WUCHENGJIN 我从通化来... 注册 2013-03-29 消息 934 荣誉分数 286 声望点数 173 所在地 Vankleek Hill 2023-11-20 #181 May11 说: 这么大的工程量,勇气可嘉!还得上班吧,慢慢做,总有完成的那一天。不怕慢只怕站。 点击展开... 不怕慢只怕站。 我也是这么想的 一天干一点儿 一个月以后回头看也干不少
P PANGOOD 知名会员 注册 2002-01-30 消息 131 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 128 2023-11-21 #182 I have time in the weekend, interested in building, I can volunteer to help to do some work for you guys for free, my phone is 6139081360, Viktor Liu
I have time in the weekend, interested in building, I can volunteer to help to do some work for you guys for free, my phone is 6139081360, Viktor Liu
WUCHENGJIN 我从通化来... 注册 2013-03-29 消息 934 荣誉分数 286 声望点数 173 所在地 Vankleek Hill 2023-11-24 #183 PANGOOD 说: I have time in the weekend, interested in building, I can volunteer to help to do some work for you guys for free, my phone is 6139081360, Viktor Liu 点击展开... That's very nice of you. We are in Alfred. Almost 1 hour's drive to the east of Ottawa. We will be working on the attic membrane this weekend. You will be more than welcome. No pressure though. Just texted to you.
PANGOOD 说: I have time in the weekend, interested in building, I can volunteer to help to do some work for you guys for free, my phone is 6139081360, Viktor Liu 点击展开... That's very nice of you. We are in Alfred. Almost 1 hour's drive to the east of Ottawa. We will be working on the attic membrane this weekend. You will be more than welcome. No pressure though. Just texted to you.
WUCHENGJIN 我从通化来... 注册 2013-03-29 消息 934 荣誉分数 286 声望点数 173 所在地 Vankleek Hill 2024-02-15 #184 上干墙 干墙程序很多 1.给它举到棚顶再订好 2. Mudding and taping 3.Second coat of mudding 4.Sanding 5.Primer 6.Painting 我们更喜欢做木墙 @今剩叹 最后编辑: 2024-02-15
上干墙 干墙程序很多 1.给它举到棚顶再订好 2. Mudding and taping 3.Second coat of mudding 4.Sanding 5.Primer 6.Painting 我们更喜欢做木墙 @今剩叹
WUCHENGJIN 我从通化来... 注册 2013-03-29 消息 934 荣誉分数 286 声望点数 173 所在地 Vankleek Hill 2024-02-15 #185 今剩叹 说: @WUCHENGJIN 两个月过去了,内装完成了吗? 点击展开... 木墙是前两天弄的 这个比干墙快 还有成就感
X Xiaozhizhi2019 新手上路 注册 2023-04-04 消息 3 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 11 2024-02-18 #186 真不容易,你们真是厉害。没有地下室,估计radon的问题也不会太严重,不过还是建议建好之后测试一下。 最后编辑: 2024-03-03