加拿大公众敌人第一名, Canada’s public enemy No. 1


Canada’s biggest Trumpland enemy is on the rise


At a Canadian-American conference in Washington a year ago, former ambassadors from each side were weighing in on the prospect of better trade relations.
The name Peter Navarro, who is Donald Trump’s trade adviser, came up. It would help a lot, said Gordon Giffin, who served as Ottawa ambassador under Bill Clinton, if Mr. Navarro was “sent off to Peru.”

“Not far enough,” piped in Gary Doer, U.S. envoy under Stephen Harper. He and Mr. Giffin and other diplomats had seen too much of Mr. Navarro’s bomb-throwing, antediluvian approach to trade with allies.

The wiry, temperamental 70-year-old economist is characterized by Canadian players on the bilateral front as an ultra-protectionist whack-job. But rather than have their wish realized of seeing him banished, Mr. Navarro has gained stature and influence.

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro speaks at a press conference about the coronavirus response at the White House on April 2, 2020.

Along with his major trade responsibilities, he is a driving force behind Mr. Trump’s America First policies, and he has recently been appointed policy coordinator for the Defense Production Act. When Mr. Trump reopens his country, which will likely be sooner than Justin Trudeau does his, protectionist Navarro will have his ear at the moment when the interdependent world economy can ill afford to go in a beggar-thy-neighbour direction.

With the reopening of the Canada-U.S. border, former ambassador David MacNaughton, who was in deep disagreement with Mr. Navarro through much of his tenure, says there’s an opportunity to build on the new NAFTA. “U.S. protectionism vis-à-vis Canada would be a mistake for them. Doesn’t mean they won’t.”

Not with the truculent Navarro at large. His reputation as Canada’s public enemy No. 1 on team Trump is well earned. His most recent hostile act was in using his new defense authority to try to prevent 3M from exporting protective masks to Canada for its fight against COVID-19. That issue was resolved Monday following bitter complaints from the Canadian side.

But there will be other eruptions. Mr. Navarro recently drafted an executive order that ominously allows him to use national-security grounds to limit imports of foreign medicines, raw materials and vaccines.

This brought to mind a move that outraged Ottawa a couple of years ago when he used the same security rationale to justify Mr. Trump’s imposing of steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada. This was after he’d strongly sided with Mr. Trump in advocating a total withdrawal by the U.S. from NAFTA. Like this President, he could care less about any historic special relationship with Canada.

A long-time China hawk, Mr. Navarro is now embroiled in a coronavirus controversy. The New York Times reported Tuesday that he warned Mr. Trump in a memorandum as early as Jan. 29 that COVID-19 could devastate the country. In response, Mr. Trump restricted travel from China two days later. But he subsequently played down the virus threat and said recently that no one could have predicted its disastrous impact. No one except, as it turns out, his good friend Mr. Navarro.

In broadening his turf to COVID-19, Mr. Navarro got into a shouting match with Dr. Anthony Fauci, insisting to the President’s expert on infectious diseases that the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine was a good way to treat the coronavirus. He was roundly denounced in the media for trying to come across as a medical expert.

The same Mr. Navarro was behind the plan for stationing troops near the Canadian border, an idea which has since been discarded. He is the one who went on Fox News after the 2018 G7 summit in Quebec to say of Justin Trudeau that "there’s a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad-faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump.”
I met Mr. Navarro way back when we were at the Kennedy School at Harvard. He was a hothead then. He is a hothead now. But like Stephen Miller, the President’s race-baiting immigration adviser, he’s won over Mr. Trump by kneeling to his every word.

His demands for steel and aluminum tariffs led to the resignation of moderate Gary Cohn, Mr. Trump’s top economic adviser, who worked well with Canada. In Bob Woodward’s book Fear, Mr. Cohn depicts Mr. Navarro as a rogue actor, saying “He’s the source of all the chaos in this building.”

Not all, maybe. But with Canada and other allies, he has wreaked havoc. Having not being exiled to Peru or a farther destination, as the former ambassadors hoped, more of the same can now be anticipated.

Youtube 上有好几个他的节目,讲中国的。 后来发现好几个被采访的对象都是假冒的。
上午土豆直播前,听到广播里采访前美国驻加拿大大使,对总体和纳瓦罗没说一句好话,提到纳瓦罗在G7 会上的惊人讲话,令美国人感到羞耻。回来狗了一下,看来他不仅破坏中美关系,美加关系也被他搞的一塌糊涂,骂土豆该下地狱,要在边界派兵,阻止3M完成加拿大的口罩订单。。。


Youtube 上有好几个他的节目,讲中国的。 后来发现好几个被采访的对象都是假冒的。
Canada’s biggest Trumpland enemy is on the rise


At a Canadian-American conference in Washington a year ago, former ambassadors from each side were weighing in on the prospect of better trade relations.
The name Peter Navarro, who is Donald Trump’s trade adviser, came up. It would help a lot, said Gordon Giffin, who served as Ottawa ambassador under Bill Clinton, if Mr. Navarro was “sent off to Peru.”

“Not far enough,” piped in Gary Doer, U.S. envoy under Stephen Harper. He and Mr. Giffin and other diplomats had seen too much of Mr. Navarro’s bomb-throwing, antediluvian approach to trade with allies.

The wiry, temperamental 70-year-old economist is characterized by Canadian players on the bilateral front as an ultra-protectionist whack-job. But rather than have their wish realized of seeing him banished, Mr. Navarro has gained stature and influence.

White House trade adviser Peter Navarro speaks at a press conference about the coronavirus response at the White House on April 2, 2020.

Along with his major trade responsibilities, he is a driving force behind Mr. Trump’s America First policies, and he has recently been appointed policy coordinator for the Defense Production Act. When Mr. Trump reopens his country, which will likely be sooner than Justin Trudeau does his, protectionist Navarro will have his ear at the moment when the interdependent world economy can ill afford to go in a beggar-thy-neighbour direction.

With the reopening of the Canada-U.S. border, former ambassador David MacNaughton, who was in deep disagreement with Mr. Navarro through much of his tenure, says there’s an opportunity to build on the new NAFTA. “U.S. protectionism vis-à-vis Canada would be a mistake for them. Doesn’t mean they won’t.”

Not with the truculent Navarro at large. His reputation as Canada’s public enemy No. 1 on team Trump is well earned. His most recent hostile act was in using his new defense authority to try to prevent 3M from exporting protective masks to Canada for its fight against COVID-19. That issue was resolved Monday following bitter complaints from the Canadian side.

But there will be other eruptions. Mr. Navarro recently drafted an executive order that ominously allows him to use national-security grounds to limit imports of foreign medicines, raw materials and vaccines.

This brought to mind a move that outraged Ottawa a couple of years ago when he used the same security rationale to justify Mr. Trump’s imposing of steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada. This was after he’d strongly sided with Mr. Trump in advocating a total withdrawal by the U.S. from NAFTA. Like this President, he could care less about any historic special relationship with Canada.

A long-time China hawk, Mr. Navarro is now embroiled in a coronavirus controversy. The New York Times reported Tuesday that he warned Mr. Trump in a memorandum as early as Jan. 29 that COVID-19 could devastate the country. In response, Mr. Trump restricted travel from China two days later. But he subsequently played down the virus threat and said recently that no one could have predicted its disastrous impact. No one except, as it turns out, his good friend Mr. Navarro.

In broadening his turf to COVID-19, Mr. Navarro got into a shouting match with Dr. Anthony Fauci, insisting to the President’s expert on infectious diseases that the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine was a good way to treat the coronavirus. He was roundly denounced in the media for trying to come across as a medical expert.

The same Mr. Navarro was behind the plan for stationing troops near the Canadian border, an idea which has since been discarded. He is the one who went on Fox News after the 2018 G7 summit in Quebec to say of Justin Trudeau that "there’s a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad-faith diplomacy with President Donald J. Trump.”
I met Mr. Navarro way back when we were at the Kennedy School at Harvard. He was a hothead then. He is a hothead now. But like Stephen Miller, the President’s race-baiting immigration adviser, he’s won over Mr. Trump by kneeling to his every word.

His demands for steel and aluminum tariffs led to the resignation of moderate Gary Cohn, Mr. Trump’s top economic adviser, who worked well with Canada. In Bob Woodward’s book Fear, Mr. Cohn depicts Mr. Navarro as a rogue actor, saying “He’s the source of all the chaos in this building.”

Not all, maybe. But with Canada and other allies, he has wreaked havoc. Having not being exiled to Peru or a farther destination, as the former ambassadors hoped, more of the same can now be anticipated.




Canada responds to Trump order blocking N95 mask exports

Canadians across the political spectrum expressed anger and disappointment that President Trump blocked shipments of N95 masks from the United States.


Justin Tang/The Canadian Press via AP
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during his daily press conference on the coronavirus pandemic outside of his residence at Rideau Cottage in Ottawa, Ontario, on April 5, 2020.
April 5, 2020

he premier of a Canadian province that sheltered thousands of stranded American airline passengers after the 9/11 attacks questioned the humanity of U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday after Trump banned the export of N95 protective masks to Canada.

The conservative leader of another province compared it to one family member feasting while letting another one starve. And yet another premier said it reminded him of 1939 and 1940, when Canada was part of the fight against global fascism while the United States sat out the first years.

Canadians across the country expressed hurt and disappointment that their neighbor and longstanding ally is blocking shipments of the masks from the United States to ensure they are available in the U.S. during the coronavirus pandemic. Canadian health care workers – like those in the U.S. – are in dire need of the masks that provide more protection against the virus that causes COVID-19.

Newfoundland Premier Dwight Ball said one of the great lessons in humanity is that in times of crisis you don’t stop being human.

"To say that I’m infuriated by the recent actions of President Trump of the United States is an understatement," Mr. Ball said. "I cannot believe for a second that in a time of crisis that President Trump would even think about banning key medical supplies to Canada."
Mr. Ball noted that in 2001, more than 6,600 passengers descended on Gander, Newfoundland, a town of 10,000 without warning as more than 200 flights were diverted to Canada following the attacks on the United States.

Flight crews filled Gander’s hotels, so passengers were taken to schools, fire stations, church halls. The Canadian military flew in 5,000 cots. Stores donated blankets, coffee machines, barbecue grills. Locals gave passengers food, clothes, showers, toys, and banks of phones to call home free of charge.

"Newfoundland and Labrador will never give up on humanity . We will not hesitate for one second if we had to repeat what we did on 9-11. We would do it again," Mr. Ball said.

"This is a time when we need to work together to continue to protect our residents and keep them safe from COVID-19 no mater where they live or what passport they hold."

Former Gander Mayor Claude Elliott also said he’s disappointed.

"I understand the United States is going through a very dramatic time, especially in New York, and they need a lot of supplies, but we’re fighting an enemy that is just not one state, it’s the whole world," Mr. Elliott said. "And when we come to those times of tragedy in our life, we need everybody helping each other."

Mr. Trump used his authority under the 1950 Defense Production Act to direct the government to acquire the "appropriate" number of N95 respirators from Minnesota-based 3M and its subsidiaries. He also asked it to stop exporting such masks, also known as respirators, though 3M issued a statement saying that could have "significant humanitarian implications" for healthcare workers in Canada and Latin America. The company said possible retaliation by other nations could actually lead to fewer of the masks being available in the U.S.

Ontario’s conservative Premier Doug Ford also expressed disappointment.

"It’s like one of your family members (says), 'OK, you go starve and we’ll go feast on the rest of the meal.' I’m just so disappointed right now," Mr. Ford said Saturday. "We have a great relationship with the U.S. and they pull these shenanigans? Unacceptable."

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, also a conservative, recalled resentments from the start of World War II: "The United States sat out the first two or three years and actually initially refused to even provide supplies to Canada and the United Kingdom that was leading the fight at the time," he said.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau took a more diplomatic approach, saying Sunday he’s confident Canada will still be able to import N95 masks from the U.S. despite the export ban and said he will talk to Mr. Trump in the coming days.

Mr. Trudeau noted Canada supplies the U.S. with many supplies, including pulp for surgical-grade N95 masks, test kits and gloves. Canadian nurses also work in the U.S.

Mr. Trudeau earlier said Canada won’t bring retaliatory or punitive measures against the U.S. "I’m confident we are going to be able to solve this and I look forward to speaking with the president in the coming days," Mr. Trudeau said.


