不屈的 KANATA 在继续抗议!(俩眼之见)


不屈的 KANATA 在继续抗议!(俩眼之见)

首先声明,我不是 KANATA 集会的组织者,甚至我去参加集会时,没来得及带任何标语,去的也比较晚。
大家伙儿个个举着大小不一、五颜六色的标语牌,一群群的集会者摆着push 在照相,还有一小堆一小堆的人,聚拢一起议论。人群中有记者在采访,人们站在摄像机前滔滔不绝的发表着自己的意见和想法。

这一天,让我看到了 KANATA 人的精神面貌,对于渥太华City 强行把难民营硬塞到本地,对这种违背当地民众意愿的做法,他们敢于站出来说 No!

但是,KANATA 人们的反抗引起了政府的叱责:
1,卡纳塔-卡尔顿 选区的MPP凯伦·麦克里蒙女士把民众的担忧,比如犯罪率可能上升,说成是谎言,说成是煽动宣传,说成是极端右翼分子的做法,“在我们的社区引起恐惧、愤怒和冲突?挑衅一群新来者对另一群人进行非人化?”
2,然后“11 月 17 日星期日由与渥太华市合作的主要组织之一难民 613 以及东安大略联合之路、渥太华投资等组织组织的难民集会。” (原话:Nepean 区议员 Sean 说:I encourage you to attend the Rally for Refugees being organized on Sunday November 17 th by Refugee 613, one of the main organizations partnering with the City of Ottawa, along with the United Way of East Ontario, Invest Ottawa, and other organizations.)

—— 这是一个由官方和资本组织的反示威!

在这种高压之下,KANATA 的集会组织者们没有逃跑,我们将会在明天继续举行抗议!

“希望集会志愿者 号召社区就“在本社区建设难民营”举行公投,这样可以避开很多不必要的问题,第一不用去填写网上建议那种陷阱,因为网上建议是:假设本社区人民同意建设难民营,这个假设不存在!第二,暂时放下对参议员的批判;第三,西方政客很难反对地区自治,比方魁北克。”

据说渥太华将来会建20个难民营,如果大家现在不支持Barhhaven 居民、KANATA 居民反对建造难民营,将来难民营建在你家房子附近时,你还能指望其他人来帮助你们吗?

记得前一段时期看过一篇报道,说是有民调问加拿大人对移民的态度,好像不到20%的人同意移民,说有70%多的人不同意移民。如果这个数据是正确的话,那么加拿大至少目前是像美国一样都反对过多移民。加拿大官方其实心知肚明,不然就不会出现美国要驱逐1千万非法移民,加拿大跟风要驱逐1百万无证移民,这难道是偶然的吗? 至少加拿大政府知道民心所向。


卡纳塔-卡尔顿 选区的MPP凯伦·麦克里蒙女士的原话:

MPP | Députée Kanata-Carleton
I understand that a recent announcement was made that a Kanata South location was being considered for the potential establishment of a welcoming centre for asylum seekers/refugees coming to Canada.
I spoke with Councillors Curry and Hubley and then with Mayor Sutcliffe. The councillors and I all stressed to the Mayor that more open information and consultation was needed, especially in the affected neighbourhoods. Everyone agreed.
Some clarifications are needed here.
1 LIE: A welcome centre will lead to an increase in local crime. This is NOT true. There has been no increase in crime in the vicinity of Ottawa's other temporary sites for hosting newcomers. This LIE has been shared in order to make people afraid. There is no need to be afraid.
2 LIE: The site will be used for other unhoused populations. This is NOT true. The City has applied to the Federal Government for funding for a welcoming centre to receive newcomers and prepare them for the next stage in their Canadian experience. A welcoming centre will free up space in our homeless shelter system. It has been the only place for newcomers to go.
3 LIE: A sprung shelter is a tent. This is NOT true. A sprung shelter is a prefabricated quick assembly building. It is NOT a tent and people who suggest that this is a tent are wilfully trying to confuse and scare people.
4 A very comprehensive site search was conducted by City staff. Other neighbourhoods in Ottawa have surrendered their community and recreation centres to help newcomers. The City is trying to avoid that in the future.
5 The Kanata site is a secondary potential site. It is not funded and requires zoning bylaw changes. This is a much longer-term process, with formalized opportunities for information-sharing and consultation.
Teaching point:
T have been informed that many of the initial instigators of this negative campaign had few or non-existent ties to our community. They specifically, selectively, and heavily targeted members of ethnic diasporas with their disinformation to create anger and fear. These tactics or behaviours are commonly referred to as 'Agitprop'. "Agitation propaganda" is, and was, widely used in the Soviet Union to control populations. Fear and anger manipulate behaviours and opinions. It has also been adopted as a modus operandi by right- wing extremists in many parts of the world, including Canada. There are definitely discussions that need to be had around this issue, but we need to be aware that our fears and anger can be used as weapons against us as a community. This prevents the development of real solutions to any one of the very real challenges facing us today.
Why would someone intentionally:
cause fear, anger, and conflict in our communities?
provoke the dehumanization of one group of newcomers against another?
I don't have an answer for you, but we all need to question. We must always ask WHY!
As with all misinformation campaigns, someone has their own agenda and objectives, and they don't care who gets hurt.
Although this is strictly a City issue, I vigorously oppose any initiative that does not include the provision of comprehensive information and a robust consultation program.
Thank you to everyone who has reached out. Together we can make a difference!
Karen McCrimmon
MPP for Kanata-Carleton

不屈的 KANATA 在继续抗议!(俩眼之见)

首先声明,我不是 KANATA 集会的组织者,甚至我去参加集会时,没来得及带任何标语,去的也比较晚。
大家伙儿个个举着大小不一、五颜六色的标语牌,一群群的集会者摆着push 在照相,还有一小堆一小堆的人,聚拢一起议论。人群中有记者在采访,人们站在摄像机前滔滔不绝的发表着自己的意见和想法。

这一天,让我看到了 KANATA 人的精神面貌,对于渥太华City 强行把难民营硬塞到本地,对这种违背当地民众意愿的做法,他们敢于站出来说 No!

但是,KANATA 人们的反抗引起了政府的叱责:
1,卡纳塔-卡尔顿 选区的MPP凯伦·麦克里蒙女士把民众的担忧,比如犯罪率可能上升,说成是谎言,说成是煽动宣传,说成是极端右翼分子的做法,“在我们的社区引起恐惧、愤怒和冲突?挑衅一群新来者对另一群人进行非人化?”
2,然后“11 月 17 日星期日由与渥太华市合作的主要组织之一难民 613 以及东安大略联合之路、渥太华投资等组织组织的难民集会。” (原话:Nepean 区议员 Sean 说:I encourage you to attend the Rally for Refugees being organized on Sunday November 17 th by Refugee 613, one of the main organizations partnering with the City of Ottawa, along with the United Way of East Ontario, Invest Ottawa, and other organizations.)

—— 这是一个由官方和资本组织的反示威!

在这种高压之下,KANATA 的集会组织者们没有逃跑,我们将会在明天继续举行抗议!

“希望集会志愿者 号召社区就“在本社区建设难民营”举行公投,这样可以避开很多不必要的问题,第一不用去填写网上建议那种陷阱,因为网上建议是:假设本社区人民同意建设难民营,这个假设不存在!第二,暂时放下对参议员的批判;第三,西方政客很难反对地区自治,比方魁北克。”

据说渥太华将来会建20个难民营,如果大家现在不支持Barhhaven 居民、KANATA 居民反对建造难民营,将来难民营建在你家房子附近时,你还能指望其他人来帮助你们吗?

记得前一段时期看过一篇报道,说是有民调问加拿大人对移民的态度,好像不到20%的人同意移民,说有70%多的人不同意移民。如果这个数据是正确的话,那么加拿大至少目前是像美国一样都反对过多移民。加拿大官方其实心知肚明,不然就不会出现美国要驱逐1千万非法移民,加拿大跟风要驱逐1百万无证移民,这难道是偶然的吗? 至少加拿大政府知道民心所向。


卡纳塔-卡尔顿 选区的MPP凯伦·麦克里蒙女士的原话:

MPP | Députée Kanata-Carleton
I understand that a recent announcement was made that a Kanata South location was being considered for the potential establishment of a welcoming centre for asylum seekers/refugees coming to Canada.
I spoke with Councillors Curry and Hubley and then with Mayor Sutcliffe. The councillors and I all stressed to the Mayor that more open information and consultation was needed, especially in the affected neighbourhoods. Everyone agreed.
Some clarifications are needed here.
1 LIE: A welcome centre will lead to an increase in local crime. This is NOT true. There has been no increase in crime in the vicinity of Ottawa's other temporary sites for hosting newcomers. This LIE has been shared in order to make people afraid. There is no need to be afraid.
2 LIE: The site will be used for other unhoused populations. This is NOT true. The City has applied to the Federal Government for funding for a welcoming centre to receive newcomers and prepare them for the next stage in their Canadian experience. A welcoming centre will free up space in our homeless shelter system. It has been the only place for newcomers to go.
3 LIE: A sprung shelter is a tent. This is NOT true. A sprung shelter is a prefabricated quick assembly building. It is NOT a tent and people who suggest that this is a tent are wilfully trying to confuse and scare people.
4 A very comprehensive site search was conducted by City staff. Other neighbourhoods in Ottawa have surrendered their community and recreation centres to help newcomers. The City is trying to avoid that in the future.
5 The Kanata site is a secondary potential site. It is not funded and requires zoning bylaw changes. This is a much longer-term process, with formalized opportunities for information-sharing and consultation.
Teaching point:
T have been informed that many of the initial instigators of this negative campaign had few or non-existent ties to our community. They specifically, selectively, and heavily targeted members of ethnic diasporas with their disinformation to create anger and fear. These tactics or behaviours are commonly referred to as 'Agitprop'. "Agitation propaganda" is, and was, widely used in the Soviet Union to control populations. Fear and anger manipulate behaviours and opinions. It has also been adopted as a modus operandi by right- wing extremists in many parts of the world, including Canada. There are definitely discussions that need to be had around this issue, but we need to be aware that our fears and anger can be used as weapons against us as a community. This prevents the development of real solutions to any one of the very real challenges facing us today.
Why would someone intentionally:
cause fear, anger, and conflict in our communities?
provoke the dehumanization of one group of newcomers against another?
I don't have an answer for you, but we all need to question. We must always ask WHY!
As with all misinformation campaigns, someone has their own agenda and objectives, and they don't care who gets hurt.
Although this is strictly a City issue, I vigorously oppose any initiative that does not include the provision of comprehensive information and a robust consultation program.
Thank you to everyone who has reached out. Together we can make a difference!
Karen McCrimmon
MPP for Kanata-Carleton
不屈的 KANATA 在继续抗议!(俩眼之见)

首先声明,我不是 KANATA 集会的组织者,甚至我去参加集会时,没来得及带任何标语,去的也比较晚。
大家伙儿个个举着大小不一、五颜六色的标语牌,一群群的集会者摆着push 在照相,还有一小堆一小堆的人,聚拢一起议论。人群中有记者在采访,人们站在摄像机前滔滔不绝的发表着自己的意见和想法。

这一天,让我看到了 KANATA 人的精神面貌,对于渥太华City 强行把难民营硬塞到本地,对这种违背当地民众意愿的做法,他们敢于站出来说 No!

但是,KANATA 人们的反抗引起了政府的叱责:
1,卡纳塔-卡尔顿 选区的MPP凯伦·麦克里蒙女士把民众的担忧,比如犯罪率可能上升,说成是谎言,说成是煽动宣传,说成是极端右翼分子的做法,“在我们的社区引起恐惧、愤怒和冲突?挑衅一群新来者对另一群人进行非人化?”
2,然后“11 月 17 日星期日由与渥太华市合作的主要组织之一难民 613 以及东安大略联合之路、渥太华投资等组织组织的难民集会。” (原话:Nepean 区议员 Sean 说:I encourage you to attend the Rally for Refugees being organized on Sunday November 17 th by Refugee 613, one of the main organizations partnering with the City of Ottawa, along with the United Way of East Ontario, Invest Ottawa, and other organizations.)

—— 这是一个由官方和资本组织的反示威!

在这种高压之下,KANATA 的集会组织者们没有逃跑,我们将会在明天继续举行抗议!

“希望集会志愿者 号召社区就“在本社区建设难民营”举行公投,这样可以避开很多不必要的问题,第一不用去填写网上建议那种陷阱,因为网上建议是:假设本社区人民同意建设难民营,这个假设不存在!第二,暂时放下对参议员的批判;第三,西方政客很难反对地区自治,比方魁北克。”

据说渥太华将来会建20个难民营,如果大家现在不支持Barhhaven 居民、KANATA 居民反对建造难民营,将来难民营建在你家房子附近时,你还能指望其他人来帮助你们吗?

记得前一段时期看过一篇报道,说是有民调问加拿大人对移民的态度,好像不到20%的人同意移民,说有70%多的人不同意移民。如果这个数据是正确的话,那么加拿大至少目前是像美国一样都反对过多移民。加拿大官方其实心知肚明,不然就不会出现美国要驱逐1千万非法移民,加拿大跟风要驱逐1百万无证移民,这难道是偶然的吗? 至少加拿大政府知道民心所向。


卡纳塔-卡尔顿 选区的MPP凯伦·麦克里蒙女士的原话:

MPP | Députée Kanata-Carleton
I understand that a recent announcement was made that a Kanata South location was being considered for the potential establishment of a welcoming centre for asylum seekers/refugees coming to Canada.
I spoke with Councillors Curry and Hubley and then with Mayor Sutcliffe. The councillors and I all stressed to the Mayor that more open information and consultation was needed, especially in the affected neighbourhoods. Everyone agreed.
Some clarifications are needed here.
1 LIE: A welcome centre will lead to an increase in local crime. This is NOT true. There has been no increase in crime in the vicinity of Ottawa's other temporary sites for hosting newcomers. This LIE has been shared in order to make people afraid. There is no need to be afraid.
2 LIE: The site will be used for other unhoused populations. This is NOT true. The City has applied to the Federal Government for funding for a welcoming centre to receive newcomers and prepare them for the next stage in their Canadian experience. A welcoming centre will free up space in our homeless shelter system. It has been the only place for newcomers to go.
3 LIE: A sprung shelter is a tent. This is NOT true. A sprung shelter is a prefabricated quick assembly building. It is NOT a tent and people who suggest that this is a tent are wilfully trying to confuse and scare people.
4 A very comprehensive site search was conducted by City staff. Other neighbourhoods in Ottawa have surrendered their community and recreation centres to help newcomers. The City is trying to avoid that in the future.
5 The Kanata site is a secondary potential site. It is not funded and requires zoning bylaw changes. This is a much longer-term process, with formalized opportunities for information-sharing and consultation.
Teaching point:
T have been informed that many of the initial instigators of this negative campaign had few or non-existent ties to our community. They specifically, selectively, and heavily targeted members of ethnic diasporas with their disinformation to create anger and fear. These tactics or behaviours are commonly referred to as 'Agitprop'. "Agitation propaganda" is, and was, widely used in the Soviet Union to control populations. Fear and anger manipulate behaviours and opinions. It has also been adopted as a modus operandi by right- wing extremists in many parts of the world, including Canada. There are definitely discussions that need to be had around this issue, but we need to be aware that our fears and anger can be used as weapons against us as a community. This prevents the development of real solutions to any one of the very real challenges facing us today.
Why would someone intentionally:
cause fear, anger, and conflict in our communities?
provoke the dehumanization of one group of newcomers against another?
I don't have an answer for you, but we all need to question. We must always ask WHY!
As with all misinformation campaigns, someone has their own agenda and objectives, and they don't care who gets hurt.
Although this is strictly a City issue, I vigorously oppose any initiative that does not include the provision of comprehensive information and a robust consultation program.
Thank you to everyone who has reached out. Together we can make a difference!
Karen McCrimmon
MPP for Kanata-Carleton






