rick Mercer is calling out the Conservative candidate in Burnaby North-Seymour for sharing a doctored quote from the TV personality on social media.

On Monday, the Burnaby North-Seymour Conservative Constituency Association, who is backing candidate Heather Leung, posted a photo of the comedian on Facebook with a quote taken from a “Rick’s Rant” segment that aired on his CBC show the Mercer Report in 2011.

The original quote said: “If you’re between the age of 18 and 25 and you want to scare the hell out of the people that run this country, this time around do the unexpected. Take 20 minutes out of your day and do what young people all around the world are dying to do. Vote.”

In the now-deleted meme posted by the association, the final part of the quote was changed from “Vote” to “Vote Conservative.”

When asked on Twitter if he was really endorsing the Tory party in the Oct. 21 federal election, Mercer said the quote wasn’t real and “just a straight-up fake by the candidate, I guess.”


The funnyman, who wasn’t amused to have his face and words turned into a fake political endorsement, appealed to Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer to put a stop to it. “Dear @AndrewScheer & good folks at @Cpc_hq — Your candidate in Burnaby North-Seymour is distributing a meme on social media with my face and the words “Vote Conservative” indicating it is a quote from me. Not true. All fake. Please Stop,” Mercer said in a Tweet.

Conservative Party spokesman Simon Jefferies told Postmedia News that the meme was shared by someone who was “not involved on the local campaign.”

The meme was posted by Ariane Eckardt, who is listed on the CPC website as being the president of its Burnaby North-Seymour electoral district association. Eckardt, who says she runs the Facebook page and is “lightly involved” in the campaign, told Postmedia that the fake Mercer meme was never meant be taken serious.

“It was a joke, but all the lefties took umbrage with it, so we took it down” she said. “We were very surprised when people took it serious.”

Postmedia has reached out to the Burnaby North-Seymour Conservative Association and Leung for comment. According to the Burnaby Now, Leung hasn’t responded to a media inquiry in months, dating to before she won the riding’s nomination in May.

Leung is running against Liberal incumbent Terry Beech, New Democrat Svend Robinson, the Green party’s Amita Kuttner and People’s Party of Canada candidate Rocky Dong.
Opinion: North Burnaby Conservatives posted an awful Trudeau death meme
Chris Campbell / Burnaby Now
September 16, 2019 09:24 AM


A meme urging Prime Minster Justin Trudeau to walk off a cliff was posted by the Burnaby North-Seymour Conservative Constituency Association – Heather Leung is the candidate. Screenshot/Facebook

When the federal election was announced last week, for a fleeting moment I thought to myself, “Maybe candidates will just stick to the issues and run positive campaigns.”

As that wise old sage Bugs Bunny once said, “What a maroon.”

Yep, how silly and naïve of me. It was just wishful thinking that has already been shattered in Burnaby.

On Sept. 8, the Burnaby North-Seymour Conservative Constituency Association – Heather Leung is the candidate - posted a death meme aimed at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. You can see it pictured above in a screenshot of the constituency association’s Facebook page. There’s Trudeau at the edge of a cliff with the title “Choose forward” and the posting “Trudeau urging Canadians to move forward.”

Yep, with all the things you could criticize Trudeau about – and the list is long – they post a disgusting meme on the Facebook page. Maybe it was one of her team that did it, but she’s the candidate and I feel she should be held responsible.

It’s pathetic and wrong.

Perhaps even worse is a comment by one of Leung’s supporters underneath that says, “We need a strong wind to push him to his death.” (It’s pictured in this blog, just scroll through the photo above.)

This comment was posted five days ago and was still up on the page as of Monday morning.


Heather Leung

This is unacceptable - I don’t care how you feel about Trudeau. We have to get this garbage out of politics.

I would ask Leung how she feels about all of this, but the candidate has refused all interview requests from the NOW since she won the riding’s nomination. I even asked the Conservatives to facilitate an interview recently and they just stopped answering my emails.

Perhaps I'll be able to catch her at one of the all-candidates' meetings.

只要不违法就可以干,你去问问Heather Leung,为啥拔了。
只要不违法就可以干,你去问问Heather Leung,为啥拔了。