- 注册
- 2010-12-10
- 消息
- 9,969
- 荣誉分数
- 2,072
- 声望点数
- 323
我发现你非常地天真,大嘴说美国每年花2千亿保护加拿大,如果美国省下这钱,加拿大就会解体,你指望他offer 什么?他说了economic force.大家记住一句话:一具体,就深刻。
无论他说是51州, 还是52州, 既然他提出了proposal, 那就仔细问问他想要如何操作此事, 他的proposal的报价是什么, 具体有哪些吸引加拿大和格林兰加入美国的措施。 或者, 他想要如何使用武力来胁迫各地加入美国。
相信我, 只要谈到具体条件, 如果他没有真的准备好, 那么他的所谓51,52不攻自破;如果他真的offer了一个非常吸引人的条件, 好到足够让大家放弃原本的国家, 主动奔赴,并入美国, 那还有什么好说的, 开开心心去就好了。
"We're losing $200 billion a year and more to protect Canada, and I said that to, as I called him, 'Governor Trudeau.' I said, 'Listen, what would happen if we didn't subsidize you?' He said, 'Canada would dissolve,'" Trump claimed.
In the past, Trump has accused Canada of accepting a $100-billion subsidy from the United States. It's unclear exactly what he is referencing, but it may refer to the trade deficit between the two countries. A trade deficit occurs when the dollar value of a country's imports is more than its exports. In 2023, the U.S. trade deficit with Canada was US$41 billion.
But on Tuesday, that purported $100-billion subsidy rose to $200 billion. has reached out to Trump's media office to clarify what the $200-billion figure represents.
"I love the Canadian people, they're great," he said. "We're spending hundreds of billions a year to take care of Canada. … We can't do it forever."