有没有考微软MCAD 认证的一块聊聊.


刚刚考完70306. 778分通过.;

写了这么年的程序, 没想到, 考试完全不是一会事, 要不是提前作一些真题, 真有点玄.
可不可以介绍一下你的经验? MCAD TRAINING KIT 我已经读完了。做了几道样题。全不是那么会事。所以不想在花太多时间。只想买题库,考过了拉到。

最初由 sdfsdf 发布
可不可以介绍一下你的经验? MCAD TRAINING KIT 我已经读完了。做了几道样题。全不是那么会事。所以不想在花太多时间。只想买题库,考过了拉到。

easy way, easy go:cool: :cool:
最初由 sdfsdf 发布
可不可以介绍一下你的经验? MCAD TRAINING KIT 我已经读完了。做了几道样题。全不是那么会事。所以不想在花太多时间。只想买题库,考过了拉到。


看书, 作项目和考试, 这三者之间的要求, 差异都挺大的.

我正在看70-305/70-315. 有时间的话, 就考

过2天有空就写一篇字, 关于考试的.
你要着急, 回头电话联系.



先找一个项目, 一般来讲, 项目合同金额越大, 你的学习速度就越快.

我个人认为有4个学习要点, 个人背景不同,差异会很大的.

1 .NET Framework. 这个对每个人来讲, 都是一样的成本, 开始不要深究. 什么CLR/JIT, MSIL, Stack/Heap, boxing/unboxing. 对绝大多数人是不太需要的.
对于GABAGE COLLECTION 内存管理: 对写程序比较随便, 不愿意打扫垃圾的程序员(内存泄漏), 是个好消息

2 .NET Framework Library (类库). 这个对每个人来讲, 也是必须付出的成本, 可能是最大的, 是无法移植道其他平台的成本. 虽然微软自己吹牛说,self-description, 自描述方式的. 但是细节很多, 掌握熟练需要实践.

3 OO, 面向对象, 这看你以前OO下的功夫如何.

4 语法, 以前有C家族语言背景的(包括C,C++,Java), 就选择C#, 只是多了一些东西, 都是一些让你开发感觉比较舒服的东东, 例如: try 错误处理机制, 更细腻的范围控制(Access and Scope identifiers), namespace(命名空间), 有人说这是从java 的package 借过来的.
熟悉VB, 就选择VB.NET.

5.ASP.NET 是一个Framework, 不是一种语言, 你可是使用任何一种.net 语言(例如C#/VB.NET)来开发

建议对参考资料: 能懂就懂, 不懂就略过去. 有代码的地方, 先看代码再看文字说明

第一.微软的MCAD认证资料, 不像其他资料给你杂七杂八.绕了好大圈子,力图搞一个很完整的体系:
70-315 WEB 开发/70-316 桌面系统.
1.例子: 因为是微软自己的产品, 所以代码例子质量就不用说了
2.很干, 意思就是逻辑结构非常之清楚,清楚到很枯燥无味的程度.
还有一个附带的结果, VB.NET C#代码是一起给出的,

第二.MSDN 其实有MSDN 就足够了
1.里面有一个Walkthrough 随便看一下,
2.开发过程中, 根据关键词自己查就可以了
3 MSDN 的搜索技巧, 平时要琢磨一下.

再回头强调一下, 项目的真实性和合同金额, 是非常非常重要的因素. 没有实际需求的学习, 没有目的的学习, 效率是很低的.
zt C#就是Java只不过差了一点点

不太同意文中观点, 有点偏激


作者: ZDNet China
Monday, January 5 2004 11:51 AM



最容易找出的错误是流控制和句法。C#提供了goto command,将其作为更改程序执行点的机制。自从Edsger W. Dijkstra在1968年出版了他的《关于Go to陈述式害处的考虑(Go To Statement Considered Harmful)》。Goto语句导致代码难以调试,而且很难被测试工具处理。




C#,及其更大的扩展.NET,已经同SOAP Web服务紧密地集成在一起。SOAP是使用XML指定参数和结果值来进行远程过程调用的好标准,但是它并不是唯一的方式。利用用于Web服务的外部库能够允许Java开发人员轻易地更改其Web服务的风格,使其成为SOAP、XML-RPC,或者什么还没有发明的东西。当然,C#的开发人员总是能够选择将外部库用于SOAP的Web服务,但是由SOAP标准的紧密集成所造成的限制要比它能够做的东西更多。



最后,我从来都没有想到我会说这个,但是Java具有更好工具的支持,即使是在考虑到集成开发环境(IDE)的情况下。Visual Studio .NET是一个很不错的IDE。它代表了多年的努力,而且特性很丰富。但是,Eclipse IDE包括了对Java的支持,它在稳定性、易用性和所提供的特性上超过了Visual Studio。IBM对Eclipse的贡献举足轻重,而且如果你信奉原来的软件格言“创建一个扔掉的(Build one to throw away)”,那么你可以把Visual Age作为第一个(被抛弃掉了的)尝试。对于使用C#的开发人员来说幸运的是,Eclipse的.NET版本正在开发中。

客观一点评价,C#里并没有什么很恐怖的东西。它没有Visual Basic里的那些很恐怖的东西,而且它事实上也没有继承像C里的一些东西,而这些东西会让开发人员开枪却打中自己脚。但是,底线是,C#并没有做很多东西,如果有任何东西比Java更好的话。它在某些方面很明显的要更差。在这两个非常类似的语言之间作选择的时候,请选择稍稍更好且经历风雨的那个:Java。
现在学这些东西, 过两三年又报废了.
最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布
现在学这些东西, 过两三年又报废了.

是啊, 不用2-3年.:)
VS.NET 下一个版本已经有资料出来了. 又有很多的变化, 新的功能.
这是一个ASP.NET 2.0, "Whidbey" 简单介绍 http://www.asp.net/whidbey/

信息技术仍然是进化速度最快的行业之一. 不过话说回来:
信息行业仍然是移民比较容易生存的行业. 本地人, 有谁愿意这样折腾?

轻松 赚钱容易的职业, 行业壁垒高, 可不是我们这些移民轻易,能够问津的
再考个70-300~ 拿MCSD咯~~~

同样是IT, 有些学科过去40年甚至60,80年内基本理论没有太大变化, 只不过多了些新材料,应用,方法.
搞那些东西将来是越老越厉害, 不用年年和年轻人比记性.
最初由 lavi007 发布
再考个70-300~ 拿MCSD咯~~~


70-300 可是够难的, 要被微软彻底的把脑袋洗一遍才行.:(
最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布
同样是IT, 有些学科过去40年甚至60,80年内基本理论没有太大变化, 只不过多了些新材料,应用,方法.
搞那些东西将来是越老越厉害, 不用年年和年轻人比记性.

树梢动的利害, 在软件行业就是企业应用层面.变动的非常快. 要跟形式.

树根就不动或者 很少动. 例如: 操作系统之类和硬件关系紧密的层次.
没太听说, 有人用OO 坐什么操作系统, 效率还是首位因素.

不过, 应该有点大变化, 不能老手工作坊式的继续干下去吧.
Re: zt C#就是Java只不过差了一点点

最初由 RPGPlayer 发布
不太同意文中观点, 有点偏激
客观一点评价,C#里并没有什么很恐怖的东西。它没有Visual Basic里的那些很恐怖的东西,而且它事实上也没有继承像C里的一些东西,而这些东西会让开发人员开枪却打中自己脚。

[转贴]How to shoot yourself in the foot

stolen from http://id.ctch.net/~gkuhn/shoot_foot.php

370 JCL: You send your foot down to MIS and include a 400-page document explaining exactly how you want it to be shot. Three years later, your foot comes back deep- fried.

Access: You try to point the gun at your foot, but it shoots holes in all your Borland distribution diskettes instead.

Ada: After correctly packing your foot, you attempt to concurrently load the gun, pull the trigger, scream, and shoot yourself in the foot. When you try, however, you discover you can't because your foot is of the wrong type.

Algol: You shoot yourself in the foot with a musket. The musket is aesthetically fascinating, and the wound baffles the adolescent medic in the emergency room.

APL: You shoot yourself in the foot, then spend all day figuring out how to do it in fewer characters.

Apple: We'll let you shoot yourself, but it'll cost you a bundle.
Arc Macro Language: You create a gun polygon and a bullet polygon. &Then &you &realize &that &your &foot &is &in &another UTM &zone.
Assembler: You try to shoot yourself in the foot, only to discover you must first invent the gun, the bullet, the trigger, and your foot.

BASIC: Shoot yourself in the foot with a water pistol. On large systems, continue until entire lower body is waterlogged.

C: You shoot yourself in the foot.

C++: You accidentally create a dozen instances of yourself and shoot them all in the foot. Providing emergency medical assistance is impossible since you can't tell which are bitwise copies and which are just pointing at others and saying, "That's me, over there."

COBOL: Using a COLT 45 HANDGUN, AIM gun at LEG.FOOT, THEN place ARM.HAND.FINGER on HANDGUN.TRIGGER and SQUEEZE. THEN return HANDGUN to HOLSTER. CHECK whether shoelace needs to be re-tied.

Concurrent Euclid: You shoot yourself in somebody else's foot.

Cray: I knew you were going to shoot yourself in the foot.
FORTRAN: You shoot yourself in each toe, iteratively, until you run out of toes, then you read in the next foot and repeat. If you run out of bullets, you continue with the attempts to shoot yourself anyways because you have no exception-handling capability.

FORTH: Foot in yourself shoot.

FORTH (alternate method): begin gun foot shot bullets not or blood until

English: You put your foot in your mouth, then bite it off.

Hewlett-Packard: You can use this machine-gun to shoot yourself in the foot, but the firing pin is broken.

HyperTalk: Put the first bullet of gun into foot left of leg of you. Answer the result.

IBM: You insert a clip into the gun, wait half an hour, and it goes off in random directions. If a bullet hits your foot, you're lucky.

Java: You can do it with a standalone interpreter, but a java applet will not let you access your foot.

LISP: You shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which you shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which you shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which you shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which you shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which you shoot yourself in the appendage which holds...

Microsoft: Object "Foot" will be included in the next release. You can upgrade for $500, and it will be the 'best Foot ever.'

Microsoft (alternate method): You can shoot yourself in the foot, but the method is buried in the docs somewhere.

Modula2: After realizing that you can't actually accomplish anything in this language, you shoot yourself in the head.

Motif: You spend days writing a UIL description of your foot, the bullet, its trajectory, and the intricate scrollwork on the ivory handles of the gun. When you finally get around to pulling the trigger, the gun jams.

NeXT: We don't sell guns anymore, just ammunition.

Paradox: Not only can you shoot yourself in the foot, your users can, too.

Pascal: The compiler won't let you shoot yourself in the foot.

PL/I: You consume all available system resources, including all the offline bullets, The Data Processing & Payroll Department doubles its size, triples its budget, acquires four new mainframes, and drops the original one on your foot.

Prolog: You tell your program that you want to be shot in the foot. The program figures out how to do it, but the syntax doesn't permit it to explain it to you.

Revelation: You're sure you're going to be able to shoot yourself in the foot, just as soon as you figure out what all these nifty little bullet-thingies are for.

SCO Open Desktop SCOPaint: You shoot yourself in the foot with a popgun.

sh, csh, etc.: You can't remember the syntax for anything, so you spend five hours reading man pages before giving up. You then shoot the computer and switch to C.

scheme: You shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which you shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which you shoot yourself in the appendage which holds the gun with which you shoot yourself in the appendage which holds... ...but none of the other appendages are aware of this happening.

Smalltalk: You spend so much time playing with the graphics and windowing system that your boss shoots you in the foot, takes away your workstation, and makes you develop in COBOL on a character terminal.

SNOBOL: If you succeed, shoot yourself in the left foot. If you fail, shoot yourself in the right foot.

Sun: Just as soon as Solaris gets here, you can shoot yourself anywhere you want.

% ls foot.c foot.h foot.o toe.c toe.o
% rm * .o
rm: .o no such file or directory
% ls

Visual Basic: You'll really only _appear_ to have shot yourself in the foot, but you'll have had so much fun doing it that you won't care.



我的猜测是: #(sharp)是五线谱里的一个符号,意思是升高半个音阶.五线谱里的基本音符是CDEFGAB,比C调升高半个音阶就是C#.C++的命名就是因为这种新的语言比C要丰富,所以叫plus plus.那么比C++更新一代的语言叫C+++,读起来就太长,而且容易混淆.所以借用乐谱里的C#,一语双关,表达出比原来的语言略高半筹的意思.
