


无论他说是51州, 还是52州, 既然他提出了proposal, 那就仔细问问他想要如何操作此事, 他的proposal的报价是什么, 具体有哪些吸引加拿大和格林兰加入美国的措施。 或者, 他想要如何使用武力来胁迫各地加入美国。

相信我, 只要谈到具体条件, 如果他没有真的准备好, 那么他的所谓51,52不攻自破;如果他真的offer了一个非常吸引人的条件, 好到足够让大家放弃原本的国家, 主动奔赴,并入美国, 那还有什么好说的, 开开心心去就好了。
我发现你非常地天真,大嘴说美国每年花2千亿保护加拿大,如果美国省下这钱,加拿大就会解体,你指望他offer 什么?他说了economic force.

"We're losing $200 billion a year and more to protect Canada, and I said that to, as I called him, 'Governor Trudeau.' I said, 'Listen, what would happen if we didn't subsidize you?' He said, 'Canada would dissolve,'" Trump claimed.

In the past, Trump has accused Canada of accepting a $100-billion subsidy from the United States. It's unclear exactly what he is referencing, but it may refer to the trade deficit between the two countries. A trade deficit occurs when the dollar value of a country's imports is more than its exports. In 2023, the U.S. trade deficit with Canada was US$41 billion.

But on Tuesday, that purported $100-billion subsidy rose to $200 billion. CTVNews.ca has reached out to Trump's media office to clarify what the $200-billion figure represents.

"I love the Canadian people, they're great," he said. "We're spending hundreds of billions a year to take care of Canada. … We can't do it forever."
trump calls canada border artificially drawn line


要是川普玩真的,派兵过来,我就做一回汪精卫。 :jiayou:



Trump open to using 'economic force' to acquire Canada as a state​

1 hr 9 min ago

Trump, who vowed to stop wars, doesn't rule out using military to wrest control of Panama Canal and Greenland​

From CNN's Michael Williams

President-elect Donald Trump did not rule out using the military to wrest control of the Panama Canal and Greenland during remarks to the press on Tuesday.

Asked directly whether he would rule out using “military or economic coercion” to see through his goal of gaining those territories, the president-elect responded, “no.”

“No, I can’t assure you on either of those two, but I can say this, we need them for economic security,” he said.

His apparent openness to using the military to achieve those goals comes despite his promises to avoid wars once he is sworn in.

“I’m not going to start a war,” Trump said during his victory speech after winning the 2024 election. “I’m going to stop wars.”

Since his election, Trump has repeatedly raised his interest in acquiring both the Panama Canal and Greenland. His remarks on Tuesday were the first time he has suggested using the military to do so.

Asked later whether he would also use the military against Canada, which he has also floated the US acquiring, Trump replied: “No, economic force.”



无论他说是51州, 还是52州, 既然他提出了proposal, 那就仔细问问他想要如何操作此事, 他的proposal的报价是什么, 具体有哪些吸引加拿大和格林兰加入美国的措施。 或者, 他想要如何使用武力来胁迫各地加入美国。

相信我, 只要谈到具体条件, 如果他没有真的准备好, 那么他的所谓51,52不攻自破;如果他真的offer了一个非常吸引人的条件, 好到足够让大家放弃原本的国家, 主动奔赴,并入美国, 那还有什么好说的, 开开心心去就好了。
Donald Trump Jr. poses after arriving in Nuuk, Greenland on January 7, 2025.

Donald Trump Jr. poses after arriving in Nuuk, Greenland on January 7, 2025.
EMIL STACH/AFP/Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Ima





EU will not tolerate attacks on its borders, France says after Trump Greenland comments​

我发现你非常地天真,大嘴说美国每年花2千亿保护加拿大,如果美国省下这钱,加拿大就会解体,你指望他offer 什么?他说了economic force.

"We're losing $200 billion a year and more to protect Canada, and I said that to, as I called him, 'Governor Trudeau.' I said, 'Listen, what would happen if we didn't subsidize you?' He said, 'Canada would dissolve,'" Trump claimed.

In the past, Trump has accused Canada of accepting a $100-billion subsidy from the United States. It's unclear exactly what he is referencing, but it may refer to the trade deficit between the two countries. A trade deficit occurs when the dollar value of a country's imports is more than its exports. In 2023, the U.S. trade deficit with Canada was US$41 billion.

But on Tuesday, that purported $100-billion subsidy rose to $200 billion. CTVNews.ca has reached out to Trump's media office to clarify what the $200-billion figure represents.

"I love the Canadian people, they're great," he said. "We're spending hundreds of billions a year to take care of Canada. … We can't do it forever."

换你来收购, 你难道会主动给出高溢价?你当然会使劲压价, 什么我花钱保护你, 我撤了你指定崩溃, 你最好降低报价, 最好倒贴让我收购。

对不对?这是人之常情。 哪个做生意的不这么做?

以前说法是, 嫌货才是买货人。你去市场买东西, 难道是先把对方夸成花,把价格抬上去, 再掏钱?真想买的,肯定第一件事就是找各种问题压价。

既然如此, 人家压上来了, 你难道逃得掉?坐在家里生闷气,使劲骂川普, 就能如愿了?别傻别天真了。

这种时候当然要直接面对, 告诉对方, 压根就不卖。 你真敢玩儿横的, 我可以跟你的敌人合作。 大家一拍两散, 你要觉得划得来, 你就放马过来。
如果还是想合作, 真想买, 那就好好谈谈条件呗, 但是不给出足够的溢价, 这笔买卖想都不要想。

无论是合作还是收购, 本来就应该是一边使劲压价, 一边坐地起价, 最后往中间谈拢了,双方都觉得满意, 才会有结果嘛。
当然, 如果你真觉得自己手里压根也没有什么筹码和对方谈, 看自己这边是样样不行, 能活着就已经是对方无上恩赐了, 那还骂川普做什么?那还有什么好生气的?

换你来收购, 你难道会主动给出高溢价?你当然会使劲压价, 什么我花钱保护你, 我撤了你指定崩溃, 你最好降低报价, 最好倒贴让我收购。

对不对?这是人之常情。 哪个做生意的不这么做?

以前说法是, 嫌货才是买货人。你去市场买东西, 难道是先把对方夸成花,把价格抬上去, 再掏钱?真想买的,肯定第一件事就是找各种问题压价。

既然如此, 人家压上来了, 你难道逃得掉?坐在家里生闷气,使劲骂川普, 就能如愿了?别傻别天真了。

这种时候当然要直接面对, 告诉对方, 压根就不卖。 你真敢玩儿横的, 我可以跟你的敌人合作。 大家一拍两散, 你要觉得划得来, 你就放马过来。
如果还是想合作, 真想买, 那就好好谈谈条件呗, 但是不给出足够的溢价, 这笔买卖想都不要想。

无论是合作还是收购, 本来就应该是一边使劲压价, 一边坐地起价, 最后往中间谈拢了,双方都觉得满意, 才会有结果嘛。
拜托。 你看川普认识到这一点了嘛?如果按照你说的, 主权问题没有谈判余地, 都是打出来的。
那么川普在媒体上扯什么蛋?直接学普京闪电战, 一小时之内,渥太华沦陷不就行了。 美国军队开过边境占领渥太华, 估计一个小时都不用。

既然他想玩谈判游戏, 那就谈呗。 因为如果他想“都是打出来的”, 那就没啥好谈的。 如果他在口花花, 那么越谈,就越能暴露其根本没想拿下加拿大。