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。。The man “fighting for his right” showed no respect for the other residents in the room who were there to also advocate for their rights by making a scene and accosting the Counsellor. I don’t care what Nationality the person is. I mentioned the group of Chinese demonstrators because they came together, wore the same protest shirts, challenged other residents sitting at tables about asylum seekers “cheating the system” and not even about the issue on the shirts about No tents! , cheering on the bizarre antics of the member of their group. Laying hands on other people is 100% unacceptable. It ruined the opportunity of others who are not in favour to be taken seriously.
。。The man “fighting for his right” showed no respect for the other residents in the room who were there to also advocate for their rights by making a scene and accosting the Counsellor. I don’t care what Nationality the person is. I mentioned the group of Chinese demonstrators because they came together, wore the same protest shirts, challenged other residents sitting at tables about asylum seekers “cheating the system” and not even about the issue on the shirts about No tents! , cheering on the bizarre antics of the member of their group. Laying hands on other people is 100% unacceptable. It ruined the opportunity of others who are not in favour to be taken seriously.
同意热老师说的。积极发声是对的。但要注意方式方法, 别被别人当枪使, 或者被变成靶子。 华人智慧应该是有的, 别有用心的除外。媒体带风向太厉害了。
这些道貌岸然的左棍突然就特么找到道德制高点了 如果是穆斯林跟黑人 这帮看碟下菜的左棍绝对缩在角落里不断自责