
10 min ago
New York governor: "We’re not going to put a dollar figure on a human life"
From CNN's Adrienne Vogt

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo pushed back against comments by President Trump that he could reopen the US economy while keeping an eye on some of the most at-risk populations, including seniors.

“My mother is not expendable. And your mother is not expendable. And our brothers and sisters are not expendable,” Cuomo said. “And we're not going to accept a premise that human life is disposable. And we're not going to put a dollar figure on human life.”

Cuomo said saving lives is most important, but there can be an “intelligent” strategy for getting people back to work.

Some more background: Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, 70, said Monday that he is "all in" on lifting social distancing guidelines in order to help the economy.

“Let's be smart about it, and those of us who are 70+, we'll take care of ourselves. But don't sacrifice the country,” he said.

His suggestion directly contradicts recommendations put forth by government agencies and experts.
3 min ago
US has potential to be next epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, WHO spokesperson says
From CNN's Jacqueline Howard

As coronavirus cases continue to rise in the United States, the nation has "potential" to become the next epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, Margaret Harris, a spokesperson for the World Health Organization, said during a call with reporters on Tuesday.

Harris was asked directly: "Do you see the United States going on to become the epicenter of this outbreak, overtaking Europe?"

In response Harris said, "We are now seeing a very large acceleration in the numbers of cases from the United States — so it does have that potential. We cannot say that that is the case yet, but it does have that potential."

Earlier in the call, Harris said that the majority of the world's latest Covid-19 cases have been in European countries and the United States.
"The main drivers of the outbreak remain Europe, but also the US. So 85% of cases that have been reported in the last 24 hours have come from the European region and the US," Harris said on Tuesday.
"A lot of countries are now taking very strong measures to distance people, to really quarantine entire societies, and these have been shown to be an important way of slowing down this spread of the virus and buying some time," Harris said. "But to defeat the virus, to stop it, countries also need very aggressive targeted tactics, testing every suspected case, isolating and caring for every person known to be ill and also tracing and quarantining and finding every close contact."

3 min ago
Harvard's president tests positive for coronavirus

Lawrence Bacow, right, and his wife Adele Fleet Bacow leave Harvard Yard after his inauguration as the 29th President of Harvard University, Friday, October 5, 2018 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Lawrence Bacow, right, and his wife Adele Fleet Bacow leave Harvard Yard after his inauguration as the 29th President of Harvard University, Friday, October 5, 2018 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Chris Christo/The Boston Herald/AP/FILE

Harvard President Lawrence S. Bacow said he and his wife have tested positive for coronavirus.

"We started experiencing symptoms on Sunday—first coughs then fevers, chills, and muscle aches—and contacted our doctors on Monday. We were tested yesterday and just received the results a few minutes ago," he said in a statement to the Harvard community.

Bacow said he's not sure how he and his wife contracted the virus, but said "far fewer people crossed our paths recently than is usually the case" as they both began working from home on March 14.

"We will be taking the time we need to rest and recuperate during a two-week isolation at home," he added. "I am blessed with a great team, and many of my colleagues will be taking on more responsibility over the next few weeks as Adele and I focus on just getting healthy."

Earlier this month, Harvard announced it would be moving to online classes and asked students to move out of on campus housing.

2 min ago
Pence announces 4,000 ventilators will be shipped to New York

Vice President Mike Pence announced that the Federal Emergency Management Agency shipped 2,000 ventilators from the national stockpile to New York state earlier Tuesday with another shipment of 2,000 ventilators expected Wednesday.
“I was so pleased to confirm that earlier today, FEMA, from the national stockpile, shipped 2,000 ventilators to the state of New York. And tomorrow, there will be another 2,000 ventilators shipped from the national stockpile,” Pence said during a Fox News town hall.
Pence said earlier during the town hall that the national stockpile “has some 20,000 ventilators,” and that the hardest-hit American communities had been prioritized.

What this is about: At a news conference today, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that the state has procured 7,000 ventilators but needs an additional 30,000 for coronavirus treatment.
文章来源: 纽约时报 于 2020-03-24 09:35:58 - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!



纽约比美国其他任何主要城市都要拥挤得多。美国人口普查局(U.S. Census Bureau)的数据显示,全市每平方英里有2.8万居民,人口密度排第二的城市旧金山每平方英里有1.7万居民。


“在这种情况下,人口密度确实是敌人,”斯坦福大学(Stanford University)流行病学家史蒂文·古德曼(Steven Goodman)博士说。“在人口密集中心,人们随时都在与更多的人互动,所以它就会成为病毒传播最快的地方。”




“在这里,我们被分散开来,”加州大学伯克利分校公共卫生学院(University of California Berkeley School of Public Health)传染病学教授李·赖利(Lee Riley)博士说。“大家都开车,公共交通系统很糟糕。而在纽约,你们有地铁、公交车、时报广场,住在自己的小公寓楼里。”





白宫冠状病毒应对协调员黛博拉·L·比尔克斯(Deborah L. Birx)博士周一表示,纽约地区的“发病率”——即感染该病毒的人口占比——接近千分之一,是美国其他地区的五倍。



州长安德鲁·科莫(Andrew Cuomo)说,到目前为止,纽约州有2万多人病毒检测呈阳性,157人死亡。2600多人仍在住院。

纽约市及周边地区的医院报告了日益增多的病例,院方宣布对医院访客实行新的限制,而且医护人员警告防护装备短缺。科莫宣布计划向医疗机构发放数十万件口罩、手套和防护服,并说曼哈顿的雅各布·K·贾维茨会展中心(Jacob K. Javits Convention Center)将被改建为4所“紧急医院”。




尽管政府命令人们留在家里并避免近距离接触,但周六仍有人在曼哈顿的联合广场绿色市集购物。 JAMES SPRANKLE FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES

佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)周一表示,他将签署一项行政命令,指示该州医疗总监要求任何从纽约或新泽西飞往该州的人必须遵守14天的强制隔离规定。








洛杉矶更晚开始广泛的检测,并且因为担心会浪费资源而避免了部分检测。市长埃里克·加塞蒂(Eric Garcetti)的女发言人安德里亚·加西亚(Andrea Garcia)说,该市有4个检测点,但位置只透露给有资格接受检测的人。


大批人来到皇后区的埃尔姆赫斯特医院等待接受冠状病毒检测。 DAVE SANDERS FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES


麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)的研究人员称,迄今为止,平均气温高于华氏64.4度(摄氏18度)的地区的病例所占比例不足全球病例的6%。



“纽约市往往是最先受到冲击的,因为人口稠密,而且有非常多的国际旅客进来,”纽约市疾病预防控制中心及纽约卫生部门前主任托马斯·R·弗里登(Thomas R. Frieden)表示。“现在的问题是,美国其他地区是否会吸取纽约的教训,避免它所面临的可能在未来几天和几周内恶化的局势。”

2 min ago
Trump rails against New York governor for "complaining" about ventilators
From CNN's Betsy Klein

Evan Vucci/AP

Evan Vucci/AP

President Trump suggested negotiators working on a stimulus bill are “doing pretty well” Tuesday, going on to rail against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for “complaining” as his state faces critical shortages of ventilators.

“I hear just from a few minutes ago that they’re doing well. It’s for the workers, it’s for the people of the country, and I hear they’re doing pretty well so we’ll see how it comes out,” Trump said of the bill.

Trump then referenced a New York Post opinion piece from former New York Lt. Gov. Betsy McCaughey, who wrote last week about public health officials in a 2015 task force: “In 2015, the state could have purchased the additional 16,000 needed ventilators for $36,000 apiece, or a total of $576 million.”

“I watched Gov. Cuomo and he was very nice, we’re building him hospitals, we’re building him medical centers, and he was complaining about – we’re doing probably more, definitely more than anybody else and he was talking about the ventilators,” Trump said of Cuomo.

He continued:
“I’m not blaming him or anything else, but he shouldn’t be talking about us. He’s supposed to be buying his own ventilators. We’re gonna help. But if you think about Gov. Cuomo, we’re building him four hospitals, we’re building him four medical centers, we’re working very hard for the people of New York. We’re working along with him and then I watch him on the show complaining, and he could’ve had 16,000 that he could’ve had at a great price and he didn’t buy them.”
3 min ago
New York governor says ventilators are the "single greatest challenge"

State of New York

State of New York

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo reiterated that the state needs 30,000 ventilators for coronavirus patients.

He said that the state has 4,000 ventilators in the existing hospital system and the federal government has sent 4,000. The state has purchased 7,000 others and is “still shopping," he added.

“Our single greatest challenge are the ventilators," Cuomo said.
18 min ago
There are 236 NYPD members who have tested positive for coronavirus
From CNN's Mark Morales

Two NYPD officers walk through Times Square on March 22.

Two NYPD officers walk through Times Square on March 22. Noam Galai/Getty Images

There are 236 members of the New York Police Department who have tested positive for coronavirus, according to numbers provided by the department.

Of those, 197 are officers and 39 are civilians, the department said.

Additionally, 3,200 police officers are out sick, which is just about 9% of the entire NYPD.
18 min ago
There are 236 NYPD members who have tested positive for coronavirus
From CNN's Mark Morales

Two NYPD officers walk through Times Square on March 22.

Two NYPD officers walk through Times Square on March 22. Noam Galai/Getty Images

There are 236 members of the New York Police Department who have tested positive for coronavirus, according to numbers provided by the department.

Of those, 197 are officers and 39 are civilians, the department said.

Additionally, 3,200 police officers are out sick, which is just about 9% of the entire NYPD.

少了 10% 的警察,多了 10% 的犯罪
6 min ago
Acting Navy secretary: Hospital ship will "hopefully" reach New York early next week
From CNN's Michael Conte

Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly

Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly Pool

The acting Navy secretary said the hospital ship USNS Comfort would reach New York “hopefully… by the early part of next week” after the Defense Department “accelerated” their deployment plan.
“We had been originally looking at April 3, but in all likelihood, she’s going to be getting underway this weekend,” said Acting Navy Secretary Thomas Modly to reporters at the Pentagon on Thursday. “I’m actually going to be going down there to the ship either tomorrow or Saturday. So sometime after that she’ll be leaving.”
The Comfort had not been expected to depart for weeks as it was undergoing maintenance in Virginia.
1 min ago
Trump says Navy hospital ship expected to deploy to New York City on Saturday

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Drew Angerer/Getty Images

President Trump has announced that the USNS Comfort will deploy to New York City on Saturday, which is three weeks ahead of schedule.

Trump made the announcement Thursday afternoon during a coronavirus press briefing.
"So it's going to be leaving on Saturday rather than three weeks from now. And they did the maintenance quickly and it was going to be there for quite a while longer, another three or four weeks, and it should be arriving, I told the governor 20 minutes ago, that the ship will be arriving in New York Harbor, on Monday. I think I'm going to go out and I'll kiss it good bye," Trump said.
The ship is currently in Virginia, the President said.
Trump将会出席为医用军舰送行的kiss goodbye仪式....
