yu123456 新手上路 注册 2004-01-28 消息 109 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-05-11 #32 1.6 isnt that bad, the weapons are different and i think all maps are toooo dark even with flashlight or nightvision but its cool, theres chinese instead of pin ying
1.6 isnt that bad, the weapons are different and i think all maps are toooo dark even with flashlight or nightvision but its cool, theres chinese instead of pin ying
蜗牛 -=湘君府=-*大掌柜* 注册 2002-11-05 消息 1,989 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-05-19 #34 1.6,为了回CFC玩,我又不得不开始适应1.5的各种枪! 而且现在1.6又更新服务器了,准心非常小,很容易爆头,打起来好爽! 而且好像作弊也不是那么容易!