有没有考微软MCAD 认证的一块聊聊.

Re: Re: zt C#就是Java只不过差了一点点

最初由 无业游民 发布
谁有C#的版本?C#的名字有什么来历? [/B]

C# 是 MS VS.NET 中, 很多开发语言中一种
其他开发语言包括: Visual Basic/C++/Java等
VS.NET现在最新正式版本是Framework 1.1
5CD or 1DVD

C#这个名字的来历, 不太清楚, 大概得去问Bill Gates.:)
最初由 胡说之 发布


我的猜测是: #(sharp)是五线谱里的一个符号,意思是升高半个音阶.五线谱里的基本音符是CDEFGAB,比C调升高半个音阶就是C#.C++的命名就是因为这种新的语言比C要丰富,所以叫plus plus.那么比C++更新一代的语言叫C+++,读起来就太长,而且容易混淆.所以借用乐谱里的C#,一语双关,表达出比原来的语言略高半筹的意思.

Bingo!这也是俺见到过的正确解释。所以C#的发音是C SHARP而不是C POUND。因为在音乐里#发音是SHARP。没听过鬼子说C#的容易想当然地发音,提醒一下别闹笑话。

C = C1
C++ = C(1+1) = C2
C# = C (1+1+1) = C3 while "#"= shift + "3"

C#: The gun fires just fine, but your foot can't figure out where
the bullets are and ignores them.

Python: You try to load the bullet into the gun, but
Guido pulls it away from you and gives you version 2.0.
You try to load the bullet into that gun, but he pulls
it away again and gives you 2.1 and the gun rejects
the bullet. You get another bullet and try again, but
he gives you the beta for 2.2 and this time the bullet
gets lost inside.

Ruby: Load the gun with anything you like and shoot yourself in the foot.
Everything's a bullet, you see.

I passed the 702-305 yestoday (866).
最初由 无业游民 发布

Bingo!这也是俺见到过的正确解释。所以C#的发音是C SHARP而不是C POUND。因为在音乐里#发音是SHARP。没听过鬼子说C#的容易想当然地发音,提醒一下别闹笑话。



# 在国际象棋中, 是表示终结, Checkmate 的意思
最初由 胡说之 发布


我的猜测是: #(sharp)是五线谱里的一个符号,意思是升高半个音阶.五线谱里的基本音符是CDEFGAB,比C调升高半个音阶就是C#.C++的命名就是因为这种新的语言比C要丰富,所以叫plus plus.那么比C++更新一代的语言叫C+++,读起来就太长,而且容易混淆.所以借用乐谱里的C#,一语双关,表达出比原来的语言略高半筹的意思.


You are right!

This is almost same explanatin that I got from Microsoft

Thank you for your patience in waiting for our reply.

C# (pronounced "See-Sharp") inherits the language syntax from C/C++ and is therefore named as a member of the "C" family of programming languages. The "#" symbol is commonly referred to as the "number" or "pound" symbol, but in reality it represents the musical sharp symbol which is used to denote music which should be played at a higher pitch.

You can read more about the musical sharp symbol at: http://en2.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharp .

I hope this answers your questions. If you have any other inquiries, please feel free to write back.



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