Calling all single, separated or divorced, men & women, that are looking for love!
This post is for you!
In July we had 23 women & 17 men in total get together, lets see if we can get even numbers this month!
Are you currently doing online dating but dont like it much.
Did you try online dating but it didnt work out?
Have you realized that long distance relationships dont work for you?
Well, I have decided to do something about it & this will be event number 2!
On Thursday 4th August at 7pm come & join me at the British for a singles night, with mingling, speed dating & hopefully dinner with someone you like!
This is primarily for seperated & divorced people but if your single & would like to attend your welcome to join me.
The age range is from 39 to 65.
(Sorry if your outwith these parameters)
Im very excited to host this for everyone & I have been know to be an excellent matchmaker in the past lol.... and during last month 1 relationship began with a few possibilities in process
Please let me know your interest in the comments as we have room for 50 currently - thats 25 men & 25 women ideally.
There is no fee for this, its a come & have a fun night with drinks/dinner & maybe meet someone thats interesting
Heres my plan so that you have an idea of what to expect....
7pm - drinks with freestyle mingling with a twist to help you approach people & break the ice in a fun way
*more on this later.
7:30pm - speed dating
*may be longer based on numbers.
8pm - dinner with someone intetesting
Whos up for stepping out of your comfort zone & taking a chance on actually meeting someone local thats real?
This post is for you!

In July we had 23 women & 17 men in total get together, lets see if we can get even numbers this month!
Are you currently doing online dating but dont like it much.
Did you try online dating but it didnt work out?
Have you realized that long distance relationships dont work for you?
Well, I have decided to do something about it & this will be event number 2!
On Thursday 4th August at 7pm come & join me at the British for a singles night, with mingling, speed dating & hopefully dinner with someone you like!

This is primarily for seperated & divorced people but if your single & would like to attend your welcome to join me.
The age range is from 39 to 65.
(Sorry if your outwith these parameters)
Im very excited to host this for everyone & I have been know to be an excellent matchmaker in the past lol.... and during last month 1 relationship began with a few possibilities in process

Please let me know your interest in the comments as we have room for 50 currently - thats 25 men & 25 women ideally.
There is no fee for this, its a come & have a fun night with drinks/dinner & maybe meet someone thats interesting

Heres my plan so that you have an idea of what to expect....
7pm - drinks with freestyle mingling with a twist to help you approach people & break the ice in a fun way
7:30pm - speed dating
*may be longer based on numbers.
8pm - dinner with someone intetesting
Whos up for stepping out of your comfort zone & taking a chance on actually meeting someone local thats real?
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