DARK KNIGHT 温馨小家之-会切 注册 2002-09-03 消息 297 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-11-04 #16 我当队长把,我在LV14(TEAM)LV11(SOLO)擅长UNDEAD(一年)
宋世杰 新手上路 注册 2003-04-22 消息 24 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-11-12 #20 no , i mean whether there is special training in the clan for newbies, u guys can help me, i am sucks now. ^^
no , i mean whether there is special training in the clan for newbies, u guys can help me, i am sucks now. ^^
AngelKiller 终极会员 注册 2003-02-04 消息 771 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-11-12 #21 clan is for fun, you can play and chat with your friends. but if you want some training we are pleased to do so. ni9ne is a good trainer anyway so you can find him and let him teach you
clan is for fun, you can play and chat with your friends. but if you want some training we are pleased to do so. ni9ne is a good trainer anyway so you can find him and let him teach you
灯 宝宝家族之财政司 注册 2003-06-27 消息 1,080 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 168 2003-11-12 #22 最初由 宋世杰 发布 no , i mean whether there is special training in the clan for newbies, u guys can help me, i am sucks now. ^^ 点击展开... 现在的高手都装菜鸟 所以,我认为你是高手。
最初由 宋世杰 发布 no , i mean whether there is special training in the clan for newbies, u guys can help me, i am sucks now. ^^ 点击展开... 现在的高手都装菜鸟 所以,我认为你是高手。
宋世杰 新手上路 注册 2003-04-22 消息 24 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-11-12 #23 别这么说, 打一盘就知道了, 或者看看战绩啊, 对了, 站队里没有人的啊, 我打了一个下午楞是没见一个人
蓝离阵列 开坛元凶 VIP 注册 2002-10-08 消息 7,430 荣誉分数 102 声望点数 173 2003-11-12 #25 太堕落了,我现在, warcraft多打多看战报多看rely水平就上去了。(我还是搞8懂我为什么还这么菜)
灯 宝宝家族之财政司 注册 2003-06-27 消息 1,080 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 168 2003-11-15 #30 最初由 AngelKiller 发布 我都连输你3场了怎么带你?。。。。 点击展开... 那一次不是我运气好吗,总体来说,你还是比我强的。 呵呵,什么时候。不靠运气赢了你,那才算强过你