精华 [请求] 想买个cd,mp3兼容的随身听,大家推荐一下

Re: Re: [请求] 想买个cd,mp3兼容的随身听,大家推荐一下

最初由 Stanley 发布
我用panasonic CT-710 好几个月了,感觉很不错。这宽CD机比以前的panasonic机器薄,还代着可以直接机内充电的Ni电池,117个小时(MP3)。这个可是省了我不少电池钱。在音效方面,重音效果很好,可能也和耳机有关系。另外我听MP3失真不严重,要是MP3的频率在192K左右的话,感觉和听CD唱片没什么两样。另外,液晶remote也方便控制。

经常一个盘里放130首(192k) MP3的歌,现在的烦恼是经常在盘里找不到想听的歌。:p
Where did u get it?
Re: Re: Re: [请求] 想买个cd,mp3兼容的随身听,大家推荐一下

最初由 mjponly 发布

Where did u get it?

BestBuy. 买的,不是偷的:o
Re: Re: Re: [请求] 想买个cd,mp3兼容的随身听,大家推荐一下

最初由 therion 发布




Just got a CT-810 from Bestbuy,and it was only 189.99, audio system is pretty good.
Just one problem, because it's my first time to use a MP3 player....:( so a easy question to some of u. Can't I just download MP3 music directly from the internet into the CD player ? or I have to make them into discs and record into the CD?:blowzy: Thanks
You will have to burn MP3's on a CD-R(W). Since the player doesn't have any burning ability.

I use to think there is some kind of connection betweet PC and the CD player, so I could simply download music into the the CD's memory,no cd-r needed. Haha, it seems this high-tech hasn't come out yet...:D
Re: re

最初由 mjponly 发布
I use to think there is some kind of connection betweet PC and the CD player, so I could simply download music into the the CD's memory,no cd-r needed. Haha, it seems this high-tech hasn't come out yet...:D

Re: re

最初由 mjponly 发布
I use to think there is some kind of connection betweet PC and the CD player, so I could simply download music into the the CD's memory,no cd-r needed. Haha, it seems this high-tech hasn't come out yet...:D
