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村里教育界,家长界都知道加拿大和美国有个世界级的中学生机器人大赛FRC。这个FRC就是由一个非盈利组织FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology)组织和承办。 这个组织就是由美国现代版爱迪生 Dean Kamen 创办。
Dean Kamen是个犹太人,出生一个普通犹太家庭。在中学时就显示出非凡的天分,在给博物馆打工的时候发现灯光很差,就给人家提建议他由办法把灯光搞得非常漂亮,最后说服博物馆采用他的方案改进照明灯设计和实施,赚了第一桶金。而后一发不可收拾,一直在发明,到目前为止已经有1000项专利。上了一个非藤校的理工大学,二年级就退学专心搞他的发明,著名的自平衡滑轮车和低成本污水变饮用水装置就是他发明的,还发明了很多机器手等,发明的东西太多,自己去查吧。因为美国的专利制度,使得他的才华得到了应有的保护和奖励,由专利带进的收入使得他有更多资源把他的发明狂魔继续发扬光大。从对社会反馈看,他最大的贡献就是用他在发明中专利所得资助了目前世界规模最大的机器人大赛。就是FIRST,这大赛有三个等级,每年吸引好几万全世界各地的青年。他个人的收入也相应提高,现在也是一个亿万富翁,并成为美国国防部的发明机器。
-他的成功故事说明了美国在创新环境的自我调节和培育成功的典型例子。首先是专业制度对这些人的发明的一个保护和奖励。第二是人才的发掘,第三是对社会的反馈。 中美要脱钩,中国就得自己培养自己的这样的发明家,让他们的发明有保护,有奖励。在一个健全的机制下,不需要政府干预,这整个环节就会源源不断的产生发明和影响社会发展的技术突破。中国得好好看看这个发明家成长的故事,建立好的机制和平台,中国人有发明创造力的人很多。古人在非常简陋的技术条件下都能做出惊世的大工程和技术。华人的创造力一点不弱。
-孩子有对理工感兴趣的,家长也可以给孩子转转Dean Kamen的故事,知道这个赛事的创始人的创业故事
Dean Lawrence Kamen (born April 5, 1951) is an American engineer, inventor, and businessman. He is known for his invention of the Segway and iBOT,[2] as well as founding the non-profit organization FIRST with Woodie Flowers.[citation needed] Kamen holds over 1,000 patents. [3]
Early life and family[edit]
Kamen was born in Long Island, New York, to a Jewish family.[4] His father is Jack Kamen, an illustrator for Mad, Weird Science and other EC Comics publications. During his teenage years, Kamen was already being paid for his ideas; local bands and museums paid him to build light and sound systems. His annual earnings reached $60,000 before his high school graduation.[2]
He attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute, but in 1976[5] dropped out before graduating, after five years of private advanced research for the insulin pump AutoSyringe.[6][7]
Kamen is best known for inventing the product that eventually became known as the Segway PT, an electric, self-balancing human transporter with a computer-controlled gyroscopic stabilization and control system. The device is balanced on two parallel wheels and is controlled by moving body weight. The machine's development was the object of much speculation and hype after segments of a book quoting Steve Jobs and other notable IT visionaries espousing its society-revolutionizing potential were leaked in December 2001.[8]
Kamen was already a successful inventor: his company Auto Syringe manufactures and markets the first drug infusion pump.[9]:13 His company DEKA also holds patents for the technology used in portable dialysis machines, an insulin pump (based on the drug infusion pump technology),[9]:19 and an all-terrain electric wheelchair known as the iBOT, using many of the same gyroscopic balancing technologies that later made their way into the Segway.

Kamen on one of his inventions, the Segway

Kamen Stirling Generator 10 coupled to Water Still 12 (from US patent 7,340,879)
Kamen has worked extensively on a project involving Stirling engine designs, attempting to create two machines: one that would generate power, and the Slingshot[10] that would serve as a water purification system.[11] He hopes the project will help improve living standards in developing countries.[12][13] Kamen has a patent on his water purifier,[14] and other patents pending. In 2014, the film SlingShot was released, detailing Kamen's quest to use his vapor compression distiller to fix the world's water crisis.[15]
Kamen is also the co-inventor of a compressed air device that would launch a human into the air in order to quickly launch SWAT teams or other emergency workers to the roofs of tall, inaccessible buildings.[16][17]
In 2009 Kamen stated that his company DEKA was now working on solar powered inventions.[13]
Kamen and DEKA also developed the DEKA Arm System or "Luke", a prosthetic arm replacement that offers its user much more fine motor control than traditional prosthetic limbs. It was approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in May 2014, and DEKA is looking for partners to mass-produce the prosthesis.[18]
In 1989, Kamen founded FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), a program for students to get people interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). One competition started and run by FIRST is the FRC or FIRST Robotics Competition. In 2017, the organization chose to host two international competitions, one in St. Louis, Missouri, and another in Houston, Texas, each a week apart. From 2018 to 2020, it will be held in Detroit, Michigan, instead of St. Louis, Missouri.
FIRST has many robotics programs for students in grades K-12, including FLL JR. (FIRST Lego League Jr.) for younger elementary school students, FLL (FIRST Lego League) for older elementary school and middle school students, FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) for middle and high school students, and FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) for high school students.[19] In 2017, FIRST held the inaugural event of its first olympics-style competition – FGC (FIRST Global Challenge) – in Washington, D.C.
Kamen says that FIRST is the invention he is most proud of, and predicts that the 1 million students who have taken part in the contests so far will be responsible for some significant technological advances in years to come.[20]
Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute[edit]
In 2017, Kamen founded the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI)[21] and launched BioFabUSA[22], a Manufacturing USA Innovation Institute with an $80M grant from the Department of Defense. BioFabUSA's mission is to "...make practical the large-scale manufacturing of engineered tissues and tissue-related technologies, to benefit existing industries and grow new ones"[21] In addition to DoD funding, Kamen brought together a consortium of private sector entities to form a public-private partnership which pledged $214M additional private dollars.[23]
In early 2020, ARMI was awarded a grant from the Department of Health and Human Services to establish the first Foundry for American Biotechnology[24], known as NextFab[25] "to produce technological solutions that help the United States protect against and respond to health security threats, enhance daily medical care, and add to the U.S. bioeconomy"[24].
During his career Kamen has won numerous awards. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1997 for his biomedical devices and for making engineering more popular among high school students. In 1999 he was awarded the 5th Annual Heinz Award in Technology, the Economy and Employment,[26] and in 2000 received the National Medal of Technology from then President Clinton for inventions that have advanced medical care worldwide. In April 2002, Kamen was awarded the Lemelson-MIT Prize for inventors, for his invention of the Segway and of an infusion pump for diabetics. In 2003 his "Project Slingshot", an inexpensive portable water purification system, was named a runner-up for "coolest invention of 2003" by Time magazine.[27]
In 2005 he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for his invention of the AutoSyringe. In 2006 Kamen was awarded the "Global Humanitarian Action Award" by the United Nations. In 2007 he received the ASME Medal, the highest award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,[28] in 2008 he was the recipient of the IRI Achievement Award from the Industrial Research Institute,[29] and in 2011 Kamen was awarded the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Mechanical Engineering of the Franklin Institute.[30]
Kamen received an honorary Doctor of Engineering degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1992[31], Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute May 17, 1996,[citation needed] a Doctor of Engineering degree from Kettering University in 2001,[citation needed] an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Clarkson University on May 13, 2001,[citation needed] an honorary "Doctor of Science" degree from the University of Arizona on May 16, 2009,[citation needed] and an honorary doctorate from the Wentworth Institute of Technology when he spoke at the college's centennial celebration in 2004,[citation needed] and other honorary doctorates from North Carolina State University in 2005,[citation needed] Bates College in 2007,[citation needed] the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2008,[32] the Illinois Institute of Technology in 2008[citation needed] and Plymouth State University in May 2008.[citation needed] In 2015, Kamen received an honorary Doctor of Engineering and Technology degree from Yale University.[33]. In 2017, Kamen was honored with an institutional honorary degree from Université de Sherbrooke.[34]
Kamen received the Stevens Honor Award on November 6, 2009, given by the Stevens Institute of Technology and the Stevens Alumni Association.[citation needed] On November 14, 2013, he received the James C. Morgan Global Humanitarian Award.[35]
Kamen received the 2018 Public Service Award from the National Science Board, honoring his exemplary public service and contributions to the public's understanding of science and engineering.[citation needed]
Personal life[edit]

Will.i.am speaking at the 2011 FIRST kickoff at Southern New Hampshire University with Kamen
In 2007, his residence was a hexagonal, shed style mansion he dubbed Westwind,[12] located in Bedford, New Hampshire, just outside Manchester. The house has at least four different levels and is very eclectically conceived, with such things as: hallways resembling mine shafts; 1960s novelty furniture; a collection of vintage wheelchairs; spiral staircases; at least one secret passage; an observation tower; a fully equipped machine shop; and a huge cast iron steam engine which once belonged to Henry Ford (built into the multi-story center atrium of the house) which Kamen is working to convert into a Stirling engine-powered kinetic sculpture.[citation needed] Kamen owns and pilots an Embraer Phenom 300 light jet aircraft[36] and three Enstrom helicopters, including a 280FX, a 480, and a 480B.[37][38][39] He regularly commutes to work via his helicopters and had a hangar built into his house.[40] In 2016 he piloted a B-2 Spirit bomber at Whiteman AFB, marking the opening of the 2016 FRC World Championship in St. Louis.[41]
He is the main subject of Code Name Ginger: the Story Behind Segway and Dean Kamen's Quest to Invent a New World, a nonfiction narrative book by journalist Steve Kemper published by Harvard Business School Press in 2003 (released in paperback as Reinventing the Wheel).[9]
His company, DEKA, annually creates intricate mechanical presents for him. The company has created a robotic chess player, which is a mechanical arm attached to a chess board, and a vintage-looking computer with antique wood, and a converted typewriter as a keyboard. In addition, DEKA has received funding from DARPA to work on a brain-controlled prosthetic limb called the Luke Arm.[42]
Kamen is a member of the USA Science and Engineering Festival's Advisory Board[43] and is also a member of the Xconomists, an ad hoc team of editorial advisors for the tech news and media company, Xconomy.[44]
Dean of Invention, a TV show on Planet Green, premiered on October 22, 2010. It starred Kamen and correspondent Joanne Colan, in which they investigate new technologies,[45]
Kamen was a keynote speaker at the 2015 Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders.[46]
文章来源: ZAKER 于 2020-08-07 19:39:53 - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!
(被阅读 3865 次)
他一生靠 400 多项发明拯救地球上 10 亿人生命,和乔布斯、比尔盖茨一同跻身 全球十大辍学富翁 行列,但低调的他却鲜有人知。
他被联合国授予至高荣誉,曾拒绝乔布斯 4 个亿,李嘉诚称其为 唯一偶像 。
身价超过 30 亿的他终身未婚,晚年买下一整座小岛过起隐居生活,俨然一个世外高人。
他就是被称为 工匠精神第一人 , 现代版爱迪生 的迪恩卡门。
16 岁赚到第一桶金
1951 年,迪恩出生在纽约的一个普通家庭,父亲是插画师,母亲是教师。
5 岁的迪恩最钟爱的玩具却是一堆电子零件。
转眼到了 16 岁,迪恩在一家天文馆做暑期兼职。迪恩从小对灯光敏感,天文馆老旧的灯光系统自然不入他的法眼。
结果,设计实验时, 砰 地一声,迪恩的电路板发生意外爆炸,爆炸声还惊动了馆长。
惊吓过后又惊喜的馆长,不仅同意用迪恩的发明取代旧灯光系统,还为迪恩引荐其他博物馆灯光改造的生意,并支付给了小迪恩 1 万美元的报酬。
在迪恩一生中 400 多项发明里,有 200 多项是医学发明。
无所不能的义肢让人重获新 手
这份情怀,让迪恩卡门在发明之路上表现得特别 不商业 ,甚至还拒绝过乔布斯高达四个亿的投资。
早在 2000 年时,迪恩卡门发明的赛格威平衡车一经问世,便引起了包括比尔盖茨,贝佐斯和乔布斯等一众大佬的注意。
多年之后,平衡车确实风靡全球,甚至因在田径场直接掀翻博尔特而成功 出圈 。
但在当年,当乔布斯提出要花 6300 万美元投资赛格威平衡车项目时,却被迪恩婉拒了。
当迪恩卡门因发明名声大噪时,有一位军医向他抱怨: 为什么在科技如此发达的今天,如果有人失去了一只手臂,我们能给他的还只是一只带钩子的塑料棍呢?
迪恩被要求做出一只能让人轻松拿起葡萄干放进嘴里,而且要轻便得适合 50% 女性使用的义肢。
但军医对迪恩说:迪恩,你能想象吗?当 24 个孩子回来,都已经失去双臂的情形。
于是,迪恩找来公司最顶尖的人员组成研发团队,不惜时间精力以及巨资的投入,誓要发明出一只 上帝之手 。
查克的妻子用颤抖的声音对迪恩说: 查克 19 年没有自己喂过自己了,你现在要么让我们把手臂带回去,要么你把查克带回去。
迪恩是真正的 用爱发电 。不断投身新发明的他丝毫没有停止脚步。放眼全世界的迪恩,接下来的一项发明让全球 10 亿人都因之获益。
让全球 10 亿人喝上干净的水
这就是迪恩的杰作 -- 弹弓水处理系统。这台机器用极低的功耗和成本,一天可净化 1000 升水,且连续使用 5 年不用维修。
但 梦幻制造者 迪恩却把这项投入巨资研发的系统免费赠与世界上的穷人使用。
如今 69 岁的他隐居在一个全靠风力涡轮发电的小岛别墅中。
由他举办的 FCR 是全球影响力最大的青少年机器人比赛。
这一赛事迄今已举办 29 年,无数天才少年受其鼓舞汇聚一堂,更多的迪恩卡门正在成长之中。他们将来对世界的改变可想而知。
Dean Kamen是个犹太人,出生一个普通犹太家庭。在中学时就显示出非凡的天分,在给博物馆打工的时候发现灯光很差,就给人家提建议他由办法把灯光搞得非常漂亮,最后说服博物馆采用他的方案改进照明灯设计和实施,赚了第一桶金。而后一发不可收拾,一直在发明,到目前为止已经有1000项专利。上了一个非藤校的理工大学,二年级就退学专心搞他的发明,著名的自平衡滑轮车和低成本污水变饮用水装置就是他发明的,还发明了很多机器手等,发明的东西太多,自己去查吧。因为美国的专利制度,使得他的才华得到了应有的保护和奖励,由专利带进的收入使得他有更多资源把他的发明狂魔继续发扬光大。从对社会反馈看,他最大的贡献就是用他在发明中专利所得资助了目前世界规模最大的机器人大赛。就是FIRST,这大赛有三个等级,每年吸引好几万全世界各地的青年。他个人的收入也相应提高,现在也是一个亿万富翁,并成为美国国防部的发明机器。
-他的成功故事说明了美国在创新环境的自我调节和培育成功的典型例子。首先是专业制度对这些人的发明的一个保护和奖励。第二是人才的发掘,第三是对社会的反馈。 中美要脱钩,中国就得自己培养自己的这样的发明家,让他们的发明有保护,有奖励。在一个健全的机制下,不需要政府干预,这整个环节就会源源不断的产生发明和影响社会发展的技术突破。中国得好好看看这个发明家成长的故事,建立好的机制和平台,中国人有发明创造力的人很多。古人在非常简陋的技术条件下都能做出惊世的大工程和技术。华人的创造力一点不弱。
-孩子有对理工感兴趣的,家长也可以给孩子转转Dean Kamen的故事,知道这个赛事的创始人的创业故事

Dean Kamen - Wikipedia
Dean Lawrence Kamen (born April 5, 1951) is an American engineer, inventor, and businessman. He is known for his invention of the Segway and iBOT,[2] as well as founding the non-profit organization FIRST with Woodie Flowers.[citation needed] Kamen holds over 1,000 patents. [3]
Early life and family[edit]
Kamen was born in Long Island, New York, to a Jewish family.[4] His father is Jack Kamen, an illustrator for Mad, Weird Science and other EC Comics publications. During his teenage years, Kamen was already being paid for his ideas; local bands and museums paid him to build light and sound systems. His annual earnings reached $60,000 before his high school graduation.[2]
He attended Worcester Polytechnic Institute, but in 1976[5] dropped out before graduating, after five years of private advanced research for the insulin pump AutoSyringe.[6][7]
Kamen is best known for inventing the product that eventually became known as the Segway PT, an electric, self-balancing human transporter with a computer-controlled gyroscopic stabilization and control system. The device is balanced on two parallel wheels and is controlled by moving body weight. The machine's development was the object of much speculation and hype after segments of a book quoting Steve Jobs and other notable IT visionaries espousing its society-revolutionizing potential were leaked in December 2001.[8]
Kamen was already a successful inventor: his company Auto Syringe manufactures and markets the first drug infusion pump.[9]:13 His company DEKA also holds patents for the technology used in portable dialysis machines, an insulin pump (based on the drug infusion pump technology),[9]:19 and an all-terrain electric wheelchair known as the iBOT, using many of the same gyroscopic balancing technologies that later made their way into the Segway.

Kamen on one of his inventions, the Segway
Kamen Stirling Generator 10 coupled to Water Still 12 (from US patent 7,340,879)
Kamen has worked extensively on a project involving Stirling engine designs, attempting to create two machines: one that would generate power, and the Slingshot[10] that would serve as a water purification system.[11] He hopes the project will help improve living standards in developing countries.[12][13] Kamen has a patent on his water purifier,[14] and other patents pending. In 2014, the film SlingShot was released, detailing Kamen's quest to use his vapor compression distiller to fix the world's water crisis.[15]
Kamen is also the co-inventor of a compressed air device that would launch a human into the air in order to quickly launch SWAT teams or other emergency workers to the roofs of tall, inaccessible buildings.[16][17]
In 2009 Kamen stated that his company DEKA was now working on solar powered inventions.[13]
Kamen and DEKA also developed the DEKA Arm System or "Luke", a prosthetic arm replacement that offers its user much more fine motor control than traditional prosthetic limbs. It was approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in May 2014, and DEKA is looking for partners to mass-produce the prosthesis.[18]
In 1989, Kamen founded FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), a program for students to get people interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). One competition started and run by FIRST is the FRC or FIRST Robotics Competition. In 2017, the organization chose to host two international competitions, one in St. Louis, Missouri, and another in Houston, Texas, each a week apart. From 2018 to 2020, it will be held in Detroit, Michigan, instead of St. Louis, Missouri.
FIRST has many robotics programs for students in grades K-12, including FLL JR. (FIRST Lego League Jr.) for younger elementary school students, FLL (FIRST Lego League) for older elementary school and middle school students, FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge) for middle and high school students, and FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) for high school students.[19] In 2017, FIRST held the inaugural event of its first olympics-style competition – FGC (FIRST Global Challenge) – in Washington, D.C.
Kamen says that FIRST is the invention he is most proud of, and predicts that the 1 million students who have taken part in the contests so far will be responsible for some significant technological advances in years to come.[20]
Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute[edit]
In 2017, Kamen founded the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (ARMI)[21] and launched BioFabUSA[22], a Manufacturing USA Innovation Institute with an $80M grant from the Department of Defense. BioFabUSA's mission is to "...make practical the large-scale manufacturing of engineered tissues and tissue-related technologies, to benefit existing industries and grow new ones"[21] In addition to DoD funding, Kamen brought together a consortium of private sector entities to form a public-private partnership which pledged $214M additional private dollars.[23]
In early 2020, ARMI was awarded a grant from the Department of Health and Human Services to establish the first Foundry for American Biotechnology[24], known as NextFab[25] "to produce technological solutions that help the United States protect against and respond to health security threats, enhance daily medical care, and add to the U.S. bioeconomy"[24].
During his career Kamen has won numerous awards. He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1997 for his biomedical devices and for making engineering more popular among high school students. In 1999 he was awarded the 5th Annual Heinz Award in Technology, the Economy and Employment,[26] and in 2000 received the National Medal of Technology from then President Clinton for inventions that have advanced medical care worldwide. In April 2002, Kamen was awarded the Lemelson-MIT Prize for inventors, for his invention of the Segway and of an infusion pump for diabetics. In 2003 his "Project Slingshot", an inexpensive portable water purification system, was named a runner-up for "coolest invention of 2003" by Time magazine.[27]
In 2005 he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame for his invention of the AutoSyringe. In 2006 Kamen was awarded the "Global Humanitarian Action Award" by the United Nations. In 2007 he received the ASME Medal, the highest award from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers,[28] in 2008 he was the recipient of the IRI Achievement Award from the Industrial Research Institute,[29] and in 2011 Kamen was awarded the Benjamin Franklin Medal in Mechanical Engineering of the Franklin Institute.[30]
Kamen received an honorary Doctor of Engineering degree from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1992[31], Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute May 17, 1996,[citation needed] a Doctor of Engineering degree from Kettering University in 2001,[citation needed] an honorary Doctor of Science degree from Clarkson University on May 13, 2001,[citation needed] an honorary "Doctor of Science" degree from the University of Arizona on May 16, 2009,[citation needed] and an honorary doctorate from the Wentworth Institute of Technology when he spoke at the college's centennial celebration in 2004,[citation needed] and other honorary doctorates from North Carolina State University in 2005,[citation needed] Bates College in 2007,[citation needed] the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2008,[32] the Illinois Institute of Technology in 2008[citation needed] and Plymouth State University in May 2008.[citation needed] In 2015, Kamen received an honorary Doctor of Engineering and Technology degree from Yale University.[33]. In 2017, Kamen was honored with an institutional honorary degree from Université de Sherbrooke.[34]
Kamen received the Stevens Honor Award on November 6, 2009, given by the Stevens Institute of Technology and the Stevens Alumni Association.[citation needed] On November 14, 2013, he received the James C. Morgan Global Humanitarian Award.[35]
Kamen received the 2018 Public Service Award from the National Science Board, honoring his exemplary public service and contributions to the public's understanding of science and engineering.[citation needed]
Personal life[edit]

Will.i.am speaking at the 2011 FIRST kickoff at Southern New Hampshire University with Kamen
In 2007, his residence was a hexagonal, shed style mansion he dubbed Westwind,[12] located in Bedford, New Hampshire, just outside Manchester. The house has at least four different levels and is very eclectically conceived, with such things as: hallways resembling mine shafts; 1960s novelty furniture; a collection of vintage wheelchairs; spiral staircases; at least one secret passage; an observation tower; a fully equipped machine shop; and a huge cast iron steam engine which once belonged to Henry Ford (built into the multi-story center atrium of the house) which Kamen is working to convert into a Stirling engine-powered kinetic sculpture.[citation needed] Kamen owns and pilots an Embraer Phenom 300 light jet aircraft[36] and three Enstrom helicopters, including a 280FX, a 480, and a 480B.[37][38][39] He regularly commutes to work via his helicopters and had a hangar built into his house.[40] In 2016 he piloted a B-2 Spirit bomber at Whiteman AFB, marking the opening of the 2016 FRC World Championship in St. Louis.[41]
He is the main subject of Code Name Ginger: the Story Behind Segway and Dean Kamen's Quest to Invent a New World, a nonfiction narrative book by journalist Steve Kemper published by Harvard Business School Press in 2003 (released in paperback as Reinventing the Wheel).[9]
His company, DEKA, annually creates intricate mechanical presents for him. The company has created a robotic chess player, which is a mechanical arm attached to a chess board, and a vintage-looking computer with antique wood, and a converted typewriter as a keyboard. In addition, DEKA has received funding from DARPA to work on a brain-controlled prosthetic limb called the Luke Arm.[42]
Kamen is a member of the USA Science and Engineering Festival's Advisory Board[43] and is also a member of the Xconomists, an ad hoc team of editorial advisors for the tech news and media company, Xconomy.[44]
Dean of Invention, a TV show on Planet Green, premiered on October 22, 2010. It starred Kamen and correspondent Joanne Colan, in which they investigate new technologies,[45]
Kamen was a keynote speaker at the 2015 Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders.[46]
文章来源: ZAKER 于 2020-08-07 19:39:53 - 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场!
(被阅读 3865 次)
他一生靠 400 多项发明拯救地球上 10 亿人生命,和乔布斯、比尔盖茨一同跻身 全球十大辍学富翁 行列,但低调的他却鲜有人知。
他被联合国授予至高荣誉,曾拒绝乔布斯 4 个亿,李嘉诚称其为 唯一偶像 。
身价超过 30 亿的他终身未婚,晚年买下一整座小岛过起隐居生活,俨然一个世外高人。
他就是被称为 工匠精神第一人 , 现代版爱迪生 的迪恩卡门。

16 岁赚到第一桶金
1951 年,迪恩出生在纽约的一个普通家庭,父亲是插画师,母亲是教师。
5 岁的迪恩最钟爱的玩具却是一堆电子零件。

转眼到了 16 岁,迪恩在一家天文馆做暑期兼职。迪恩从小对灯光敏感,天文馆老旧的灯光系统自然不入他的法眼。
结果,设计实验时, 砰 地一声,迪恩的电路板发生意外爆炸,爆炸声还惊动了馆长。

惊吓过后又惊喜的馆长,不仅同意用迪恩的发明取代旧灯光系统,还为迪恩引荐其他博物馆灯光改造的生意,并支付给了小迪恩 1 万美元的报酬。




在迪恩一生中 400 多项发明里,有 200 多项是医学发明。
无所不能的义肢让人重获新 手
这份情怀,让迪恩卡门在发明之路上表现得特别 不商业 ,甚至还拒绝过乔布斯高达四个亿的投资。
早在 2000 年时,迪恩卡门发明的赛格威平衡车一经问世,便引起了包括比尔盖茨,贝佐斯和乔布斯等一众大佬的注意。

多年之后,平衡车确实风靡全球,甚至因在田径场直接掀翻博尔特而成功 出圈 。

但在当年,当乔布斯提出要花 6300 万美元投资赛格威平衡车项目时,却被迪恩婉拒了。


当迪恩卡门因发明名声大噪时,有一位军医向他抱怨: 为什么在科技如此发达的今天,如果有人失去了一只手臂,我们能给他的还只是一只带钩子的塑料棍呢?
迪恩被要求做出一只能让人轻松拿起葡萄干放进嘴里,而且要轻便得适合 50% 女性使用的义肢。

但军医对迪恩说:迪恩,你能想象吗?当 24 个孩子回来,都已经失去双臂的情形。

于是,迪恩找来公司最顶尖的人员组成研发团队,不惜时间精力以及巨资的投入,誓要发明出一只 上帝之手 。


查克的妻子用颤抖的声音对迪恩说: 查克 19 年没有自己喂过自己了,你现在要么让我们把手臂带回去,要么你把查克带回去。


迪恩是真正的 用爱发电 。不断投身新发明的他丝毫没有停止脚步。放眼全世界的迪恩,接下来的一项发明让全球 10 亿人都因之获益。
让全球 10 亿人喝上干净的水

这就是迪恩的杰作 -- 弹弓水处理系统。这台机器用极低的功耗和成本,一天可净化 1000 升水,且连续使用 5 年不用维修。

但 梦幻制造者 迪恩却把这项投入巨资研发的系统免费赠与世界上的穷人使用。

如今 69 岁的他隐居在一个全靠风力涡轮发电的小岛别墅中。

由他举办的 FCR 是全球影响力最大的青少年机器人比赛。
这一赛事迄今已举办 29 年,无数天才少年受其鼓舞汇聚一堂,更多的迪恩卡门正在成长之中。他们将来对世界的改变可想而知。

